Re: Thy GlitchCityMan
Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2010-05-13 23:10:18
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If the Fearow took everything that he gave you, all you would have is the thing your aunt gave you that you don't know what it is, because it has a habit of returning…
No Master Balls
No Rare Candies
No Full Heals
No Pokemon
That being said and done:
^No, you still have all that stuff. Chaos Hiruko's post doesn't count, since Zowayiz got in before him. But….
You surrender. But as you raise your hands, one of them touches the electromagnetic barrier for a second. The sudden jolt makes you twitch, and a Pokeball falls off your belt. It then opens, and Magneton hovers before you, awaiting orders.
You have Magneton and Missingno., those items, and the cash. You have no exit. What do you do?
^NO, all you left outside was Venustoise and one of the Missingno.. You still had the other one and all the items and money, which was all the Koolaid man handed you. Anyway…
Remember? You had NO Pokemon until he returned them to you.
You check your belt and realize that your Pokeballs are gone. The ones with Pokemon in them, anyway…