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Forum Games

Thy GlitchCityMan - Page 28

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-06 14:02:42
*smacks forehead*

You attempt to, but Croagunk hits you with Poison Jab.  Rape attempt fails.

Magnezone, meanwhile, fires off a Flash Cannon at Toxicroak, which it counters with Focus Blast.  Magnezone is KOed.  Croagunk then steps in to battle.  You can CONTINUE BATTLE, CAPTURE CROAGUNK, SEND OUT WEEZING, THROW MYSTERY POKEBALL, or TRY TO ESCAPE.  Croagunk shoots you a look that plainly tells you that it will Poison Jab you again if you try to rape anything or anyone.  You CAN'T eat anything or anyone, as your stomach is still recovering from Lord Flatulon.  You cannot die or attempt suicide or murder, as your Pokemon will prevent your suicide, and Lord Flatulon's Toxicroak will not allow the death of his master.  And as seen above, imploding explosions have the same effect in this game as Splash.

What do you do???

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-06 19:32:33

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2009-05-06 23:10:56
The attack fails, you must recharge.

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-06 23:25:59

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2009-05-07 07:45:40
The attack fails once again. Your options are: USE SOME PWNING MOVE, CHANGE POKEMON, USE AN ITEM, or, you can't run froma trainer battle. I mean CALL. :p

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-07 07:47:22

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2009-05-07 07:49:17
I'm sorry, that isn't a valid option.

Your options are: USE SOME PWNING MOVE, CHANGE POKEMON, USE AN ITEM, or, you can't run froma trainer battle. I mean CALL. :p

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-07 08:03:15
All options are valid in this game.

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-07 14:34:45

All options are valid in this game.


I'll go with your seizure thing.  Unhappily, but still…

You have a seizure.  Fortunately, it lasts for only 1/487 of a second, but that's enough time for your hand to involuntarily fling the mystery Pokeball.  It lands on the ground and for a second, you think it's empty.  Then it bursts open, and a shitload of bright light flies out of it and forms itself into a ten-foot-tall L-shaped Pokemon.  As the light fades, you realize that the Pokemon has a white body with black, orange, and purple markings.  Among the markings you see an eye and half a mouth.  It turns to face Lord Flatulon's Toxicroak. 

MISSINGNO.!  It roars.  You realize then that the nameplate on that Pokeball in the Pokeball room must have once read "Missingno."!  Missingno. hovers in place, awaiting orders.  It seems to be loyal to you- or at least, it hates Lord Flatulon.  Either way, this is good.  You then send out Weezing, who floats between Missingno. and Croagunk.  All three Pokemon await orders.  You then look behind you- a squad of Flatulence Grunts is blocking your way.  Escape now is impossible and battle is the only option.  You can ORDER CROAGUNK TO ATTACK.  However, there's no telling if it will obey a direct order since it's still wild.  You can ORDER WEEZING TO ATTACK.  However, having been formerly owned by Lord Flatulon, it may still have sympathies towards its former trainer.  You can ORDER MISSINGNO. TO ATTACK.  However, you don't know if Missingno. will obey a direct order, as you don't know whether it is loyal to you, or if it just hates Lord Flatulon.  Or, you can CONSULT CROAGUNK FOR STRATEGIES.  As Croagunk seemed to come up with the electric Tackle strategy for Magnezone, it may have other ideas.

Croagunk shoots you a look that plainly tells you that it will Poison Jab you again if you try to rape anything or anyone.  You CAN'T eat anything or anyone, as your stomach is still recovering from Lord Flatulon.  You cannot die or attempt suicide or murder, as your Pokemon will prevent your suicide, and Lord Flatulon's Toxicroak will not allow the death of his master.  Imploding explosions have the same effect in this game as Splash.  And that seizure from before gave you immunity against future seizures.

What do you do???

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-07 18:59:33

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-08 20:52:17
You question Missingno. as to its loyalties.  In response, it blasts Toxicroak with a Thunderbolt and smiles at you.  You take that to mean "Both".  Toxicroak, meanwhile, is KOed by the Thunderbolt attack.  Lord Flatulon is at a loss for words.  However, he soon recovers when a grunt rushes up and hands him a large armful of Pokeballs.  Lord Flatulon throws them, sending out the following: Golem, Fearow, Altaria, Dustox, Scyther, Pinsir, Machoke, Dugtrio, and Arbok.  You realize that the Pokeball room is basically an almost-endless supply of Pokemon that are loyal to anyone who sends them out.  You consider your options.  Battling is almost out of the question in your current state- with only Weezing, Missingno., and a wild Croagunk on your side (and Magnezone KOed), you would stand little chance against this veritable army.  You could TRY TO BATTLE, which might work through sheer luck.  You could RIDE MISSINGNO./WEEZING TO POKE BALL ROOM.  If you can grab some of those Pokeballs, you'll have a better chance.  You could JOIN TEAM FLATULENCE.  If you're on their side, they'll probably stop attacking you.

What do you do?????

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-08 21:30:46

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-09 06:30:42
You announce that you give up and are willing to join Team Flatulence.  Lord Flatulon smiles.  "Good," he says.  "I knew you'd see it our way.  Come with me!"  And he opens up a secret door in the wall.  You return Weezing and Missingno. to their Pokeballs and throw an empty one at Croagunk, capturing it.  You follow Lord Flatulon down a steep spiral staircase, then down a corridor leading to a dead end.  He takes out a small remote control and presses a button opening a door leading to the very corridor in which you had been fighting earlier.  He leads you into the Poke Ball Room.  At one end, he opens a secret door and hands you a grunt's uniform.  You enter the dressing room he indicates and change into the uniform.  As you emerge, he says "Good.  Now, here is a Pokemon in return for you entering our service."  And he hands you a Poke Ball.  He then shines a small flashlight on you.  You feel your Pokeballs quiver.  He then tells you "That was a healing light.  Your Pokemon have been fully healed."  Just then, a loud BANG! sounds from overhead.  Lord Flatulon looks worried.  "It's the fuzz!  Damn!  C'mon, kid, we got a situation!"  You follow Lord Flatulon upstairs to see cops arresting grunts left and right.  A pair of cops corner you and Lord Flatulon.  "Freeze, punks!  You are under arrest!"  they yell in unison.  Together, they send out their Pokemon- a pair of Growlithe.  In response, Lord Flatulon sends out Skuntank, and indicates that you should send something out as well.  YOu consider your options; Betraying Team Flatulence could work, but you're not sure if you can convince the cops you only pretended to join.  Besides, once you joined, Lord Flatulon's been good to you.  You figure that Team Flatulence may have a lot to offer.  The more logical course of action would be to battle.  You can SEND OUT WEEZING, SEND OUT MAGNEZONE, SEND OUT CROAGUNK, SEND OUT MISSINGNO., or SEND OUT WHATEVER IS IN THE POKEBALL LORD FLATULON HANDED YOU EARLIER.  Of course, you're a little unsure about that last one, for all you know, Lord Flatulon could've given you a Parasect or a Snover.  On the other hand, it could be a Kabutops, or maybe a Gastrodon.  Or a Magikarp.  Either way, there's only one way to find out!

What do you do???

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-09 08:01:09
> RAPE POLICE OFFICERS (now that Croagunk's in a ball, he can't jab me)

Re: Thy GlitchCityMan

Posted by: Missingno. Master
Date: 2009-05-09 08:19:07
YOu would think that, wouldn't you?

You attempt to rape the police officers.  However, Croagunk emerges from its Pokeball and swiftly catches you with a Poison Jab.  It then smacks you for good measure. 

What do you do?