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Forum Games

The V,^,and < game - Page 170

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-01-07 19:47:43
^ If you mean food that's bad for you, yes.
< Craves a lasanga.
V Wants one too?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-01-07 19:57:11
^ I'm not Garfield, no
< Just calculated how long it would take me to get on the forum stats page: 4 days and 20.6 hours of ontime.
V Has an iPod?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2010-01-07 21:12:37
^ Yes, but I'm considering replacing it due to vendor lock-in issues
< Is annoyed that the 6th gen 120GB iPod Classic (which he owns) has encrypted firmware, preventing it from being used with anything but iTunes
v Doesn't understand why they still make media players with less than 80GB capacity? (I don't)

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-01-07 21:50:35
^ Because they cost more? I don't know either
< Even cards have retroactive continuity, it seems
V Tired?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-01-07 21:59:48
^ Yes, but a little caffinated by a Pepsi I had 5 hours ago.
< Loves soda.
V Same?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-01-07 22:19:15
^ Nope
< I was watching a random Youtube vid and the music was awesome, so I checked the ad thingy to see what it was called. I searched for it and found a video which had a free download link in the description. I love the internet.
V Has done stuff like that before?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-01-07 23:00:48
^ Yes.
< Is tired.
V Has ever zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-01-07 23:28:40
^ Not much lately.
< This is a really fucking horrible night. First I had to skip half my homework in order to get some stuff done. Then I tried to print an assignment and the printer got jammed. It took my mom and I half an hour to figure out how to fix it when all I wanted to do was listen to some goddamn music. Then I had to reboot my laptop because it wasn't connecting to the printer. 3 minutes later my mom forces me to clean out my obese cat's butt because he's so fat he can't do it himself. I couldn't do anything about it. Then I had to take out the garbage and get HER fucking used tampons out of the bathroom. All I want to fucking do is listen to some goddamn Nine Inch Nails and go to bed. I don't want to fucking wake up tomorrow. Maybe I'll just skip school. It's not like anything nice ever happens there. Just today I nearly punched some bullies who have been bothering me for 2 FUCKING YEARS without being stopped. Then the teacher was busy, so they didn't even get caught. My English teacher gave me about 2 weeks of make up work to do and I still haven't gotten a notebook for my science fair project because I'm too tired in the afternoon to go out. For some reason I can't find anything to talk about with my new friends or my old ones. Maybe I'll run away from home with my laptop and some clothes and live my own life. Today isn't as bad as the day my parents started the divorce, but it's pretty fucking awful.
V inb4 tl;dr

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-01-08 17:30:30
^ tl;dcal'sp;dr
< Did not read ANY of that.
V Knows what my ^ is?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: atoms2ashes
Date: 2010-01-09 02:00:47
^ Ummm…

< 3.14 in a mirror says "Pie"

V irony?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-01-09 10:06:24
^ Merely coincidence.
< Speaking of coincidence, I find it fairly interesting that Bassmasta, his little brother, Missing?NO! and LTMNTYCTML all live in the same area.
V Also finds that interesting?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2010-01-09 12:23:59
^ Kind of.
< Just had to take the SSAT for the second time to get into a school that I do not want to get in to, as I am already in one of the best schools, but my parents want me to go to the other one that's closer, which they say is just as good, and I agree, but I don't want to lose the friends at my current school, so they made me fill out the application (luckily I got my dad to write a lot of the essay for me), and take the SSAT, and made me take it again after only getting a median percentile in the 80s (you need a median of 93 for the school). I just got my grades back from my current school and they were great, and one of the reasons they wanted me to go to the other school was that because it was closer, my grades would improve due to less time lost by transportation, and also just because I forgot a few things to do with school they think I'm not responsible enough to take the train alone, even though it is very autopilot (just get off at the right stops).
V Didn't read any of that either?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-01-09 12:45:15
^ I read it all.
< Is getting fairly fussy with breeding a Scyther
V Has Pokerus?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2010-01-09 12:56:12
^ Had it for a while, though I've now lost most interest in the games (other than for glitches).
< Fed up with YouTubers not reading my comments before responding to them.
V Has had a similar problem?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-01-09 13:06:45
^ No, but sometimes people are just stupid.
< I had fun looking at the responses to your Sparta Remix contest. I had no idea you were so popular on Youtube.
V Can recommend a video editor? Avidemux just isn't working as well as I'd like it to.