Weird music on my yellow.
Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2007-09-18 12:37:38
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Could be some corruption caused by the Yellow MissingNO.
Hi, everyone. Sorry I've not been on in ages. Okay, right now I'm playing my Pokemon Yellow, trying to get the Yellow MissingNo. I think I messed it up but right so after I beaten my rival and the woman in the tower, I went outside, about to exit the gate when a message appeared on my screen. After I won he said something but it was in blocks. After I won, I heard a strange cry. So I went to the Pokemon center to heal my Pokemon, then this weird music started playing, and I couldn't move. So, any ideas?
Sounds like Lugia, eh? Strange…
Now that I think of it…doesn't one of MissingNo's cries sound like Unown? I remember hearing once that they even took that cryand made it Unown's later. The only cries I've heard are Nidoran male and Dragonair though (or roughly those cries).
The cry, after the battle, with the Super Nerd (2nd time), sounded like Lugia's. I heard, well I read about it, somewhere that one of the Gltiches, like LM4 I think, has a slowed-down cry, of a town, or something. Yellow MissingNo.'s cry, I've never neard, because he kept freezing my screen. Also my Yellow deleted my data, last night, and I lost my Mew. So, I've started once again, and hopefully, know where I went wrong.