Re: The dream thread
Posted by: Spoink
Date: 2018-07-14 18:47:40
Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.
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I had the most vivid dream I've had in years today, and I remember a few parts in huge detail:
1. The ending fight against Sephiroth in FF7… except with Nerf guns instead of weapons. This included summons. (Knights of the Round was interesting. They used giant Nerf bullets to stab with.)
2. Metroid Prime-style boss battle, late-game but not final boss:
A giant chasm opens in the floor right after you get the Sonic Missiles (for those of you who've played Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, it's like the Annihilator's Super Missile combo, mixed with a Seeker Missile and standard Super Missile and even faster, and it replaced the normal Missiles) and a GIANT BORGIFIED BRONCHYOSAURUS (the one with the long neck) shows up, it's like 500 feet tall and below the ice. Every so often, it'll knock some ice up from underneath and make ice mountain things, which come in handy here. Every so <longer period>, it'll throw up an orb that expands to be a hollow circular disc with partial rings spinning inside. This fired a beam that would kill you instantly unless you were behind an ice mountain (the mountains were huge and it took 30 seconds to charge, it's more fair than it sounds). After it fires, you can damage it. If you deal enough, when it falls down and the cyberdino picks it back up (to reset it) it explodes, dealing damage. Repeat 5 more times, win.
>It's a "Bert dreams he's not a complete loser and has a girlfriend who loves him" dream
It seems like he was online on BetaArchive just a couple of days ago, if I'm correct in assuming Battler is him. (signed up on there just to check)
I had a dream last week where I saw Wack0 online on Discord.
Miss him.