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Generation I Glitch Discussion

"ZZAZZ glitch"? - Page 12

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: MissingNO. #1 Master
Date: 2008-01-03 02:56:38
On an actual cartridge, anyway.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2008-01-03 11:54:19
Alright, messed around with it some more, and found something interesting.

HEX 255

First Try: Death Trainer has a single Charizard M, which is PSN/BRN (says it's poisoned, but suffers burn damage). The music fades out at the beginning of the battle. All other Pokemon are fainted. I defeat the Charizard M, and its cry sounds off while I'm in the Yes/No menu for switching Pokemon. Next the Death Trainer sends out that 147 Charizard (I suspect this is the unbeatable Charizard Newo spoke of) and it freezes the game. 

Second Try: Same thing happens

HEX 251

First Try-Death Trainer still has the Lv. 0 team. When trying to trigger superglitch again with M    p'u [][Japanese symbol], I found out it also knew Agility. Never did get around to superglitching. Oh well. Oh, and TM 28 caused my Aerodactyl's Special to fall sometimes. I didn't see that mentioned in the glitchdex, so I thought I'd mention it. Beat the team, challenge Death Trainer again, get Lv.147 Charizard, freeze.

Second Try- Glitch Trading Center

Third Try- Glitch Trading Center

Fourth Try- Since the Lv. 0 team can be beaten, I decided to do something completely nuts and try the Ditto Trick while everything was ZZAZZed. I fly away from the first trainer, beat lv. 0 team, fly back to first trainer, and I encounter and catch a Spearow. Looks like ZZAZZ doesn't mess up the Ditto Trick in any way. I check the Cerulean Gym Statue (it says ZZMZZ instead of Tom, which was what I suspected), and out of boredom challenge the Death Trainer again.

Eh? One of his Pokemon isn't KO'd. It's the Glitcherino, which he sends out as before. I beat the Glitcherino, and win the battle. So now I've beaten the Death Trainer twice in a row. I try my luck for a third time, but all his Pokemon are fainted and he sends out the unbeatable Charizard M, freezing the game.

So it looks like The Ditto Trick might revive one of the Death Trainer's Pokemon. Or maybe just encountering/catching a wild Pokemon would do it. Hmm. 

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2008-01-03 15:54:17

Eh? One of his Pokemon isn't KO'd. It's the Glitcherino, which he sends out as before. I beat the Glitcherino, and win the battle. So now I've beaten the Death Trainer twice in a row. I try my luck for a third time, but all his Pokemon are fainted and he sends out the unbeatable Charizard M, freezing the game.

That is what usually happens to me.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2008-01-03 17:19:51
Really? So it wasn't the Ditto glitch after all. This is the first time the Glitcherino revived on me though.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Drakkar
Date: 2008-01-18 18:12:06
people i have something more of research I MANAGED TO USE HEX 248,it can also be used for ZZAZZ the trainer name is [blank]pk[block]pk it works much like 255

also i have seen that some of the ZZAZZ trainers made different effects to appear depending in what pokes you have in your team,i have been experimanting with this new ZZAZZ and have got the 'starmie effect'(second pokemon turned into starmie) for what i have seen there is a certain number of pokes that turn into starmie and others that don't in this case i used nidorino,also you can have a effect of having a very long name pokemon that can crash the game and also makes some of your items change(it spawned masterballs,paralyz heals and tm 17s for me)

i hope this piece of research is good

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2008-01-19 10:20:27

people i have something more of research I MANAGED TO USE HEX 248,it can also be used for ZZAZZ the trainer name is [blank]pk[block]pk it works much like 255

also i have seen that some of the ZZAZZ trainers made different effects to appear depending in what pokes you have in your team,i have been experimanting with this new ZZAZZ and have got the 'starmie effect'(second pokemon turned into starmie) for what i have seen there is a certain number of pokes that turn into starmie and others that don't in this case i used nidorino,also you can have a effect of having a very long name pokemon that can crash the game and also makes some of your items change(it spawned masterballs,paralyz heals and tm 17s for me)

i hope this piece of research is good
Interesting. Good development. Maybe it can happen with even more trainers than we think?

