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Generation III Glitch Discussion

DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X) - Page 2

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2007-09-19 21:41:13
This is interesting. These pokemon have the same Dex IDs as some real Pokemon, but different types, indicating that they aren't any sort of hybrid. Although once I do remember seeing the closest thing to a Raichu hybrid I could get once… it even showed Raichu's pokedex on capture

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: boxman
Date: 2007-09-19 22:41:25

This is interesting. These pokemon have the same Dex IDs as some real Pokemon, but different types, indicating that they aren't any sort of hybrid. Although once I do remember seeing the closest thing to a Raichu hybrid I could get once… it even showed Raichu's pokedex on capture

In the post you said it actually was a Raichu…

Anyway I think almost nothing is set in stone for these glitches, mostly due to the fact they can have different starting moves, abilities ,and different level up moves with the same species. Also I think I found one with an off encounter level.

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2007-09-19 22:59:20
In this post?

I have no real comment as I'm not big on the third generation glitches (that's what I have Newo for), but I'm going to nitpick on something:

RSE:390 is technically not a "chimchar hybrid". Hybrid refers to a glitch Pokemon that has the same stats as an ordinary one, not necessarily just number, so technically it can't be a Chimchar hybrid because there is no Chimchar in generation 3. It's just RSE:390.

One time, though, I rememeber seeing an ?x10 variant that had an id number of 26. Raichu hybrid, perhaps? I need to look more into this stuff.

No, I clearly said "Raichu hybrid".

Oh, it was this post. From 2004. Back when we were figuratively cavemen in terms of glitchology and were just beginning to crawl out.

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-09-20 10:25:18
What shall we do about the moves… They obviously seem to be completely and utterly random.
I checked the base data for the glitches, they all have about 200 moves on various levels from 0 to 255, but none of them seem to have any of it. They learn them randomly.

I think we should keep it as a general starting move set and make a note later than Starting moves may not be the same as listed.

And If you want to join the fun too, I shall make a Decamark Researcher Group and add my hacker and template. If you want to join PM me.
I modified the hacker myself, so it has no organsisation whatsoever. EG. They types and Pokemon are named up to a certain point, then it becomes MISCNo. from there on. And it is in Germ-glish (it was the easiest to modifiy)

If you join the group, try and get 10 to a page. It will make it easier to organise at the end. I shall split all of the completed posts into a seperate topic at the end. For now this can also be a discussion topic, and can stay here.

Edit: Does anyone mind them being called Decamarks to avoid smileys?

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: boxman
Date: 2007-09-20 22:17:10
Pokedex No. 125
Encounter Level: 7
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP 255 ATK 255 DEF 10 Speed 2 SPA 43 SPD 2

Starting Moves:

Freezes Stats?No

Pokedex No. 126
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP 111 ATK 8 DEF 98 Speed 14 SPA 154 SPD 24
Starting Moves:

Freezes Stats?Yes (Type and Ability Crash)

Pokedex No. 127
Encounter Level: 8
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP 154 ATK 24 DEF 14 Speed 39 SPA 21 SPD 56

Starting Moves:
Spit Up

Freezes Stats?Yes (Ability Crashes)

Pokedex No. 131
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP 101 ATK 34 DEF 141 Speed 46 SPA 154 SPD 60

Starting Moves:

Freezes Stats?Yes (Type Crashes)

Pokedex No. 132
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP 141 ATK 50 DEF 154 Speed 68 SPA 169 SPD 86

Starting Moves:

Freezes Stats?Yes (Type Crashes)

Pokedex No. 133
Encounter Level: 100
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP 109 ATK 56 DEF 58 Speed 71 SPA 212 SPD 84

Starting Moves:

Freezes Stats?Yes (Ability Crashes)

Pokedex No. 137
Encounter Level: 0
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP 38 ATK 82 DEF 255 Speed 255 SPA 45 SPD 2

Starting Moves:

Freezes Stats?Yes (Ability Crashes)

Pokedex No. 138
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP 43 ATK 2 DEF 101 Speed 20 SPA 100 SPD 40

Starting Moves:

Freezes Stats?No

Pokedex No. 139
Encounter Level: 0
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP 109 ATK 100 DEF 94 Speed 130 SPA 255 SPD 255

Starting Moves:

Freezes Stats?No

Pokedex No. 142
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP 205 ATK 30 DEF 61 Speed 42 SPA 38 SPD 56

Starting Moves:
Thunder Punch
Karate Chop

Freezes Stats?Yes (Type Crashes)

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-10-01 12:09:07
Name: K
Pokedex No. 035
Encounter Level: 11
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:33 Attack:2 Defence:50 Speed:2 Special Attack:193 Special Defence:2

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type and Ability Crashes)

