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Generation I Glitch Discussion

"ZZAZZ glitch"? - Page 14

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2009-11-26 07:36:49

Ever tried doing it with only 1 pokemon? for me it created unselectable pokemon called MEWTWO in slot two and three with bulbasaurs sprite. of course I couldn't get to cancel because of that and slot one was an explodosaur.

Oops, it seems I have said this before, about 2 months ago. D:

Its quite funny that after the name change, if you do the old man glitch you also find lvl 153 bulbasaurs, just not with explosion. Also if I do it with only 1 Pokémon it says I have two mewtwos with bulbasaurs icon in my party? But I can't select them.  I also found that it dsoesn't change your 3rd move.
I'll add these details to the wiki sometime.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-11-26 13:56:28

Its quite funny that after the name change, if you do the old man glitch you also find lvl 153 bulbasaurs, just not with explosion.

That's because 153 is the address for Z, bulbasaur, and explosion, but the OM glitch only affects level and specie.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2009-12-19 02:46:03
A bit of a bump here, but ..

Maybe someone should do the ditto trick for ZZAZZ, but when you take the step and the start menu opens up, dump the RAM. then once you've fleed from trainer using item activation, dump the RAM again. That way we might be able to understand a bit more about zzazz.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-12-19 02:59:04
You know, about a year ago or so, I was messing around on ROM Yellow, and one of the "Trainers" I'd run into triggered off the ZZAZZ effect with me. I don't think I have that data anymore, but it was with Female Symbol when Superglitch was in effect and I ran into a Death Trainer on my way to Vermillion.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Experiment T
Date: 2009-12-30 09:42:49
out of curiosity i decided to perform the glitch using HEX 254 on Pokemon Blue. A Death Trainer Appeared with Charizard M So I Used An Item To End The Battle. The Effects were pretty similar to those of HEX 252 And HEX 253. usual ZZAZZ effects were in place such as Lv153 Bulbasuars, Color error and all trainer being replaced with Glitch/Death Trainers.
The Only Wired event is that you could not heal your pokemon in any way. using items would cause it to crash and taking them to the pokemon centre and healing them would result in the area becoming a Glitch City effect, yet music was still playing. i was ready to turn the game off when i noticed the bottom of sprites cycling at the top of the screen as if the game returned to the title screen. pressing Start would take you back  to the title menu's but trying anything after that would crash it.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-01-30 16:43:49

out of curiosity i decided to perform the glitch using HEX 254 on Pokemon Blue. A Death Trainer Appeared with Charizard M So I Used An Item To End The Battle. The Effects were pretty similar to those of HEX 252 And HEX 253. usual ZZAZZ effects were in place such as Lv153 Bulbasuars, Color error and all trainer being replaced with Glitch/Death Trainers.
The Only Wired event is that you could not heal your pokemon in any way. using items would cause it to crash and taking them to the pokemon centre and healing them would result in the area becoming a Glitch City effect, yet music was still playing. i was ready to turn the game off when i noticed the bottom of sprites cycling at the top of the screen as if the game returned to the title screen. pressing Start would take you back  to the title menu's but trying anything after that would crash it.

The reason why healing your Pokémon resulted in a 'glitch city like effect' is because the Pokémon after the sixth slot correspond to actual data within the game; the ZZAZZ glitch can sometimes cause the player to 'have' more than 6 Pokémon in the party. Therefore if you set the status of any of these Pokémon to normal and the HP of those Pokémon to full its almost like scrambling the values for seemingly random bytes.

If I read you right I'm surprised about the game switching to title screen; good find there! I once found a code to make the game instantly skip to the game interface before the player even chooses New game or Continue but never to instantly switch back to the title screen unless the game resets itself first.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: xeno
Date: 2010-02-01 02:30:44
I showed that glitch in my "pokemon red rebirth" video on youtube from a long while ago, I also found sometime later that if you switch around a few pokemon in the archive of the glitch pokemon you get from Charizard M' that can be used as a pokedex modifier, you can reset the game from the pokemon selection menu, rather than with just reviving them via the pokemon center, and depending on if you loaded a state, you can load an entirely different save file from the state you loaded.

