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Forum Games

Thy GlitchCityMan - Page 27

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-03 04:21:39

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-03 05:58:27
YOu take out a knife attempting to stab yourself in the face.  Howerver, the knife's metal blade gets pulled towards Magnezone's magnet.  Magnezone prevents your suicide.  Lord Flatulon laughs at what just happened and orders Weezing to use Flamethrower.  Twin streams of fire burst from the Weezing's mouths.  Both you and Magnezone get down to avoid the flames, which hit the back wall, incinerating it, and revealing another corridor!  This one is kinda short, and has a door at the end, on which "POKE BALL ROOM" is written.  Weezing, meanwhile, is gearing up to use Flamethrower again.  Here are your options: Magnezone's magnets have bent the knife so much it couldn't be used to slice bread, so using the knife for ANYTHING is out of the question.  Weezing's Flamethrower also fried the bomb, so that wouldn't work, even if none of Team Flatulence had Quagsire.  Magnezone seems determined to prevent your suicide, so any suicide attempts will fail.  You notice that the chute leading to the warehouse is still open.  You can RIDE MAGNEZONE UP TO THE WAREHOUSE, but it's still locked.  Might buy you some time, though.  You can CONTINUE TO BATTLE, though a Weezing that knows Fire-attacks isn't exactly advantageous towards Magnezone.  You can ENTER POKE BALL ROOM.  Judging by the name, it is obviously used for the storage of Poke Balls.  However, it doesn't say if the Pokeballs are empty or occupied, and if they are occupied, there's no garuntee that whatever's inside will be loyal to you.

What do you do???

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-03 06:08:22

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-03 06:56:20
You somehow fit Weezing into your mouth and eat it.  Magnezone smacks itself on its, uh, forehead with one of its magnets.  Lord Flatulon is at a loss for words, but this doesn't stop him from pulling out TWO Pokeballs and sending out a Toxicroak and Muk.  Magnezone, determined to even the odds, uses Mirror Shot on Weezing's Pokeball, shattering it, and then shoves one of your empty Pokeballs down your throat.  A whirring noise and the sudden loss of pressure in your stomach tells you that you captured the Weezing.  Magnezone then detatches a magnet and holds it over your mouth.  Seconds later, the Pokeball containing Weezing flies out.  Magnezone then gives you the Pokeball.  Weezing then emerges from the ball, and at that point it is obvious that recapturing it has changed its loyalties.  It floats next to Magnezone and glares at its former trainer.

With Weezing now on your side, you might stand a chance against Toxicroak and Muk, so you can CONTINUE THE BATTLE.  YOu can also ENTER THE POKE BALL ROOM and see what's in there.  You could also RIDE MAGNEZONE/WEEZING UP THE CHUTE to the warehouse, although the warehouse is locked.  Then another, sneakier idea enters your head- you can TELL MAGNEZONE TO STEAL TOXICROAK AND MUK'S POKEBALLS.
Of course, this will enrage Lord Flatulon, but hey!  You'll have a Toxicroak and Muk!

What do you do?

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-03 08:10:38

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-03 08:18:30
You eat Lord Flatulon.  However, he farts, rocketing himself back out of your mouth.  Now he's mad.  He tells both Toxicroak and Muk to use Gunk Shot.  Magnezone blocks the attacks- being a Steel-type, it is unaffected.  However, the force of the attacks knocks Magnezone backwards anyway, slamming into you and Weezing, which propels you into the Poke Ball room.  You look around- there are shelves upon shelves packed with Pokeballs.  Lord Flatulon gives chase, so you run through the room, reading nameplates in front of Pokeballs, catching names like Poliwhirl, Scizor, Purugly, Graveler, and Wobbuffet.  Eventually you find yourself cornered.  However, right behind you, in the corner, is a Pokeball on a pedestal.  The nameplate is faded and impossible to make out.  It says something like "M..s…no."  Lord Flatulon and his Toxicroak and Muk are surrounding you.  As if that weren't enough, Lord Flatulon also sends out a Crobat.  That's three against two.  You review your options.  You are completely surrounded, so escape is impossible.  Your stomach is cramping up, so you can't eat anything.  You know there's something in that Pokeball that might be able to help you.  You could "THROW POKEBALL".  However, there's no telling what's in there or how hostile it is.  You could CONTINUE BATTLE, but three against two isn't a fair fight.  Though, Crobat could easily be disposed of by Magnezone…  You can TRY TO ESCAPE, which will probably fail, seeing as you're cornered- but perhaps Magnezone or Weezing can ferry you over your foes.