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Drakkar
Date: 2008-01-20 19:26:42
i have some new interesting research,i managed to use HEX 249,even though it doesn't produces ZZAZZ it is a glitch trainer that uses a 8(onix hybrid) no matter what you do(attack,throw pokeball or switch pokemon)the game crashes

also i was triggering 248 in the pokemon stadium and noticed that there happens different things than in my gameboy,in the gameboy no matter how many times i have tried the most i have seen the foe is using is a charizard 'M

pokemon stadium:
1st try
the glitched trainer sent out a lvl 203 eevee 0.=.o and i sent out a lvl 153 bublbasaur,there i noticed ZZAZZ was active,i threw a pokeball at it and "escaped"(this is the moment where the trainer throws the ball so hard at the foe trainer that KOs him XD) from the battle,then i battled the dead trainer and he sent out the same eevee,i KO'd the eevee but the game crashed when it prompted me if i wanted to change pokemon…the dead trainer was about to use a horsea

2nd try
the trainer sent out a 'M and i resseted the game knowing what was going to be the result but mysteriously it didn't ZZAZZed my game

3rd try
same as 2nd

4th try
the trainer sent out a lvl 36 exeggutor,ZZAZZ wasn't in effect,but i forgot to throw a pokeball at it and attacked insitead and as you may know my game froze

what i have been seen is that there are some variations depending on the team you are carrying with you and in what console you are triggering ZZAZZ,by that maybe there are some more glitchy things that we haven't discovered yet

i hope this piece of report helps this ZZAZZ research

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2008-02-06 20:58:22
Interesting Drakkar. Usually I stick to the same team, but I might want to experiment some…if the "Starmie" effect only happens to certain Pokemon, then Jolteon would be one of the vulnerable ones. So would Dugtrio. Also, Mewtwo always crashes my game if I have it in the last slot and I try to choose it via computer O_o. I have no idea why…maybe because its stats are so high already?

Oh, you know what I should try? The Ditto Trick with a Special of A20 or [glitch]20 that I often get with ZZAZZ Bulbasaurs…

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2008-02-07 16:45:32

Interesting Drakkar. Usually I stick to the same team, but I might want to experiment some…if the "Starmie" effect only happens to certain Pokemon, then Jolteon would be one of the vulnerable ones. So would Dugtrio. Also, Mewtwo always crashes my game if I have it in the last slot and I try to choose it via computer O_o. I have no idea why…maybe because its stats are so high already?

Oh, you know what I should try? The Ditto Trick with a Special of A20 or [glitch]20 that I often get with ZZAZZ Bulbasaurs…

It would just loop around to something "normal".

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2008-02-08 20:18:41
To be honest that's what I expect too, but I would like to test it out just to see.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2008-03-03 07:05:37
Hello again! Just tried the Ditto Trick with the special of A19, and I got…Death Trainer again! Wah! His sprite is my character's sprite still, instead of the glitchy mess that you usually get with the Ditto Trick. The screen says "  wants to fight!" (no glitchy blocks, just a blank) This was HEX 251, so I got the Lv.0 team with the Lv.0 Glitcherino revived. All graphics are normal. I order my Vaporeon to use Surf…and get the most spectacular crash screen I've ever seen.

There are fragmented blue lines everywhere with random bits of red (Red? But this is my Blue version!) and a random .4 thrown in the mix. (No, not the Pokemon, but the actual period and number amongst all the chaos.) Weird.

Some side notes: The PSN status of the ZZAZZed Pokemon is glitched. I sent out my PSN Vaporeon into battle, and on the first turn the battle the game said "TIDE woke up!" This glitched status is also apparently what causes the glitched text box to appear upon being asked to switch in a trainer battle, as I learned later in said battle.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2008-03-25 17:18:03

Apoligies for the double post, but I have some more reporting to do.

First, I have six Pokemon on my team. I think the "ending" code for of my party must've been overwritten, and that was why I couldn't look at the team, or switch Pokemon. However, I could look at their stats via PC (Go to Deposit, selet member, and it will ask if you want to deposit, look at stats, or cancel) Here's what I found with HEX 255.

