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The avatar wars game! - Page 38

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-11-29 01:16:05
(Bah, I get confused with such mad numbers)
Me: NOTHING CAN STOP ME!! HATRED SHALL CONSUME ALL BEINGS!! *Hatred's power increases by 1000 times* NOTHING I SAY!!

(Hypermegaultra Realm)
Tails: Augh… My head hurts…
Arthas: The Hatred's power has increased, and considering you are getting a headache, it must mean by an immense amount. We may not even be safe here…. Even if we are five septillion light centuries away from the Hatred and Error himself.
Shadow Knux: W-what?? I feel as if my strength is being drained… *Knux' shadow power fades*
Knuckles: Damnit! Now my head aches…
Arthas: *looks up into warped sky* …How…? How can it even be here!? Look there! That black and red anomaly in the sky! That's the Hatred trying to break through! How can it be THIS powerful!?
Tails: Now… I… Light? Auuughhh… Save… Everything… *Tails grabs his head, falls to the ground, and dies…*
Knuckles: Tails?? Tails died!? W-what is happening to me now?? Why do I have to die this way??
Arthas: …Dying is not bad, Knuckles… I have died… And yet I live… Hahaha!
Knuckles: But… I'm going to die permenantly… per-men-ant…ly… *his voice fades to a murmur* Why…? *Knuckles dies*
Arthas: Rid of them… Finally… The Hatred killed them… But now, what about me?
Me: (voice echoing everywhere) Finally rid of those fools? Yes you are… But now… I shall bring in the end of creation… The end of everything… The end of the end!
Arthas: *looks North* What is that? It looks like a dragon… Hmm…
Me: I shall break through soon… Tails and Knuckles were the weakest ones, that is the reason they died first… You shall die if I break through any more…
Nefarian: *roars*
Arthas: Nefarian!? He has returned!? How did that dragon get all the way to this realm?

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-29 01:40:15
Nirk: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *Makes Knuckles and Tails alive again*
Nork: With the increased hatered power… *Gives Knukles, Tails, Smithy, And Bowyer Darkness powers*
Bowyer: I feel like I can shoot my arrows 1000 times faster now… And Nefarian Is the revese one. Sorry. Or Happy. Error Is in Range now! *Shoot's an arrow at error witch Stops Error's darkness and shdow powers, making him a normal human For awhile, and causin the hatered to end*
Nirk: He is just lying there, helpless, in the void, between universes… It's, hard, to not, help,someone like that. *Sobs*
Bowyer: *Traps, causing an Arrow to shoot at The core of the mirror universe, causing IT, and all of it's natural beings, to explode!
Nork: Bowyerrrrr… anyway, this void sends the body into a neutrial mood. Hatred cannot kill us. LET ALL LOOSE ON ERROR!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-11-30 00:42:46
(I'm not a human in the Avatar Wars)
Me: *Hatred instantly comes back* IT IS NOT THAT EASY TO TAKE THE HATRED AWAY FROM ME!! I AM HATRED ITSELF! *Hatred increases*
Tails: Auggh… Can't stand the pure Hatred… It's even more powerful… Nork… You're kind of darkness isn't nearly enough you need to survive the onslaught… I have to go… I can't win… I have never won… *falls onto the ground* *curls up* It's your task now… I can't help… *dies*
Dark Knuckles: …Nor can I win… Error is just too powerful… I don't think you'll make it… It's time for me to move on to the peaceful realm of the Infinite Beyond… If you don't want to be tortured for eternity… Then give in… Die… Just as I will… See ya there…*closes eyes* *coughs in a strained voice* *dies*
Nefarian: Is this what Error truly is!? I thought he was a mere death knight…
Arthas: I always sensed in him the pure evil. He is almost unimaginably more powerful than you thought he was. How can you stand this Hatred?
Nefarian: I have a small darkness of my own. I can't really stand against the full blast of the Hatred, but I can stand it at this point.
Arthas: We must try our best to stop Error's full Hatred from breaking through. If it does, we shall suffer endlessly…
Me: END OF ALL LIFE!! *emits a screeching roar that is horrifying to behold* HAHAHAHAHAHA!! BOW DOWN TO THE ULTIMATE DARKNESS!! BOW DOWN TO HATRED!! BOW DOWN TO THE TRUE EVIL!!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: Glitch Reasearcher
Date: 2008-11-30 11:04:47
Me: NEVER!!!!! DATA DRAIN!!! *begins data draining everything from 56: Error*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-30 16:55:24
Dimentio: I will rejoin you when you stop with the hatered! *Joins in with the data drain on error*
Reverse Dimentio: Oooohhhh, I'm… barely… alive… I will… do what I can do… to help… *Star's data draining error also*
Smithy: I can help too! *Makes a machine made Glitch researcher*
Nork: Why Glitch researcher?
Smithy: Out of all of the people here who can data drain, Glitch researcher is  the most powerful.
Machine made glitch researcher: DATA DRAIN!!! *Starts data draining error*
Me: Umm, erm, hrrrmmm *Data drains aswell* All the hatered is being consentraited towards me. My natural immunie  will keep it from killing me!
Nork: *Give  knuckles darkness powers, and revives tails with darkness powers*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-11-30 23:49:35
Tails and Knux: *instantly die*
Arthas: AGGGGGHGHGHGH!!! *thrown backwards* *goes into a coma*
Nefarian: WHAT THE- *warps and breaks* *Nefarian faints*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-12-01 00:30:42
Nork: Error, even YOUR natural immunity isn't enough to stop the hatred fully. That's why you are hating all of us!
Smithy: Why didn't I think of this! *Makes a Ultra mega super massive Deluxe Chaos heart.
Dimentio; Wow… wait, how is the other machine made still alive?
MAchine made GR: I'm alive from the data drain!
Nork: Oh.
Smithy: The chaos heart is super powering the data drain! REVERSE DATADRAIN THE CHAOS HEART! SEND YOU EMOTIONS TO IT!
*Everyone except Machine made GR does*
*The chaos heart sendds a supermassive reverse datadrain at error, causing him to be full of all sorts of emotions, that go back and forth between machinemade GR*
Smithy: I hope this works… *Makes a machine made Bowyer*
Bowyer: *Shoots an aerow(That's what I should of been calling them, they are living creatures with emotions) at the datadrain, causing it's emotions to flow through aswell. All the emotions flow strait to error*
*Error seemingly explodes in a massiveultramegasupernova, full of all the emotions from hatred and rage, to happyness and pleasure, aswell with darkness and shadow*
Everyone: WHHOOOOOOAAAAAA!!!! *Everyone gets blown to the edge of the multiverse*
Nork: For some reason, Error, is, still, alive! He is basicly a normal human though….

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-12-04 19:36:37
(You can't control whether I explode or not, thank you very much. I'll tolerate being a human for a short while, GTFO god-modders)

Me: I am not giving up…
Arthas: How can you possibly destroy us now? You are a mere human. You can do nothing to us.
Nefarian: Should I scorch him?
Me: *menacing grin* Hehehe… You're all fools… I tell you now… FOOLS! You do not understand… I am the Hatred, I am the Anger, I am Insanity, I am everything that makes Darkness! I have no natural immunity, have you not payed attention to me saying that before!? I may be a mere human… But from the Hatred… Comes the most ultimate evil! The ultimate!! Even Hatred may have come to pass… But there is one more thing! ONE MORE. It is not even an emotion. The Dark Hate! Dark Hate! Yesss! Dark Hate! It is the most POWERFUL thing in the Multiverse! The most powerful thing in existance! I shall summon it now! You shall all be torn apart! This Dark Hate shall bring the end to all of reality, all of universes, all of EXISTANCE ITSELF!! *Darkness envelopes Error* It comes instantaneously as well! I do not have to wait or power up! Taste the fury of the very thing that brings the true and hateful END!
Arthas: WHAT!?
Nefarian: *looks up into warped sky*
*Darkness breaks through, but it is not actually Darkness, it is Dark Hate*
Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *everything around everyone is instantly destroyed* OBLITERATION AWAITS!! *everything is ripped, warped, smashed, and shattered*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-12-07 02:17:55
( He did't really explode, things around him exploded actually.)
Nork: Umm, now what?
Nirk: I have no idea.

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-12-07 14:51:16
(Well, just saying, it sounded like you made me explode)

*Dark Hate rushing towards everyone that opposes Error* *dimension around the Dark Hate is torn apart and destroyed* *reality becomes nothing*
Me: I shall never surrender… And now… I shall never… surrrender to anything… Because the Dark Hate… shall… destroy all… I shall… finally… have… my… true… world… All to… myself…
Arthas: *teleports back to Earth*
[On Earth]
Arthas: Finally, back from that battle. Now to start my undead invasion… *walks off*
[Back were Error is destroying everything]

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-12-22 02:05:51
(Since we are restarting, I'm gonna make it sound… rather interesting)
Smithy: If all else fails, reset time! *makes a bomb that will restart the RPG* *makes it explode*
Smithy: Ah, this is how it was before all the darkness mayhem accord!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-12-22 12:34:37
(Okay, so you have Smithy and…?
My characters are Giygas, Error [but in a much weaker form, I won't start the crazy-ass battle again], Yevon, and a currently unknown character just for a little suspense)

Error: Why the hell are we in this part of the world? The Mushroom Kingdom is sickeningly happy…
Giygas [in a single floating skull form]: Neaaaahhhhhhh…
Yevon: Because there is something here that we need.
Error: I'm going to wreak havoc here once you're done getting this 'powerful object'. I still command both of you-
Error: Fine, I control only you, Yevon, not Giygas.
???????: Master, why can we not destroy things now?
Error: You fool, Yevon needs some 'powerful object' from this haven of idiocy.
???????: Okay, Master. But can we destroy those little bastards looking at us from over there? *points to Goombas and Koopas*
Error: Yes. Giygas, you can have the honour…
Giygas: IIIOOOEEGGHHH… *kills Goombas with a black magic spell* *drains the group of Koopa's souls* Kkeeaaaghhh…. *sky turns dark*
Error: Thank you, Giygas, at least make this setting a little more ominous.

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-12-22 13:32:40
I have Smithy and bowyer, as smithy made the bomb explode and bowyer is smithy's creation
Smithy: Why yes… it does, nehahahaha.
Bowyer: Are you ok master? You seem diferent… Would this help? (launches an arrow at the sky)
*the omniousness falls.
Smithy: What just came over me?
Bowyer: Watch out, there is a zombie koopa coming!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-12-22 14:21:49
Error: …Who is that small man in red with an 'M' on his hat?
Yevon: Where do you see that?
Error: *points at Mario*
Yevon: His name is Mario, he tries to stop Bowser from stealing Princess Peach and taking over this kingdom.
Error: Note to self… Torture and possibly kill Bowser, Mario, and Peach…
Giygas: Neeaaaaggghhhmeeeehhhh…
Error: And that is…?
Yevon: Luigi, Mario's brother.
Error: How do you know all of this?
Yevon: I've been here before…
Error: Why would someone like you be here?
Yevon: Here when I was young. I used to play hide-and-seek with Bowser, Mario, Luigi, and Peach.
Error: Sickening… I thought you were evil all along…
???????: Yeah, I used to live here…
Error: Damnit! Am I the only one that hasn't lived here!?
Giygas: Meeaaaaaaagghhhhhnnnnaaaaa….
Error: Excluding you, Giygas. *looks around* I'm bored as ever, when can we kill?
Yevon: Hehehe! Now you can, because I have the powerful Seal of Vengeance!
Error: Perfect! *causes nearby volcano to erupt with extreme power*
Giygas: *floats up into sky* *Giygas' form takes over the sky* EEEAAAAGGGHHHH!! *turns into many screaming skulls*
Error: Now I just hope that no person screws up our plan to destroy this place. *blasts Goombas*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-12-22 14:26:48
Bowyer: Now what is going on with the sky? *shoots an arrow at the sky causing Giygas to turn to normal and fall to the ground, paralyzed