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Role Plays

The avatar wars game! - Page 29

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-09-20 15:46:46
Me: *fizzes* hmmhm hmhmhm… *opens eye* hmhmh mmmm hmmm… Ahh hahahaha…. hehehe…
Heartless Knux: Master?
Me: Hahahaha… Hmmhmhmhm…
Heartless Knux: What the hell happened!? Now I'll tear you out of the shadow realm, Nirk! *tears Nirk out of shadow realm* What the hell did you do to my Master!!?
Me: Nothing… Knux… Nothing… at all… Hahaha…
Heartless Knux: *eyes widen* Oh my god! Master! Wh-what happened to you!??
Me: Nothing… but… regeneration… You see… Knux… when Nirk… "wiped" me… from… existence… he used… Darkness… to do it… And… considering… I am… Darkness… the only… thing he… did was… regenerate… me…
Heartless Knux: *punches Nirk in the face* HA! SEE!? I TOLD YOU MY MASTER WAS UNDEFEATABLE!!! *mutilates Nirk and Nork* *decapitates Nirk* HAHAHAHA!!
Me: Now… for one of… my most… powerful… spells… Dark Oblivion!
Heartless Knux: YEAH! MASTER! SHOW THEM!
Me: *casts Dark Oblivion* *field warps* *Nirk and Nork are mutilated by an unknown force* *their souls get destroyed* *they are ripped apart* *their view fills with Darkness* *massive explosion*
[block]: Yay!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-09-21 01:10:23
(Nork comes back together)Nork:You, are becoming shadow, error! Your recharging from the power of shadow. And Nirk used shadow to do that! The shadow realm has shadow in it, you idiot, not darkness! *Feels the weakness of the power that Nirk used) Uhhhhh, mayby he used my darkness power to do… that! *looses the power of darkness, but gains the power of shadow*
Me:Grrrr, the power of shadow mixed with darkness is the most powerful thing you've ever seen. it can destoy entire dimentions! An nothing inside can be recovered. Meaning that the user… is gone forever. How I know this, well, I'm the master of shadow.*reveals self to be nirk*
Nirk:And Error sizzling, well your now darkness again. Wait, could that mean that… we could destrroy the shadow realm, destroying error, you and me… it would destroy everything made of darkness, everything made of shadow. Everything they rely on, will be destroyed. Error, and knux, will be gone, nomatter what. Shadow, used to be tied to nothing, is now tied to the same thing darkness is tied to. It's… it's the only way to defeat knux, and error! And who is [block]? God, he's a glitch, he shouldn't be  able to talk1 No power of darkness or shadow could do that!
Nork:Wa, wait, Wouldn't we destoy our world in the process? IT may not seem like it, but they are actuly tied deeply.
Nirk:Yes, And that also gives Knux and error no reason to destroy ours! It will destory them!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: Glitch Reasearcher
Date: 2008-09-21 13:50:24
me: perhaps I should try a different tactic.

