Re: The Banned Episodes
Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-03-29 17:21:32
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Ditto. But I gotta trustable source.
Weird. I've not seen the episodes, in years. I lost track. ??
I saw the bombs, on one of the episodes, of Ash and Pikachu's anniversary, or was it with the Eevee Brothers. Guns, in the Squirtle Squad, episode? Nope. Never saw one gun. Like I said with us, English lot, we censor/edit, episodes.
I didn't see guns in the Squirtle Squad episode eithier.
I got a video of it too.
I saw the bombs, on one of the episodes, of Ash and Pikachu's anniversary, or was it with the Eevee Brothers. Guns, in the Squirtle Squad, episode? Nope. Never saw one gun. Like I said with us, English lot, we censor/edit, episodes.
I didn't see guns in the Squirtle Squad episode eithier.
My friend has a video with the Squirtle Squad episode and when Ash runs into a store to get a potion or something, at least 4 or 5 people pointed loaded guns at Ash because they had just been robbed by Team Rocket.
It was Misty, that was sent to get the Super Potion, for Pikachu, and they wanted to dye her hair, purple. "Original version", could of been in Japanese, or the US, didn't show it over here, but we must of cut/censored it, into something else.
No, it's what they said. Thier leader, said about dying her hair purple, and they laughed about it, but it pissed Misty off.
::) America, suffered, a dreadful, day on the 11th. Many innocent, people lost their lives, and they won't show that episode, to remind them, of that day, they want to forget, but remember them, who died. I don't know what you're getting at, glitchhuntress, by saying: "That doesn't make sense" it's because, when Tentacruel, smashed them buildings, it had thew Twin Towers, in it, and they were smashed by Tentacruel, and since the 11th, they won't air that episode, due to that dreadful day, in 06.
::) America, suffered, a dreadful, day on the 11th. Many innocent, people lost their lives, and they won't show that episode, to remind them, of that day, they want to forget, but remember them, who died. I don't know what you're getting at, glitchhuntress, by saying: "That doesn't make sense" it's because, when Tentacruel, smashed them buildings, it had thew Twin Towers, in it, and they were smashed by Tentacruel, and since the 11th, they won't air that episode, due to that dreadful day, in 06.
Why do I even bother…..
Nobody is even really listening to me so I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!