Re: Generation V semi-confirmed?
Posted by: Guy
Date: 2010-02-16 13:25:53
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I doubt Nintendo would release a new Pokemon RPG for the DS. The games usually follow a pattern. On the GBA for example: Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald then Red and Green remakes. The DS is on course to follow the same pattern. Diamond, Pearl, Platinum then Gold and Silver remakes. If anything this is going to be for the DS2 or maybe as a DSi exclusive.
One could say RBY and GSC were both on GB. Add they said it to be for DS, I believe
There are no more title colors.
ANOTHER GAME/GENERATION?! I heard about this… aren't the versions called black and white or something?
I know, Nintendo doesn't seem to know when it's time to actually stop making Pokémon games.
ANOTHER GAME/GENERATION?! I heard about this… aren't the versions called black and white or something?
As long as Pokemon keeps making lots of money (which it does), they will keep milking it until it's dry. It's not that time yet. (Nintendo actually DOES know when to stop.)
Expect Generation 6 in a few years.
And of course they're losing players, SCared_Fir3, because the players that you are referring to are growing up, and finding less time for videogames. At the same time, they are getting NEW players as well, so it evens out.
"Going too far" is what idiotic Gen.1-Gen.2 extremists say. No offense. And PLEASE change your avatar…it's very disturbing….