Re: What song are you listening to right now?
Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-11-01 11:51:09
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There's been all sorts like that over the years. I mean now a days, you get bitchers that complain that the bands they loved in the old days, "changed" because they're a little older. Sad bastards get a life. I mean I sometimes listen to music videos on YouTube, if I can't find the song, and I get faggots that bitch that Slipknot have changed a bit. Fuck sake, they're getting older, Corey's like 30 something, and the rest I don't know, I mean just because they change a bit, (age, as it can effect the voice), and people bitch about it. It drives me mad.
Dead Memories - Skipknot
So You Want To Be A Rock 'n' Roll Star-The Byrds
This song is mocking how easy it was (And still is) to get into the music business. Back then it was about the Monkees, nowadays it could be about Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers.