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Forum Games

The V,^,and < game - Page 260

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-04-13 09:32:48
^ Yes, ages ago it's pretty good. (I have a bad habit of staying up late too)
< Is working on the DexDex
V Has played the Detective Pikachu demo yet?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-04-16 15:00:38
^ Looks like yet another uninspired cashgrab Pokémon game.
< Loves Super Mario Odyssey's soundtrack !!
V Do you hug often ?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2018-07-03 21:55:37
^ No. I don't like physical contact.
< I think growing up on the GBA gave a me a huge bias to the SNES sound engine and anything resembling it.
V Has played Mystic Ark?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-07-04 03:48:46
^ WHAT THE f**k IS A mystic ark
< Hugging my with gf is the best. Second best. After destroying her at Mario Kart 8.5.
V Do you have cats? Nyan~ nyan~ =3

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Couldntthinkofaname
Date: 2018-07-04 14:42:15
^ I have two. One of them hates all human contact, and the other is right here with me, trying to eat every loose wire i'm currently working with.

< Listening to music

(downarrow.jpg) Any fellow Americans have plans for July 4th?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2018-07-04 15:29:24
^ Reinforcing a positive attitude and maybe finishing Professor Layton and the Unwound Future tonight.
< Not a fan of main series Final Fantasy music, but the Tactics soundtrack is still so…incredible!
V Favorite muffin flavor?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-07-05 11:59:59
^ I like white chocolate chips, but also almond, and strawberry I guess? Without any flavor it's also cool.
< Came back from Japan Expo. I played DK Country: Tropical Freeze live on Twitch and YouTube, and apparently I did fairly well! 'Twas stressing af tho ^^'
V How weeb are you?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2018-07-06 13:30:56
^ Hai.
< I wish I had the money to go to Japan or anywhere, really.
V Is broke, too?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-07-06 15:04:31
^ Hmm, I should stop buying Nintendo consoles…
V Pixel art or crisp HD?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2018-07-06 15:40:56
^ Pixel art. PC-98 for the win.
< Hyped as fuck for AI: The Somnium Files.
V Likes or is familiar with Zero Escape?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-07-06 23:43:55
^ Noooo
< Didn't sleep enough this night… uh, this day gonna be looong.
V Do you have a SO?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Spoink
Date: 2018-07-08 00:30:53
^ yes, i asked one question two days ago and it hasn't been answered, also users there tend to be quite strict with newcomers
< 's current favourite number is 881 * 1014
v have you played conway's game of life?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-07-08 05:41:40
^ On the GB, even!
< Hyped for the upcoming x64 release of BGB \o/
V Do you like apple juice?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-07-09 17:40:07
^ Yes it's sweet
< Obsessed with lemonade
V Do you prefer tea, coffee or neither?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-07-12 13:42:22
^ Neither. They both taste bad, although tea can be OK at times.
< systemd fuckin' up…
V Who do you main, Windows or Linux? (MacOS, iOS or Android is not an acceptable answer)