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Generation I Glitch Discussion

"ZZAZZ glitch"? - Page 4

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-09-09 13:00:20
ZZAZZ seems to be really random. It could easily be variation. The death trainer in my video is different to my description.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2007-09-09 16:24:15
Is the unbeatable Charizard M always there in the death trainer's party?


I call him so because of his party, and the fact that he attacks when you are down.

What exactly do you mean by the last part? That the death trainer launches another attack after the "you have no more Pokemon" blah?

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-09-09 16:27:46
No, He attacks you when your party has been corrupted, and no pokemon obey you.

And usually there is a death Charizard 'M. It is 7th slot.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2007-09-09 16:33:13
Oh, I get it now. Sorry, I was confused :P

Any luck catching the death Charizard M with the G/S code that lets you catch other trainer's Pokemon?

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-09-10 20:18:31
They don't obey you?WTHwhatheckl?

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2007-09-10 20:37:51
Yeah, apparently not. They sure weren't obeying in the video that was posted eariler.

Methinks this should be stickied.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-09-11 19:30:25
I thinks some of these thoughts should go on the site.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Noodl
Date: 2007-09-12 01:22:10
Man, I just saw the movie. Epic glitch, especially when you think of the fact you don't actually need any Gamesharks or something for it…It reminds me of those SMB glitches a bit, that change pretty much everything on your ROM! :D

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-09-12 14:32:24
Wait, what causes your name to be ZZZZASDZDSDZZZZZZGSXZ etc. is an encounter flag, right? Or what kind of flag is it anyway?

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2007-09-12 17:26:48
I saw a movie on youtube where ZZAZZ was triggered (the person's Pikachu bcame a glitched Bulba w/ Explosion), but the glitch they faced off against wasn't Charizard M.

It was a yellow gameshark hack. Sadly, I've seen a bunch of those lately so I can't tell you exactly which video it is.

And what does cause the funky name? Is it the 153 factor again?

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-09-12 17:59:47
Yes. If you look in the hex list, Z is decimal 153. Dunno about the other letters though :-X

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Sorreah
Date: 2007-09-12 18:52:43
Oh yeah, I think I heard about that eariler in this thread (smacks self)

As for the other letters…ZZAZZ itself tends to have some randomness to it, right? Maybe they're just random.

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-09-12 19:45:31
I guess it must, yeah, but dunno what causes that :-\

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: cheater
Date: 2007-09-14 23:15:44
Generall, it always puts Z (hex 0x99, decimal 153) pretty consistently in the same locations throughout memory. It will leave certain spots unchanged, such as the third character of your name.

For example, if your name is ASH, the first five characters if our name (at least) will become ZZHZZ.

If you have a two-character name (for example, AL), your name will become ZZ and you will be able to save your game in this new setting (without erasing it).

Re: "ZZAZZ glitch"?

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-09-15 05:26:01
You need the value 50 or 00 on a third, or your name can become pretty much infinite.

If your name was something like:
That would be
92 93 94 50 00 00 00 00

And after the ZZAZZ glitch:
99 99 94 99 99 00 99 99
(it has a 00, it will stop the name)

Whereas if your name was something more like:
80 A1 B6 A0 B8 A0 B7 50
It would loose all of it's 50's
99 99 B6 99 99 A0 99 99

It wouldn't stop intill it finds another 50 or 00. So If the data (example-ly speaking) was:
80 A1 B6 A0 B8 A0 B7 50 80 A1 B6 A0 B8 A0 B7 FF 12 50 …..
then the name Abwayax(end) would become
99 99 B6 99 99 A0 99 99 80 99 99 A0 99 99 B7 99 99 50
Which is:

If you don't understand all that, then in simple, if the end of your name isn't a multiple of three, your name will keep on going intill it finds one.
(Just an extension on what cheater said.)