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Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2009-12-19 12:29:28

@Axaj i'll make a video.

Celebi corresponding G/S/C item is HM09.
its description says it is an attack that can cause paralysis and this HM is not stored in the TM/HM list so it's useless.

TMs and HMs have different effects on Pokemon Gold depending on whether they are held in the TM/HM pocket or not; therefore TM01-HM12 have two different effects. I have noted on the topic below HM01 outside the TM/HM  would send a ????? to the PC named HM01. I also believe BlueLatios also noted this on an older topic.

The only downside though was it made the game crash after; perhaps I should try the same item again with 5 pokemon in the party?

The effects of all the glitch items on pokemon gold/silver are noted here:,5302.0.html

If there is another extended method to force an item into the items pocket exclusively could we take advantage of HM01 with say 5 pokemon?

I will force it into the item pocket with a code first.

Edit: I refused to give HM01 a nickname but then the music sped up very fast and the game crashed. I shall see what happens when you nickname it.

Edit2: When nicknaming HM01 it is definitely a ?????, but I got the same result; the music sped up again and the game crashed.


Posted by: Thanathan
Date: 2012-11-02 08:29:19
Have a question.
Its was said that the "bad clone" have no Name ore ??? as Name and no lvl.
I cloned a HO-Oh who is named ???, but its level is the same as his "normal"-named Counterpart.
is it a Bad clone or not?


Posted by: camper
Date: 2012-11-02 14:33:28
No it's not. Bad clones should be L0 I think.


Posted by: SloshedMail
Date: 2013-02-25 02:27:59
I was experimenting many things with this trick. Then this certain post on the temporary forums got my attention. It said:

"I was doing the Shiny Celebi glitch made by paco and decided I wanted more shiny pokemon from the older games without trading. I don't know if this is already known but when I was trying to use the shiny Gyarados to get a shiny mew using a Muk with the third move as acid armor. So when i got to my last two muks in the party i moved shiny gyarados and natu to the top of my party and proceeded with the glitch giving gyarados hm09 again and depositing the second to last muk. so i deposited the gyarados with the daycare couple and what i got back was a shiny Celebi again so i realized hm09 was item number 251 and attempted this same thing only instead of hm09 I used dragon scale witch is item 151 and sure enough i got a shiny mew after raising the gyarados with the daycare couple. so i did this a few more times using mystery berry to get mewtwo and masterball to get some original starters all shiny. the only problem with this glitch would be with the new legendaries that would require gyarados needing to hold hm01-07. any ideas on how i could get gyardos to be holding hm07 to get myself a shiny lugia?"


It's possible to get it after all!


Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2013-02-25 12:27:26

I was experimenting many things with this trick. Then this certain post on the temporary forums got my attention. It said:

"I was doing the Shiny Celebi glitch made by paco and decided I wanted more shiny pokemon from the older games without trading. I don't know if this is already known but when I was trying to use the shiny Gyarados to get a shiny mew using a Muk with the third move as acid armor. So when i got to my last two muks in the party i moved shiny gyarados and natu to the top of my party and proceeded with the glitch giving gyarados hm09 again and depositing the second to last muk. so i deposited the gyarados with the daycare couple and what i got back was a shiny Celebi again so i realized hm09 was item number 251 and attempted this same thing only instead of hm09 I used dragon scale witch is item 151 and sure enough i got a shiny mew after raising the gyarados with the daycare couple. so i did this a few more times using mystery berry to get mewtwo and masterball to get some original starters all shiny. the only problem with this glitch would be with the new legendaries that would require gyarados needing to hold hm01-07. any ideas on how i could get gyardos to be holding hm07 to get myself a shiny lugia?"


It's possible to get it after all!

Mind explaining?


Posted by: SloshedMail
Date: 2013-03-10 23:10:52
I will explain the whole thing once I know what to do exactly.

Edit: It's all done now.


Posted by: SloshedMail
Date: 2013-03-15 01:19:53
I realized it but days after I submitted the video on Youtube, I decided to research the trick a little more. This time, I have done it involving eggs. After 12 tries of duplicating the Odd Egg until I got a shiny, I have used my method to see if it would hatch to a Pokemon of my desire. It worked.

This also works (most of the time anyway) for the certain Pokemon that do not seem to allow it's letters to decrease. When doing my method, I made the transforming Pokemon lose two letters instead of one in the glitched PC box.