Also, the pokemon center has different effects depending on what town you go to, what pokemon are in your team, what order they are in, and what stats they have (some seem obvious)

Some can spawn glitch city like effects on the map, and some can do other things, but most of the time, it seems to be freezing.

I gotta check here more often….

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-02-01 03:12:26

I showed that glitch in my "pokemon red rebirth" video on youtube from a long while ago, I also found sometime later that if you switch around a few pokemon in the archive of the glitch pokemon you get from Charizard M' that can be used as a pokedex modifier, you can reset the game from the pokemon selection menu, rather than with just reviving them via the pokemon center, and depending on if you loaded a state, you can load an entirely different save file from the state you loaded.

Also, the pokemon center has different effects depending on what town you go to, what pokemon are in your team, what order they are in, and what stats they have (some seem obvious)

Some can spawn glitch city like effects on the map, and some can do other things, but most of the time, it seems to be freezing.

I gotta check here more often….

The game reset is quite understandable because that is how the game manages data which is invalid; however what I do not know is whether that data is related to the game starting up or some sort of error trapper. What I have noticed though that in some ways you can force the game to reset not only in Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal, Red/Blue/Crystal but  in other games such as Tetris as well through the use of some gameshark codes.

I believe that this is most likely to be some kind of in-game process because in some games such as Gold/Silver the colours often do not reload correctly, therefore this leads me to believe that perhaps the process is in-game because if you imagine soft-resetting the game all of this data is set back to its default except the save file which is untouched, this doesn't always seem to be the case with in-game resets because if for example a glitch makes the palette turn blue the game will reset and take this as the neutral colour.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: xeno
Date: 2010-02-01 03:17:12
I noticed a while back, that depending on the method of the "soft reset" you can change the colours of G/S/C, though I only did testing on Silver.

Some colours were red, some were blue, others were all of them.
Most of the testing came about via the the Charizard M after effects.

That seems to work with what you said.

Also, via that archive, recently I found that if you view a certain one at a certain time, in a certain slot, you can connect to another game partially as if you were talking to the link lady :)

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-02-01 03:40:17

I noticed a while back, that depending on the method of the "soft reset" you can change the colours of G/S/C, though I only did testing on Silver.

Some colours were red, some were blue, others were all of them.
Most of the testing came about via the the Charizard M after effects.

That seems to work with what you said.

Also, via that archive, recently I found that if you view a certain one at a certain time, in a certain slot, you can connect to another game partially as if you were talking to the link lady :)

That really is quite interesting so the data past slot 06 can even correspond with data which regard to those concerning link battles?! One time when I was 'switching' the information of the Pokémon past slot 06 and decided to make one use fly, since I had already scrambled the data around exessively  it seemed that it let me go to a place called '9', whilst normally the game will not let you fly directly to those 'glitch places' After  pressing 'A' I fought a glitch trainer with a high hexadecimal identifier, or perhaps the data was so scrambled that it was indistinguishible but before even seeing him send out his first Pokémon the game crashed.

When thinking about it a huge amount of data can be stored in those Pokémon slots, for example through the sprites, the moves, the amounts of moves, the types of those Pokémon and their stats and when you multiply that by 255 they could correspond to literally thousands of bytes.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: xeno
Date: 2010-02-01 03:45:04
I suggest looking at my videos on youtube if you haven't yet, I put alot of work into them when I can do them and I really enjoy it, so I make notes these days, but you don't need to look at them if you don't want to, but they do show some use of the slots past the first 6.

But yes, the slots past slot six are integral to the game, and control every conceivable thing in it, and beyond.

In one of my video's I made this big run on thing on what you can do with the archive, which I'd still like to call the alteran archive.
Btw, I've found 3 variations of it.