MOLE the Dugtrio - 153 Bulbasaur - Explosion Explosion RockSlide Explosion 

CHARGE the Jolteon - 153 Starmie (wtf?) named CHARGD- status BRN - E33/464 (Half-drained Hp bar) - Explosion Explsion Double Kick Explosion

TIDE the Vaporeon - Lv 87 Vaporeon (level unchanged) -extended HP bar 15/371- 7428455 to Lv 88 -Explosion Surf Explosion Explosion

AEROD the Aerodactyl (creative, no? :P) - Lv 0 Bulbasaur - Extended HP bar, 21/10 HP - status PSN - 6725425 to Lv 1 - Explosion Fly Explosion Explosion

AERIS the Moltres - Lv 26 Bulbasaur - PSN - Extended HP bar  21/10 HP- 6739443 to Lv 27 - Explosion Double Edge Explosion Explosion

Mewtwo - Game Crash


I tried this a few more times. It seems the game can't handle Mewtwo being anywhere but the first slot, since whenever I try to check its stats otherwisw the game spazzes. Also, the Cancel button becomes either a glitchy mess of TM trainer pixels, or takes on the last name of the Pokemon before it. However, I was not able to deposit or withdraw the cancel button, because it still acted like a Cancel button when I clicked on it. Also the stats are glitched as well, such as a Pokemon having (Pokeball symbol) 71 Attack, for example. The OT names would also get ZZAZZed, even if they were traded Pokemon, though there was one odd time where one name only got partly ZZAZZed (SAKURA became ZZKURA). I also switch around the party Pokemon. Seems whatever Pokemon's in the second slot becomes a Starmie.

After one session I try to use a Full Heal on the party. White out.

Another thing I noticed is that, just like with M and MissingNo, if you look at a (somewhat) stable Pokemon's stats, it fixes the graphics. This also allows me to not crash after a battle, so that my Mole the Bulbasaur can become an Ivysaur without causing a white-out. I start fighting with the now-Lv.100 Ivysaur. I try to switch Pokemon to see if it's stablized my party, white out. Bleh…guess I have to change the number of Pokemon in my party before stats if I don't want the game to crash. What's a good number of Pokemon to have? 

You have to have less than 6 Pokemon in your team in order to avoid crashes after using the ZZAZZ glitch. Among other things, the ZZAZZ glitch can add extra, glitched, unusable Pokemon to your team. More than 6 Pokemon = crash and burn. At least, I think that's how it works; all I know is that when I discovered the glitch, I figured out that having less than 6 Pokemon in your team prevents crashes, and that an extra Pokemon can appear in the 6th slot but is unselectable.

I know, I've been completely out of the glitch researching scene for over a year now, but I just couldn't stand to see you guys go through 12 pages worth of posts researching stuff that I had already figured out 2 years ago, and that I could have told you if you'd asked me. :P Back in early '05, in the heyday of the Old GC, I discovered the ZZAZZ Glitch and figured out pretty much everything that everyone in this thread has painstakingly discovered on their own. My research on it was lost when the Old GC site went down. If you can find a way to prevent ZZAZZ from deleting your game then kudos to you, but I don't think it's possible. I don't see the point to it anyway; originally, I though ZZAZZ would be a way to give a Venusaur any attack, but then I discovered the Q Glitch, which made this method obsolete.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2008-03-25 17:23:38
6 pokemon is bad due to this:
Z = Pokemon 1
Z = Pokemon 2
Normal = Pokemon 3
Z = Pokemon 4
Z= Pokemon 5
Normal = Pokemon 6
Z = End
Z = Beyond End
Normal  = Beyond Stopping
…etc etc

In an idea world, use 2 or 5
PS. If you don't understand my little demonstration, that is the Party ender being over written

You could possibly stop corruption if you can prevent Valuable data being overwritten with Zs, or force it to rechange those values.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2008-04-15 19:31:38
Bleh, sometimes it doesn't hurt to discover things on your own. It let me cut my teeth on glitch research anyway.

I think I'm starting to get kinda bored with ZZAZZ though. Should start looking into other stuff I can get with the Ditto Trick.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Adam glitch
Date: 2008-04-25 11:38:32
I have noticed that after I do the ZZAZZ glitch, my kangaskhan's data says OT:ZZBZIZ when my ZZAZZ name is ZZIZYZ[male sign]ZZZZ and My chosen name is Ziggy[Female sign][male sign]. Can someone explain to me why the OT of my kangaskhan (Bulbasaur) is ZZBZIZ, when my normal name and ZZAZZ name are nothing like it.