Re: The V,^,and < game
Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2016-09-03 00:29:54
Square: Is one step closer to being a Magic: The Gathering judge.
Cross: Do you play Magic: The Gathering? If not, have you ever played?
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Triangle: From the beginning up until somewhere in Act 6 Act 6 Act 6 Act 6 Act 6 *is stuck in an infinite loop*
Square: Is one step closer to being a Magic: The Gathering judge.
Cross: Do you play Magic: The Gathering? If not, have you ever played?
if Question[i] == ramenQuestion:
if ClarityPercent(Question) >= 146:
Traceback (most recent call last):
in, line 4
in, line 138
ClarityException: Question needs extra info. Specifically, eaten IN TOTAL or eaten AT ONCE?