Re: Admins Suck
Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-12-03 16:55:48
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I don't care! I still like them!
CD-I youtube poop quotes are kind of… um
which is what happens when you take a meme that was lame in the first place and beat it over and over again
Pingas isn't any better off, really
I don't care! I still like them!
CD-I youtube poop quotes are kind of… um
which is what happens when you take a meme that was lame in the first place and beat it over and over again
Pingas isn't any better off, really
Nice of the instruction book to invite us over for a hotels, A Luigi?
I hope she made lots of instructions.
IMO it's short.
Also, anyone notice it's like 3 members and the admins and a few guest that come here… at all.