[spoiler]1. Depending on what you do, you can interchange pokemon
2. Remove the charizard M' infection.
3. Keep the glitch pokemon.
4. Find missingno's various nests.
5. Get a glitch dex.
6. Lock yourself out of various towns.
7. Lock yourself out of professor Oaks study.
8. Change the screens colour, shades, textures and such.
9. Cause an error code 39.
10 Freeze the game.
11. Cause the pokemon menu to need more A/B clicks to get where you want.
12. Find a few pokemon that cannot attack, and you cannot attack them.
13. Make 9 pokemon visible.
14. Wrap the menu around itself.
15. Literally create new glitch pokemon if you know what your doing.
16. Make the game scroll around itself causing the NPC/Player Sprites to scroll with the game.
17. Add items to your list.
18. Remove items from your list.
19. Instantly teleport yourself to new places.
20. Teleport to glitch cities.
21. Teleport to glitch towns based on actual towns.
22. Use some items to walk through walls once or twice, then your stuck.
23. Probably use some to infinitely walk through walls.
24. Get infinite master balls via the safari ball.
25. Get infinite other items.
26. Mess up the games graphics worse than missingno.
27. Get a pokedex Item.
28. Blank out the main character.
29. Offset the graphics.
30. Go underneath the graphics.
31. Go under the graphics half way like with the tall grass.
32. Enter additional glitch regions that allow changing of routes.
33. Rewrite "freeze tiles".
34. Make literal bridges from one normal area to a normal or glitch area.
35. Alter the death trainers roster.
36. enable leaving glitch city.
37. Enable A VAST glitch region based on Kanto.
38. enable a "0 special" to get M' in the mew glitch.
39. Enable something that refuses to let you use items.
40. Enough items so you can get to the menu, but it auto cancels.
41. Get the game to bring up something that says "you can't use items here" when you try.
42. Alter your money.
43. Alter your badges.
44. Alter your name.
45. Enforce a forced scroll so you can go endlessly in a single direction.
46. Make glitch music.
47. Alter the music to make it sound like Cats, telephones or Bees are playing the music.
48. REMOVE the pokedex.
49. Witness the game "scream in pain".
50. Activate the Dokoshira Door glitch even though it was Red  and Green era exclusively.
51. Make Water Gun a game breaker, Among other moves.
52. Make the name rater say that every glitch pokemon's name is impeccable.
53. Change the sound effects temporarily.
54. I've never seen it permenent but I doubt its impossible.
55. Causing the HP bar to wrap around itself.
56. Probably to the max(65535or so) or more even(I wouldn't doubt it).
57. Encounter Version exclusive pokemon without the use of the mew/Ditto glitch aside from for  Charizard M'.
58. Reverse an error code 39 without resetting the rom.
59. Get an Enourmous item list.
60. Most likely, somehow be able to remove "fly's" limitations without a cheat code.
61. And even reset the game from the pokemon selection menu as well as much much much more.

(Pretty much, you can't just talk to pokegods, with this, you ARE a pokegod…Very rarely have I seen something you can't do with this, ingame….There are rules though….You can also theoretically get some glitch pokemon into G/S/C with this, though I haven't tested that, but I have gotten a exploding venusaur to silver.)

I posted a video of the supposedly impossible a while ago too of getting an exploding Venusaur into Silver while it had superglitch as a move, as mentioned in the spoiler, but yeah…

Most of my videos are in the "glitch video thread"

Also, as I mentioned before in my glitch dex thread, you can use fly with the "Alteran archive" V1, via slot-3 and the moves will change, this glitch fly, will enable you to "summon" a  level 241 tentacool that cannot attack, glitches the item use to only the first item slot.
Switching -10 with +5 or so, will enable a further glitched in the same manner Missingno, that freezes the game upon exit.

As well as 2 Missingno. spawn points in later videos.

(if the run-on list can't be read I will reformat it so it can be)

I forgot to mention, I did the Alteran archive after trading an exploding bulbasaur to a new game (it only requires superglitch and to be in the right place at the right time apparently) and you can make the death trainer only have a glitched maxed out bulbasaur who only knows cut and double kick, and beat him easy.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-02-01 04:01:51

I suggest looking at my videos on youtube if you haven't yet, I put alot of work into them when I can do them and I really enjoy it, so I make notes these days, but you don't need to look at them if you don't want to, but they do show some use of the slots past the first 6.

But yes, the slots past slot six are integral to the game, and control every conceivable thing in it, and beyond.

In one of my video's I made this big run on thing on what you can do with the archive, which I'd still like to call the alteran archive.
Btw, I've found 3 variations of it.

