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The avatar wars game! - Page 36

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: Glitch Reasearcher
Date: 2008-11-15 11:46:41
(um, Data Drain only works on one target)

Me: *creates another army of Skeiths*

everyone: Can you tell which one of us is the real one?

Skieths: *begins attacking 56: Error*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-11-15 13:09:51
(Whatever, I don't watch the .hack series)
Me: Little whelps… Foolish enough to attack me… *swipes some Skieths aside* *blasts a black laser*
Shoop Mouth: *finally thaws* IMMA' FIRIN MAH LAZER!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! *shoop beam hits Arthas, Dark Tails, Nirk, Dimentio, and a few Skieths*
Dark Tails: *gets back up* Gah… I can't believe I got shot down by a mouth… *telepathically throws the Shoop Mouth backwards*
Arthas: *raises more undead minions* Attack! Everyone you see! Attack now! *undead minions swarm the battlefield*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-16 00:23:01
Dimentio: YAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! *Starts beating up shoop mouth*
Nork: Ummmmmm… go dimentio?
Nirk: Whatever… *Clones shoop mouth*
Dimentio: Whoh… And I forgot about this power I allways had(Yess he really allways did have this power, or atleast in SPM he did) *Splits into two*
Both Dimentio: Ha, can you tell who is the right one, but our attaccks both hurt(Same in SPM)

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: Glitch Reasearcher
Date: 2008-11-16 12:55:45
Me(all): Data Drain! *the Skeiths begin to Data Drain 56: Error*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-11-16 19:38:51
Me: *reverses Data Drain* Back onto you, fools. *explosion* I'll banish all of you to the unending wrath. *sharp spikes shoot up from the ground*
Dark Tails: *arm gets impaled by a spike* Aggh… Damnit!
Heartless Knux: Ha! Now's my chance to vanquish you! *rushes at Dark Tails*
Dark Tails: *blasts HK back with dark psychic* I'm not letting you beat me just yet… *rips own arm open* Ha! Now I am free! *rushes at HK*
Arthas: *fighting in the crowd of Skieths* *slashes Skieth* *whirlwind slashes Skieths* Attack, minions, now! *undead minions begin attacking the army of Skieths*
Me: *rips open dimension* Feel the wrath of Ruin Impendant! *reality shatters, causing a paradox that warps and breaks everything* *large explosion*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-16 22:09:26
Nork: *Keeps Dark tails in place with darkness powers* Quick HK attack dark tails!
Reverse Nork: We are not who you think we are, heheheheh *Sheilds Dimentio and Error*
Dimentio: I think this is a trap…
Reverse Nirk: No it isn't! *Blasts Nirk, Nork, and HK*
Reverse me: He is right ya know.
Me: Reverse… ME?! *Blast's reverse me*
Reverse Me: Fool, we are on Errors side!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-11-17 19:32:17
Me: You never knew that? Ha… Nirk and Nork are against me, their Reverse forms are allied with me.
Dark Tails: Gaaah… *breaks darkness hold* *slashes HK*
Heartless Knux: Why you… *punches Dark Tails* *Dark Tails and HK begin fighting again*
Arthas: *sends more undead minions to attack the Skieths* *jabs Frostmourne into the ground* *ice freezes 5 Skieths*
Me: Ultimate destruction of all living things, that is all that I want… All that I want… Let life cease! There is no point in living. Everything… Except Darkness… Has an end… *slams Nirk and HK into the ground* Rage, Anger, Insanity, Sadness, and Hatred… All the greatest powers in the Universe and the Multiverse…
I shall form them together to create the Ultra-Oblivion, the Hateful End of All Things… Yes… The end… Is near…

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-18 02:16:56
Dimentio: I willl be all powerful in 5… 4… 3…
Nork: Oh… Oh no! Dimenti ocould end this if he gains the power the the chaos heart!
Dimentio: 2…
Dimentio: 1… Haha!  I am now all pow-achoo!!! Achoo, Achoo, Achoooooooooo! *Sneezes out the chaos heart*
Reverse Nirk: Not if I can help it! *Fuses dimentio with the chaos heart*
Dimentio: ULTRA FIGHTING DIMENTIO ACTIVATE! *Becomes ultra fighter dimentio* Yah!
Dimentio: *Makes hypnotising rain across the multiverse*
SHOOP MOUTH CLONE: IMMA FIREIN MEH LAZER! *Shoots a lazer at the rain cloud*
*The rain cloud shocks Dimentio, and disapears before it could do any harm*
Dimentio: Ohhhh, ooohhh.  *Absorbed power returns to who it was absorbed from, removing the extra power from dimentio*
Luigi: Wow… I feel coragous again!
Dimentio: What have you done to me! Ooh… Atleast I still have my fighter Dimentio powers with me! *Fighter Dimentio power drifts out of dimentio, with the chaos heart fused within!*
Me: It is made of your memories…
Fighter Dimentio: Devistating Oatmeal Itch machine!
Dimentio: I don't realy think tha-
Fighter Dimentio: at he is my memories…