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-09-22 01:32:34
Nirk: Is that, what I think it is? If it is, you can remove ties from things, if we send our power to it!
Nork:*Takes the staff thing from Skieth and puts some of his darkness power in the hole*
Nork: Nirk, you turn!
Nirk:*Puts a ball of darkness in the hole and seals it*
*The staff glows*
Nork:Let's do this!
*Throws the staff into the core of the shadow realm*
Nirk: Wait… that's not good. It's absorbing the shadow, causing the ties to become stronger! Though mayby we shouldn't stop it.
Nirk:It's because- Oh no it's gonna explode! With te ties becoming deeper surly both worlds will explode with it!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-09-24 22:40:12
Me: I… do not… understand… why you say… you even… HAVE darkness… within you… I am… Darkness… The Profound Darkness… not just… a small, weak… force of darkness… Nirk or Nork… you have… no control… over darkness… at all… Hehehehe… You fools!
Heartless Knux: Yeah you guys wouldn't control any darkness even if you tried! What you guys think is darkness is actually shadow, just shadow, you got it? You idiots were fooled the WHOLE time, HA! Master actually teleported you into the 'shadow realm' using his powers, you thought you were sooooo powerful, well tough shit for you! *punches them both* *beats both up badly* Stupid little insects.
Me: Hahaha…. *rips dimension*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-09-25 13:29:47
Nork:Error, you are a LIAR! Unless you gave Knux shadow when you first transeformed him, you are a total LIAR! I TOOK ALL OF HIS POWER AWAY! I HAVE AS MUCH POWER THAT YOU GAVE HIM THEN!
Nirk:I can't be killed. Only error can kill me. And that would destroy him pernamently aswell. Even  If knux found a way to resurect Error, I would be resurected aswell. Error, you share the same DNA as me! We are exactly the same. The only diference if that I'm the master of shadow and your the master of darkness. Without you I can't exist. Without me you can't exist. Without me the shadow realm can't exist. Without you the darkness realm can't exist. without the darkness realm darkness can't exist. Without the shadow realm shadow can't exist. We shouldn't be fighting… but…you should be warried. when the shadowrealm explodes, you will, aswell as me, aswell as the darkness realm, aswell as anything made of darkness, aswell as anything made of shadow. And there's noway to fix it!
*Sew's the dimention back together.*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-09-25 20:05:33
Me: I have… no DNA… you fool… You do not… understand the true power of the darkness!! The Darkness is the source of all evil in the Universe! I am not made of living matter! You two little bastards will have your souls tormented and mortified for the rest of your fucking lives! You may not give up, but it will end in your destruction!!
Heartless Knux: Holy shit! Master, what the hell is happening!?
Me: I will ultimately rip these insects apart! *warps dimension* *dimension tears apart* *crazy warping and flashes* *Nork is torn apart and killed by the dark force that impales his heart* *the battlefield warps into a crazy dark dimension* *Nirk is thrown out of the shadow realm* Now you will die! Have your very souls torn from your bodies and thrown into everlasting madness! *Nirk is warped*
Heartless Knux: Oh shi- *gets thrown about*
Me: Die you worthless living creature! *Nirk is permenantly sealed out of his shadow realm and darkness realm* *Error detaches all connections between them* Worthless little shit! *impales Nirk* *mutilates Nirk* *decapitates Nirk* *blasts Nirk into the Madness Rift*
Heartless Knux: H….. oly!!! ShIiiiiiiIIIIiiitttt!! *gets knocked about*
Me: Bring the END! THE DARK OBLIVION!! (getting WAY too out of control, weeeeeee!  :XD:)

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-09-25 22:38:58
Nirk;Uhh, Ahh Uhh, Ahh! Error you little! You may have sealed me from the jfisdjfosd I mean The shadow and jahsp- I mean Darkness rift, but you just made your own demise! you also sealed yourself into the darkness realm, you can't excape! and if you try to make it so that you can get out, I will be able to go back there! We are tied! We are one. What ever happens to me happens to you! I have the same powers as you! I was spawned from darkness, and got weakened to this state by light! I was once another ruler of darkness! We are twins! Knux, Don;t you relise what your master is doing? Your the only person who can stop him! He's out of control! whaazoozooky! HA! Wait, Madness rift, made much more mad by Error, It can make dreams come true!*Falls asleep and dreams about Knux and Nirk, Reviving Nork, the second darkness master, causing that so to happen*
Me:There was allways Four Masters of darkness, Nirk, Nork, Error and me! Now there's only three! Nork, Error, and me!  you caused this Error! When you were first made, you wanted light to shine on the exact spot you were at. However, you weren't powerful enough,thus causing it to happen later! Just When you transeformed Knux, Your want came true. It shined on nirk, causing him to be the only master of shadow! However *transeforms Nirk into a darkness master again*
nirk:I'm a shar mom's careless mom foot dog!
Me:Ugh, he's gone insane… mayby… mayby… mayby it's because he's cut off from shadow!
Nirk:Nukein the pencils foot machajer? Po not any power!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: Glitch Reasearcher
Date: 2008-09-25 22:51:36
Me: Hmm, I guess I'll have to take it to the Xth form. Hah!! *Skeith's appearence changes again*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-09-25 23:00:58
(hey GR, welcome back to Avatar wars)
Me: HAHAHAHA!!! *reality tearing apart around me*
Heartless Knux: What the… NO! I will not ressurect Nork! I am still… eeeeuughh… with you… Master! AAAaaaaaaGGGGhhhhhAAAAggggg!!
*ice appears around the still intact area of the battlefield*
Arthas: Ahh, Error, I am finally here! What do you require?
Me: DeeeeeSSSSSttt……RRRRoooooyyyyy theeeeeemmmmm….
Arthas: You seem quite… tense, do you not? Let me kill this Nirk for you while you rip reality asunder.
*slashes Nirk with Frostmourne* *summons many undead abominations* Attack that worthless waste of living flesh! *abominations attack Nirk*
Heartless Knux: Master! I thought I was the only one worthy!
Me: GGGGrrrrrr…..
Heartless Knux: Okay! Okay! I'll fight along side… what's his name?
Arthas: Arthas, the Lich King, and you are? *freezes the blood in Nirk*
Heartless Knux: Oh, I'm Knux, I am a-
Me: Yyyyooouuu twwwwooo FFFIIIGGGHHHT NOOOOOWWW!!!! *reality breaking* *summons anti-matter* *time shattering*
Arthas & HK: Very well! *both lunge at Nirk*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-09-25 23:40:28
Me;Everything you do to nirk has the same effects on Error ya know? Though he doesn't even have blood.
Nork:Yeah! Three VS. Three, not a bad trade off! Only none or two people walk away from this fight!
Nirk:South winter's acorns exploded!(Translation:wut's going on!
Me:erroring error's error pet! (translation:It's effecting us all! Atleast everyone knows what it means telepathicly.
Nork:Dark shadows in hotdogs!(Translation:It's effecting Error aswell!)
All:Mega teeth in china!(Translation:Three beings unite!
Nirk:Errorus scholds with flying helmets!(Translation:Without Me, Shadow and darkness would die!
Nork:hero's eat dumpler flying spacships winter mornings! (Translation:Without me, Sound would die!
Me:My flying's boots airplanes hair! (Translation: Without me, Colour would die!
Nirk and nork:fus about lol in loling fire planes!(Trranslation:Without error…
Me:Fireing fire shots at air! (Translation: Difernce would die!)

