Re: The Banned Episodes
Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-03-29 18:59:44
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Swerve this.
I see I can no more convince you that they banned that episode for the fact that they fired three different weapons one of which is the reason they banned the safari episode instead of banning it over a event that took place 2 years after the banning,
then I can convinice who ever wrote that article that Jynx is not a steryotype.
They don't show episodes from that season any more.
I'm not in Canada. You guys, must have other types, of episodes, than to us, in England - UK. I got it from I was visiting there, when I went to check out, the banned epiosde list, while I was looking for something else. All they have to do it, edit Jynx, and give her, a purple face, then reair the cartoon. Simple.