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Forum Games

The V,^,and < game - Page 213

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2010-04-13 22:05:12
^ Eh wha?
= Wants that verdammt WarnoMeter to go back to 0
V Agrees?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-04-13 22:49:30
^ Yeah. I need mine down too.
< Has Mystical Elf in deck. (Good defense.)
V Cares about the upcoming 10th Anniversary movie of Yu-Gi-Oh?

EDIT: I fixed my ^ to go with Ketsuban's post. As mine went with Zowayix's by mistake.

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2010-04-13 23:09:18
< Wonders where Wa has been for the last few days
v Also does?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-04-13 23:10:36
^ Most likely couldn't access the forums because of the wiki.
< Same with me.
V Rah?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2010-04-13 23:29:30
^ *insert lyrics to Bad Romance here*
< Wa hasn't been on IRC or either, though
v Uses

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-04-13 23:39:20
^ No.
< Has grown immune to Zowayix's avatar.
V Is Zowayix and will probably try to find one that will get me?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2010-04-14 00:03:35
^ Yes and maybe, in that order
< Should finish learning Python some day.
v Knows a programming/scripting language?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-04-14 00:20:14
^ No.
< Is slightly creeped out by own avatar.
V Is creeped out too?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2010-04-14 00:50:40
^ No
< I don't think I've ever included 'rating:safe' in my Gelbooru search terms before in my entire life.
v fgsfds

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-04-14 18:28:50
^ Wha?
< Strangely not affected by Zowayix's new avatar.
V Thinks that King Gator may have a part in why that is?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-04-14 18:42:57
^ Honestly I don't care
< Is laughing at the sheer anatomic ridiculousness of Zowayix's avatar
V If Zowayix, stop stalking me. If not, are you stalking anyone?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-04-14 19:11:37
^ No.
< What?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-04-14 19:25:53
^ Stop making obscure references or there will be a serious risk to your life
< <– Jason Griffith, the voice of Sonic, did a condom commercial. Somebody set it to the Sonic anime. Oh dear.
V Has a Youtube account?

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2010-04-14 19:47:20

^ Stop making obscure references or there will be a serious risk to your life

Stop accusing things that you don't know as obscure or there will be blood. Yours.

^ Share an account with yakov24. I call myself GoldenYuiitusin and have a spare account just in case.
< Thinks Wa is a nobody for thinking the Metal Gear Solid death reference was obscure.
V Feh.

Re: The V,^,and < game

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2010-04-14 19:53:39
^ That is a Jewish term, stop using it
< It's like the Bad Romance has hypnotized me into hitting play over and over again
V Is easily trolled?