[spoiler]Depending on what you do, you can interchange pokemon, remove the charizard M' infection, keep the glitch pokemon, find missingno's various nests, get a glitch dex, lock yourself out of various towns, lock yourself out of professor Oaks study, Change the screens colour, shades, textures and such, cause an error code 39, freeze the game, cause the pokemon menu to need more A/B clicks to get where you want, find a few pokemon that cannot attack, and you cannot attack them, Make 9 pokemon visible, wrap the menu around itself, literally create new glitch pokemon if you know what your doing, wrap the games scroll around itself causing the NPC/Player Sprites to scroll with the game, add items to your list, remove items from your list, instantly teleport yourself to new places, teleport to glitch cities, teleport to glitch towns based on actual towns, use some items to walk through walls once or twice, then your stuck, probably use some to infinitely walk through walls, get infinite master balls via the safari ball, get infinite other items, mess up the games graphics worse than missingno, get a pokedex Item, blank out the main character, offset the graphics, go underneath the graphics, Go under the graphics half way like with the tall grass, enter additional glitch regions that allow changing of routes, rewrite "nothing tiles", Make literal bridges from one normal area to a glitch area, Alter the death trainers roster, enable leaving glitch city, Enable A VAST glitch region based on Kanto, enable a "0 special" to get M' in the mew glitch, enable something that refuses to let you use items, enough though you can get to the menu, it auto cancels, get the game to bring up something that says "you can't use items here" when you try, alter your money, alter your badges, alter your name, enforce a forced scroll so you can go endlessly in a single direction, Make glitch music, alter the music to make it sound like Cats or Bees are playing the music, REMOVE the pokedex, witness the game "scream in pain" Activate the Dokoshira Door glitch even though it was Red and Green era exclusively, Make Water Gun a game breaker, Among other moves, make the name rater say that every glitch pokemon's name is impeccable, change the sound effects temporarily, I've never seen it permenent but I doubt its impossible, causing the HP bar to wrap around itself, probably to the max(63,533 or so) or more even(I wouldn't doubt it), encounter Version exclusive pokemon without the use of the mew/Ditto glitch aside from for Charizard M', reverse an error code 39 without resetting the rom, Get an Enourmous item list, Most likely, somehow be able to remove "fly's" limitations without a cheat code, and even reset the game from the pokemon selection menu as well as much much much more.

(Pretty much, you can't just talk to pokegods, with this, you ARE a pokegod…Very rarely have I seen something you can't do with this, ingame….There are rules though….You can also theoretically get some glitch pokemon into G/S/C with this, though I haven't tested that, but I have gotten a exploding venusaur to silver.)

I posted a video of the supposedly impossible a while ago too of getting an exploding Venusaur into Silver while it had superglitch as a move, as mentioned in the spoiler, but yeah…

Most of my videos are in the "glitch video thread"

Also, as I mentioned before in my glitch dex thread, you can use fly with the "Alteran archive" V1, via slot-3 and the moves will change, this glitch fly, will enable you to "summon" a  level 241 tentacool that cannot attack, glitches the item use to only the first item slot.
Switching -10 with +5 or so, will enable a further glitched in the same manner Missingno, that freezes the game upon exit.

As well as 2 Missingno. spawn points in later videos.

(if the run-on list can't be read I will reformat it so it can be)

Just to confirm the HP bar's max is 65535 or (2^16)-1. 65536 corresponds with 0.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: xeno
Date: 2010-02-01 04:06:42
My math never was very good.
Thanks, I'll make a note of that.

I'm working on making that list more presentable, I'll edit my post once I'm done.

EDIT: I edited the post and it should be perfectly readable now :)

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-02-01 04:16:17

My math never was very good.
Thanks, I'll make a note of that.

I'm working on making that list more presentable, I'll edit my post once I'm done.

You're very welcome, its quite a good idea to memorise those but if you ever forget you can simply type in FFFF on hexadecimal mode on a tool such as windows calculator and switch back to decimal, that is for 65535 or you can type in FF to get 255

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: xeno
Date: 2010-02-01 04:22:16
I will try to memorize them.
I hope that at least this stuff that I'm doing is interesting for you guys, the ones who seem to have made it so I can actually do this kind of stuff.