Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?
Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2007-11-15 20:37:39
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:o YOU BEAT THE DEATH TRAINER?! Amazing breakthrough! So it's like the end of the Ditto trick, everything back to normal. Interesting… 9999 money seems to come with strong trainers (that is the maximum first of all, and maybe the money is calculated based of strength? I got that from the Lv111 team Prof. Oak (VERY VERY RARE).) But wait a minute, he had a weak team? Maybe Lv0 and 1 are calculated seperately than low levels, like above 255 maybe. Plus, you did this all with hex 251 (FB). WOW.
Apologies for the double post.
HEX 255
First Try: I deposited three Pokemon before activating ZZAZZ, and this time I could heal at the Pokemon center and look at the party screen. There were poison flashes before I healed, but the music did not change. I had the usual three Pokemon, the first two turned into Bulbasaurs, and two "Prime"s (Mewtwos) that had the flower sprite. I also couldn't select them. I flew to Mom's house and had her heal Pokemon, and it was normal. Then I went to the Safari Zone and caught Pokemon. As I caught Pokemon, the "Prime"s disappeared. Once I had filled up my party, I left. Then I encountered a Death Trainer who had a Lv 147 Charizard M. Upon selecting a attack, the game froze. The game's screen remained normal and the battle music still played, but the game wasn't doing anything.
Second Try: I try to teach Moltres Fly, and a strange text box with this text appears:
[ ]TrainerWf[ ][]y3y[ ][Pokeball symbol]
All blank boxes are random glitch stuff. The sound fades very slowly until it turns off altogether, and I heard a warped Pokemon cry. Then the game freezes. TMTRAINER effect?
HEX 251
First Try: Get the glitch trade room from before instead of the trainer. Game Freeze. As a side note, I had poisoned the Ditto I used for the trick. Can status effects affect the Pokemon/glitch/Trainer you encounter?
Second Try: I try to teach Moltres Fly, and I get more text box gibberish. Music fades, eventual blackout (before the screen just stayed the same)
Third Try: I fight a Death Trainer. First up is a Glitcherino with a lng HP bar at Lv 0. I used Surf, HP bar drains and resets about 20 times before the Glitcherino finally dies. After that there's Omastar, M p'u[] [Japanese symbol] (Hey, isn't that what Yami's researching right now?), Nidorino, Chansey, and Clefairy, all at Lv. 0. [size=16pt]I beat the trainer, [/size] and he repeats the words the normal trainer would have said ("Hold on, my line's snagged!"), receive 9999 money, and the game DOES NOT freeze, allowing me to continue playing.
Now I fight another Death Trainer. This one has a different team, one that is supposedly all KO'd. He sends out a Lv147 Charizard M. Hey, is this the same one I encounter while messing with HEX 255? Yep, seems so: I select an attack, the game freezes.