Re: Admins Suck
Posted by: Angrysmurf
Date: 2009-12-03 21:18:20
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Atra guliä un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono waíse sköliro fra rauthr.
Teacher's assistant?
What, are teachers browsing GCLF now?
I have no idea why anyone would censor text…
I always thought it was Zo-WAY-ix.
That's how I've always pronounced it.
*Points at your avatar* not censored.
My point exactly. The picture I posted earlier isn't any more NSFW than my avatar.
*Points at your avatar* not censored.
My point exactly. The picture I posted earlier isn't any more NSFW than my avatar.
Your avatar is much smaller.
*Points at your avatar* not censored.
My point exactly. The picture I posted earlier isn't any more NSFW than my avatar.
Your avatar is much smaller.Something else is too*shot*
Anyway, not sure I agree with the avatar and the pic being just as work-safe. And if Gary deleted it, I'm not sure you should be reposting it anyway.
Nothing else to say then.
*Points at your avatar* not censored.
My point exactly. The picture I posted earlier isn't any more NSFW than my avatar.
Your avatar is much smaller.Something else is too*shot*
Anyway, not sure I agree with the avatar and the pic being just as work-safe. And if Gary deleted it, I'm not sure you should be reposting it anyway.
Gary undeleted it.