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-09-25 23:48:55
[block]: 5.
Arthas: By Ner'Zhul, what the hell is wrong with Error?
Heartless Knux: I'm not sure, Master seems to be getting very angry!
Me: *shatters part of reality* *tears Nork apart with rage* KILL! DESTROY! DEATH! MISERY! CHAOS! ANGER! DESPAIR! INSANITY! HATRED!! *colors of oblivion(what?) start flashing everywhere*
Heartless Knux: Not even Genesis or Nefarian saw this kind of madness… I'm not sure I'll survive this. *worried look*
Arthas: Once he gains full power, you and I shall teleport out of this dimension, back to the one where we all truly reside, back on Earth. After we are out of here, Error will unleash something so powerful that even Earth might see it.
Me: *gathering massive amounts of dark matter and anti-matter* Haaaahhhaa….hhhaaa….
Arthas: …But for now, we distract Nirk, considering his brother is dead now.
Heartless Knux: Ah, okay. (under breath) I wonder what Master's full power attack will look like? (normal talking) What? I hear something! Somebody is talking to me?

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: Glitch Reasearcher
Date: 2008-09-25 23:58:21
Me: and now, I'm at the pinnicle of my strength. well, almost *holds out hand and eight orbs fly out and get absorbed by Skeith* hehehe, now let's get this party started! *pounds fists together, and by extension, so does Skeith*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-09-26 00:04:16
Nork:I CAN'T BE KILLED IDIOT. We're on your team, knux, now. that part of reality to broke fixed the speaking! When error get's ready to deliver the final blow, we teleport to earth!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-09-26 19:55:09
(so where's Skeith's Xth form?)
Heartless Knux: Since when the hell where you on OUR team? The Dark Eye team? Bah oh well, as long as you destroy this dimension with us, then I'm fine with it.
Me: Hahahaha…. Rage building… *seems to fade in and out of this plane of existence* Yes! *becomes anti-matter and then goes back to normal matter* *gathering untold amounts of energy*
Arthas: Error seems to be going a little out of control, if we're not careful, he might turn on us and destroy us.
Heartless Knux: Hey Switch Ki-
Arthas: LICH King! Thank you very much!
Heartless Knux: LICH King, Nork and Nirk are on our side!
Arthas: I wouldn't trust them, they could cancel out Error's ultimate destruction attack.
Heartless Knux: What is this attack called?
Arthas: …Hateful Obliteration… At least that's what WE call it, Error calls it something different.
Heartless Knux: Uhhhh…. Ok… *looks at Nork* You sure your on our side?
Arthas: Don't ask them you dull-minded fool! *glares at Nork*
Heartless Knux: Hold on! Someone's trying to communicate with me!
[light, young voice]: Knux? Whe- *fizzes* Where are y-*fizzes* are you?
Heartless Knux: Oh shit, not THEM! Grrrrr….