I have a Zubat for example. When the "Zu" is taken away, I then move the desired Pokemon to the box above the Zubat. The "u" gains and it will stay there when the desired Pokemon is moved back to another box of choice. Next, I move the desired Pokemon back to the glitched box. The other letter - it will be different - will appear on the Zubat. This will change it to the desired Pokemon and it will most likely retain it's shinyness. This works on (shiny) eggs too; the original trainer and ID will be the same as yours and you will be able to use the Name Rater on it as long as you don't use it in the glitched box again. Sometimes though, for the certain Pokemon that doesn't decrease letters, it would cause the levels to match it's national Pokedex number. Since the OT and ID is yours, your Pokemon will still obey you in this case. With that, it's possible to get any Pokemon and register it in the Pokedex.

Hopefully this will obsolete Paco81's method since this one is more easier and safer; it doesn't involve ????? and the usage of 7 Pokemon in your party.


Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-03-16 08:08:27

I realized it but days after I submitted the video on Youtube, I decided to research the trick a little more. This time, I have done it involving eggs. After 12 tries of duplicating the Odd Egg until I got a shiny, I have used my method to see if it would hatch to a Pokemon of my desire. It worked.

This also works (most of the time anyway) for the certain Pokemon that do not seem to allow it's letters to decrease. When doing my method, I made the transforming Pokemon lose two letters instead of one in the glitched PC box.

I have a Zubat for example. When the "Zu" is taken away, I then move the desired Pokemon to the box above the Zubat. The "u" gains and it will stay there when the desired Pokemon is moved back to another box of choice. Next, I move the desired Pokemon to the glitched box and then the other letter - it will be different - will appear on the Zubat. This will change it to the desired Pokemon and it will most likely retain it's shiny. This works on (shiny) eggs too. The original trainer and ID will be the same as yours and you will be able to use the Name Rater on it as long as you don't use it in the glitched box again. Sometimes though, for the certain Pokemon that doesn't decrease letters, it would cause the levels to match it's national Pokedex number. Since the OT and ID is yours, your Pokemon will still obey you in this case. With that, it's possible to get any Pokemon and register it in the Pokedex.

Hopefully this will obsolete Paco81's method since this one is more easier and safer; it doesn't involve ????? and the usage of 7 Pokemon in your party.

Wow, nice work! I have never tried the Celebi glitch, so I don't know what to say, but I hope your version catches on.


Posted by: SloshedMail
Date: 2013-03-17 06:18:49
Thanks Torchickens!

I was finished researching the egg trick and wanted to learn more about the ????? and how it handles on the Crystal version. When I added closed captioning on the video as seen on the above posts, I mentioned that these crashes can corrupt your data. It may reset the time as seen on the Gold version after doing certain things like having a glitched Unown dex and etc.

Since I didn't needed to use the data that I had anymore, I decided to see if I can visit any secret maps from the Goldenrod Center. Instead of getting those, I found other things. I call this the true form of ?????…


I have experienced this only once before when it happened and this was on the form of Dodrio. It had different attacks other than the one you're seeing. I believe the first attack is showing the hex value "00" while everything else is Sweet Scent (E6); the same as Kingdra. This rarely happens at times.

After viewing the Pokemon, the map glitched up as usual.


Remember the off-bounds trick I did? When you do go out of the map and the game is still working, you will notice a few things… You will have four badges - two from Kanto and two from Johto. All of your Pokemon will be holding HM13 (Hex FF). The Pokégear is gone. The Pokedex is no longer working and your items have switched to something specific. The item list is seen here:

Syntax: Item - Quantity
Key Items have their quantity ignored.

PP Up - 255
TM 42 - 205
TM 21 - 120
TM 14 - 229
HP Up - 63
Carbos - 255
(In addition for any Pokemon that had their HM13 taken)
PP Up - 1
X Accuracy - 87
TM 10 - 234
(The Cancel option is hidden.)

TM 10 - ??7
TM 22 - 33
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that.)
TM 21 - 17
Max Revive - 0
Full Restore - 13
Lucky Egg - ??7
Max Revive - 7
Teru-sama - 13
? - 0
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
HM 06
Water Stone - 4
PP Up - 13
Teru-sama - 55
TM 18 - ??3
TM 10 - 33
Max Revive - 3
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
? - 9
Lucky Egg - ??4
Poké Doll - 56
Master Ball - ??5
X Accuracy - ??5
Red Scale
Bitter Berry - 7
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
? - 25
Teru-sama - 25
Teru-sama - 25
Teru-sama - ??6
TM 10 - ??7
TM 22 - 95
Moon Stone - 7
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
? - 33
Blue Card
Teru-sama - 25
Teru-sama - 25
Teru-sama - 25
PP Up - 1
Leaf Stone - 3
Sharp Beak - 48
Teru-sama - ??5
TM 38 - 12
TM 18 - ??3
TM 10 - ??1
TM 48 - ??7
Brightpowder - 93
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
PP Up - 1
TM 24 - ??5
TM 06 - ??5
Spell Tag - 26
TM 03 - ??1
TM 24 - ??1
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
Brightpowder - 0
Teru-sama - ??9
TM 22 - 95
Fire Stone - 0
X Accuracy - ??6
Red Scale
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
Teru-sama - 25
Teru-sama - 25
S.S. Ticket
TM 18 - 10
Brightpowder - 7
? - 0
? - 0
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
? - 0
? - 0
? - 0
? - 0
Master Ball - 0
? - 0
? - 0
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
? - 0
? - 1
Master Ball - 2
Master Ball - 0
? - 1
Ultra Ball - 0
? - 0
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
? - 0
Master Ball - 0
? - 1
Master Ball - 1
Master Ball - 1
? - 0
Master Ball - 0
(It continues on with a lot of the "?" and some others so I stopped checking there.)