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-11-18 22:51:17
Me: Good and life never win… For life ends… And along with it good does as well… I shall put all of you through the Five Powers of Darkness… Let me see if you can survive, you inferior beings… Dimentio shall survive due to his ability to constantly re-create himself…
Let us begin… First Power: Sadness… *battlefield become dark and gloomy* Let the neverending suicidal thoughts penetrate your mind…
Dark Tails: Ha! I'm not affected! I'm already dead! Or… wait? Am I dead? I don't really know… Oh well! I'm not affected by Sadness.
Heartless Knux: Nor am I, probably because I have no heart.
Arthas: Sadness only fuels my power…
*other characters on the field that just happen to be actually alive slump to the ground in depression*

Me: Sadness is the Fifth Power, thus it is the weakest of all… Sadness bores me… Now feel the wrath of the Fourth Power: Rage… *battlefield shakes and erupts with lava* *lightning strikes the ground* *sky goes orange and yellow*
Dark Tails: *stuck by lightning* ZZZZ! Ahh! This one is bad!!
Heartless Knux: This is pure Rage! Pure Rage! It's crazy! *dodges lightning bolt*
Me: Burn in the Wrath!! BURN!!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-18 23:26:34
Fighter dimentio; These powers have Freed me from the prison of the chaos heart! I have a mind of my own now!
Dimentio: Grubes? Safa maka hala wacka!
Fighter Dimentio: HAHA! without me tied to the chaos heart you can't even speak right.
Reverse Nork: GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Looks like I'm gona have to do this! *Fuses the chaos heart dea within dimentio*
Dimentio: Gruba! Err, um.. I mean, thanks? Sorry, but i barely have any memory left in me… just enough to survive!*Points to lava* Who are you?
Dimentio: Yes, I may not rember who you are, but I know I need to fight you!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-11-18 23:39:11
Me: Death shall reign! Let the Third Power: Anger be your demise! *sky turns red* *ground cracks become larger* *meteors rain from the sky*
Dark Tails: Oh… Crap! *meteor smashes into ground*
Heartless Knux: Now's my chance… *rushes at Dark Tails* Woah! *trips on a jagged rock*
Arthas: *stabs Frostmourne into the ground* Damn! It has no effect!
Me: Of course it does not, fool. Anger is all the fire that burns in the Universe. Not even absolute zero can soothe it… Anger is chaotic, it bounces and dances. It destroys all in its path, it sets everything ablaze!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-18 23:50:39
Dimentio: *Blasts fire from fingertips* I can control this anger.
Nork: *dodges meteor* Anger management is key! And sence anger if being forced all arround me, I can shoot it from my fingertips! Just like Dimentio did. Oh and… *Blasts Reverse Nork's shoes with fire* With anger management… Anyone can control anger, even if it's being forced onto you!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-11-19 21:58:42
Me: You cannot control anger! This is the ultimate incarnation of anger! How dare you! *ground breaks apart* Now the anger increases! *meteors begin exploding in atmosphere* *lava spouts even higher* This is the full wrath of anger!
Arthas: *shields self*
Dark Tails and HK: *gets knocked about* *both get hit by a meteor*
Me: Taste the fury!!

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-19 22:36:02
Nirk: *Blasts error with a humongous ball of fire* I think this can be controlled
Dimentio: Ummm, what's you name again?
Nirk: Nirk
Dimentio: Nirk is right you know. buuuuuut… *Redirects a meteor at Nork*
Nork:*Barely dodges it* why I otta! Ok, nork, control your anger. if you get too angery, you will be angry untill this anger rush stops. *Inhales then exhales*

Re: The avatar wars game!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-11-19 23:19:47
Me: Fire only adds to my power! Considering it is what anger is! Ha!
Dark Tails: Damn, I don't think we can ever stop Error from these powers of Darkness… *dodges meteor*
Heartless Knux: Ahhh!!
Me: Let the ultimate fire incinerate your soul! Anger shall tear you apart! *ground blows up*
Soon the Second Power: Insanity shall be unleashed, then none of you shall be able to stand the pure madness that follows. The madness shall rip your very existance away!
Heartless Knux: I can't… Stand much more of it anyway… *barely dodges a meteor* Gaahh!
Dark Tails: *panting* I… can't do this!
Arthas: *groans* Damn, this shield cannot hold up much longer… *undead minions get burned and destroyed*
Me: Hahahaha!!