Re: The Banned Episodes
Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-03-29 20:40:03
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I've only seen the Tentacruel episode, and have it on tape. It's been so long, though. Maybe I should watch it again so I can better understand what you guys are talking about. All I really remember was that it was a sucky episode IMO back then.
Oh yeah, I don't think it's still banned, but the second episode of Sabrina's series (the one where Ash gets the Haunter) was banned for a while after 9/11. Why? It was called "The Tower of Terror"
Can we move past The TNT episode?
Cause every time I hear about it now I get full with rage…
So what about short scenes from the anime that have been cut out?
Like in the first episode where Misty slaps Ash or that time some one hit some one else with a log.
Or that time meowth was lighting matches?
Last time I saw it, Richie, still has Zippo, the Charmeleon.