What do you do???

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-03 09:06:14

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-03 11:00:53
But having already eaten a poison gas Pokemon, a magnet Pokemon, and a farting dictator, your stomach has had enough and you barf Muk, Toxicroak, and Crobat back out.  Your options now are the same as last time.

What do you do???

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-05-03 12:40:55

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-03 13:08:55
You leap onto Magnezone and give the order.  Swiftly, magnezone soars above the head of Lord Flatulon, out of the Pokeball room, into the hall, and up the chute.  You find yourself in the warehouse, with the locked door, the cans of beans, and the Wailord-sized wax cheeseburger.  All of a sudden, a door opens in the cheeseburger and swarms of Flatulence Grunts swarm out and look up at you.  Magnezone lifts you up to the balcony, but already several Flatulence Grunts are up there.  You then notice around a corner a scared-looking Croagunk.  Croagunk sees you and eyes you suspiciously.  Then you find yourself surrounded by Flatulence Grunts.  Worse, Lord Flatulon's Crobat gently lets down its trainer directly in front of you.  He sends Toxicroak and Muk back out and faces you.  You then notice a pokeball stuck to Magnezone's back magnet.  Your options are as thus: THROW POKEBALL (it could be from the Poke Ball Room, and thus could contain a Pokemon that can help); BATTLE LORD FLATULON (Three against two still isn't fair, but still…); THROW AN EMPTY POKEBALL AT THE CROAGUNK (it seems suspicious of you, but a Croagunk may be useful); TRY TO ESCAPE (not likely to work, but always an option).

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-03 18:17:30

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-05-03 20:24:07
You try to die, but fail. You remember your good life and decide not to be suicidal.

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2009-05-05 17:53:26

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-06 05:29:19
But nothing happened.

Magnezone gets tired waiting for someone to give an actual order, drops the Poke Ball in your hands, and blasts Crobat with a Thunderbolt.  Crobat drops down unconscious.  Muk roars in retaliation.  But before Magnezone does anything, Croagunk begins calling out to it.  Magnezone listens to it for a minute, then begins spinning its magnets.  This causes an electric field to start crackling around it.  Croagunk then yells 'CROOOAAA!"  Magnezone then rushes forward to use Tackle, the attack knocking out Muk.  You and Croagunk look at each other, and this time, Croagunk is not suspicious at all.  It races forwards and stands beside Magnezone, clearly wishing to fight alongside you. 

The tables are turned.  Lord Flatulon only has Toxicroak left, whereas you have Magnezone and Weezing, plus a Croagunk that isn't technically yours, but wants to fight alongside you.  Oh, and whatever's in that Pokeball.  You can do one of the following.  You can CAPTURE CROAGUNK so Lord Flatulon can't.  However, this would waste precious time.  You can THROW MYSTERY POKEBALL and hope that whatever's inside won't make things worse.  You can CONTINUE BATTLE with the Pokemon you have out right now.  You can SWITCH MAGNEZONE OUT FOR WEEZING.  You CAN'T eat anything or anyone, as your stomach is still recovering from Lord Flatulon.  You cannot die or attempt suicide or murder, as your Pokemon will prevent your suicide, and Lord Flatulon's Toxicroak will not allow the death of his master.  And as seen above, imploding explosions have the same effect in this game as Splash.

What do you do?????????

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-06 05:55:49