Master Ball - 255
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that.)
TM 14 - ??2
TM 30 - 24
Water Stone - ??6
TM 25 - 33
X Accuracy - 3
Brightpowder - 0
? - 9
Antidote - 54
Coin Case (Amount: ?690)
Repel - 33
X Accuracy - 9
Antidote - 0
? - 38
Full Heal - ??9
Egg Ticket
(The Cancel option is seen but it goes farther than that as well.)
Antidote - 54
Coin Case
? - 33
X Accuracy - ??9


# Move
01 DynamicPunch - 89
02 Headbutt - 62
03 Curse - 255
04 Rollout - 1
05 Roar - 1
06 Toxic - 255
07 Zap Cannon - 18
08 Rock Smash - 19
09 Psych Up - ??5
10 Hidden Power - 1
11 Sunny Day - 15
13 Snore - ??5
14 Blizzard - 38
15 Hyper Beam - 48
16 Icy Wind - ??1
17 Protect - ??5
18 Rain Dance - ??0
19 Giga Drain - 24
22 SolarBeam - 255
23 Iron Tail - 33
26 Earthquake - 9
27 Return - ??6
28 Dig - ??5
29 Psychic - 54
30 Shadow Ball - 255
31 Mud-Slap - 35
32 Double Team - 1
33 Ice Punch - 15
35 Sleep Talk - ??5
36 Sludge Bomb - 1
37 Sandstorm - 22
38 Fire Blast - 255
39 Swift - ??5
40 Defense Curl - 65
41 Thunder Punch - 48
42 Dream Eater - ??1
43 Detect - 254
44 Rest - 255
45 Attract - ??0
46 Thief - ??4
47 Steel Wing - 13
48 Fire Punch - ??8
49 Fury Cutter - 71
50 Nightmare - 250
All of the HM's are there.


My wild guess is that the items are based on the ram of the game. The only problem is that, in which I explained on one of the videos, is that the item "?" is the hex value 00. It originally goes in the ITEMS section. The description only crashes the game and I cannot find a way to get around it other than going past it via highlighting another item and moving it (using the Select button). The other way of obtaining it is if you have any Pokemon that created any mail through the glitched box… then taking it out of the PC and returning the mail to the bag (If you were to send the glitched mail from your PC back to the Pokemon, the item just disappears and won't come back). The values are as follows:

9E Totodile - Hyper Fang - Flower Mail
B5 Ampharos - Powder Snow - Surf Mail
B6 Bellossom - Protect - Liteblue Mail
B7 Marill - Mach Punch - Portrait Mail
B8 Azumarill - Scary Face - Lovely Mail
B9 Sudowoodo - Faint Attack - Eon Mail
BA Politoed - Sweet Kiss - Morph Mail
BB Hoppip - Belly Drum - Blue Sky Mail
BC Skiploom - Sludge Bomb - Music Mail
BD Jumpluff - Mud-Slap - Mirage Mail

Could this be where we could mess with the RAM as seen on the Yellow version?

Edit: Oh cool I found a shiny Pidgey.



Posted by: SloshedMail
Date: 2013-03-19 19:20:32

I wanted to make sure that my above posts were true so I started a brand new data.

After getting a bad clone on the very second duplication, I made my Geodude under the Level of Totodile's national dex number. It is no longer needed to have all badges since your Pokemon will still obey you under your ID and OT.


Posted by: Thanathan
Date: 2013-06-24 04:21:51

Is that "Kingdra", red?
and can u tell me how exactly you get it? :o


Posted by: SloshedMail
Date: 2013-06-25 17:18:54
I only tried to check the #000's status as usual. I was hoping to find the secret maps from Goldenrod.

It's color is yellow brown'ish. I believe it randomly changes color if I were to discover another one; the Dodrio in which I explained earlier was blue.

I am currently making another video of me replicating everything on the VBA.


Posted by: Thanathan
Date: 2013-06-28 16:51:57
Uh pls tell me if you done with that!