Name: (blank)
Pokedex No. 036
Encounter Level: 11
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:50 Attack:2 Defence:193 Speed:2 Special Attack:48 Special Defence:2

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type and Ability Crashes)

Pokedex No. 037
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP:28 Attack:2 Defence:45 Speed:10 Special Attack:222 Special Defence:18

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type Crashes)

Pokedex No. 040
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP:255 Attack:255 Defence:90 Speed:3 Special Attack:10 Special Defence:2

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type and Ability Crashes)

Pokedex No. 041
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:50 Attack:2 Defence:39 Speed:10 Special Attack:50 Special Defence:20

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type Crashes)

Name: (blank)
Pokedex No. 042
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:116 Attack:54 Defence:69 Speed:66 Special Attack:238 Special Defence:78

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type Crashes)

Pokedex No. 043
Encounter Level: 100
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP:99 Attack:56 Defence:69 Speed:72 Special Attack:238 Special Defence:90

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type Crashes)

Name: ASH
Pokedex No. 045
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP:34 Attack:62 Defence:187 Speed:74 Special Attack:56 Special Defence:86

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type Crashes)

Pokedex No. 046
Encounter Level: 0
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP:255 Attack:255 Defence:55 Speed:2 Special Attack:95 Special Defence:2

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: No (Ability may crash)

Pokedex No. 049
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP:60 Attack:42 Defence:115 Speed:46 Special Attack:105 Special Defence:50

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type Crashes)

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-10-01 16:29:06
Sorry, but why are these called "decamark"s?

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2007-10-01 18:31:58

Sorry, but why are these called "decamark"s?

From deca (ten) and (question) mark.

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-10-01 18:38:11
Ah. Instead of ?????????? variations? Nice.

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-10-02 16:25:09
Um… think I'd like to be a part of this. But a few questions though: What hex are you on, what game are you using (I could do a different one) and how do you find out base stats and what crashes the game?
Those answered I would like to start.

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-10-02 16:27:32
Base stats is a hacking device that I edited. It reads the base stats beyond.
You can tell if it freezes by trying it out. You know it is type if you can go on and can't get out, ability if it is constantly loading up the ability (scrolling text).

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-10-02 16:29:10
But wait, what game are the ones so far from?
And how can I get the base stat viewer?

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-10-02 16:31:56
Ruby and Sapphire. Fire Red and Leaf Green have similar ones. Slight variation may occur though. (The base stats are usually the same, but we can't test due to a lack of code that works)

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-10-03 11:55:05
Hex: 01E4
Pokedex No. 073
Encounter Level: 0
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:201 Attack:66 Defence:21 Speed:74 Special Attack:231 Special Defence:90

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type crashes)

Hex: 01E5
Name: (blank)
Pokedex No. 074
Encounter Level: 12
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP:244 Attack:86 Defence:248 Speed:90 Special Attack:255 Special Defence:255

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Ability crashes)

Hex: 01E6
Name: EAM
Pokedex No. 075
Encounter Level: 1
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:248 Attack:120 Defence:255 Speed:255 Special Attack:145 Special Defence:2

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Ability crashes)

Hex: 01E9
Pokedex No. 078
Encounter Level: Normal
Held item: ??????????

Base Stats
HP:209 Attack:42 Defence:120 Speed:54 Special Attack:205 Special Defence:64

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Ability crashes)
Notes: May evolve (Lv 8)

Hex: 01EB
Pokedex No. 080
Encounter Level: 0
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:29 Attack:26 Defence:43 Speed:34 Special Attack:116 Special Defence:42

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type crashes)

Hex: 01EC
Pokedex No. 081
Encounter Level: 0
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:39 Attack:10 Defence:125 Speed:18 Special Attack:29 Special Defence:26

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type and Ability crashes)

Hex: 01F3
Name: ED
Pokedex No. 088
Encounter Level: 71
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:1 Attack:2 Defence:45 Speed:2 Special Attack:39 Special Defence:10

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Sometimes (Ability sometimes crashes)

Hex: 01F7
Pokedex No. 092
Encounter Level: 7
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:93 Attack:125 Defence:255 Speed:255 Special Attack:64 Special Defence:2

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type crashes)

Hex: 01F9
Name: E
Pokedex No. 094
Encounter Level: 0
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:229 Attack:20 Defence:105 Speed:30 Special Attack:37 Special Defence:39

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type crashes)

Hex: 01FA
Pokedex No. 095
Encounter Level: 12
Held item: None

Base Stats
HP:109 Attack:66 Defence:255 Speed:255 Special Attack:112 Special Defence:2

Starting Moves

Freezing Stats: Yes (Type crashes)

Re: DecDex-Decamark variation list (Melchior X)

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2007-10-03 14:05:20
Ach, I really want to start this, but how does the code work? I'm not encountering any.