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Generation I Glitch Discussion

Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion - Page 17

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: MrGlitch
Date: 2013-05-20 08:59:45

If you change the map identifier and interact with the signs/NPCs, you'll likely see inappropriate text (like the healing message) or invalid text that ends with (id) ERROR.
Example video:

Yes, NPC text errors happened to me as well.

I think I understand what you're saying about the pointers. But when, for example, the game displays glitchy credits in a particular location, does it overwrite the room data with the credits data?

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-05-20 09:26:27
I don't know exactly how the Hall of Fame script works. I suspect it probably just writes data on the screen.

Technically, the room data as in the map header data (except the level-script pointer) and tileset header stays the same as it is.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: camper
Date: 2013-05-20 10:10:46

I don't know exactly how the Hall of Fame script works. I suspect it probably just writes data on the screen.

Technically, the room data as in the map header data (except the level-script pointer) and tileset header stays the same as it is.

Text pointer and the connections change as well.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: MrGlitch
Date: 2013-05-20 15:54:12

Technically, the room data as in the map header data (except the level-script pointer) and tileset header stays the same as it is.

That's what I thought, since the tileset appeared to correspond to the location in this case.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Raven Freak
Date: 2013-05-21 12:52:59
Alright i'm not sure if i've posted this here before but I made a few notes while memory hacking Pokemon Blau (yeah I don't know why exactly I was playing around with the german version but meh.) While they're not complete yet i'll give you a little bit of information. :V If you've wanted to tweak the music in the game, $C000 contains data for the sound driver. Pokemon Blue and Red were games that didn't take full advantage of the stereo sound the GB had to offer, there's only one song in the game that plays in stereo in the very first part of the song. (The theme that plays in the rocket's hideout in Celadon.) However to change any song to play in stereo simply change the byte located at $C004 to any value between F0 and FE. (FD provides the best results IMO.) However since the sound driver gets refreshed when a new song is loaded into memory, you'd have to change the byte again once the map loads to hear the music in stereo. Another address related to music is $1215, this part of the ROM itself seems to contain code to tell the game which music ID to play during the overworld. Depending on which song is playing, it'll fetch another song within the same bank as the current song playing. Just wanted to share that little tidbit incase you wanted to mess up the music. :P

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: camper
Date: 2013-06-08 06:22:01
I can't use a PP Up anymore in Pokemon Red. Prof. Oak always tells me it's not the right time to use it, but he doesn't mention when can I use it.

Someone asked the same question in here and there, but no one gave a solution.

Is it a glitch or just some side-effect of a previously used glitch? I need to use a PP Up to get 8F to work.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-06-08 07:34:24

I can't use a PP Up anymore in Pokemon Red. Prof. Oak always tells me it's not the right time to use it, but he doesn't mention when can I use it.

Someone asked the same question in here and there, but no one gave a solution.

Is it a glitch or just some side-effect of a previously used glitch? I need to use a PP Up to get 8F to work.

There are actually two PP Ups in Generation I. One of them (hex: 32), doesn't work and can only be sold for 4900 Pokédollars. (which is kind of weird, because the right one sells for nothing)

The right PP Up is the hex: 4F one.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: camper
Date: 2013-06-08 09:02:54
Thanks a lot! (I shouldn't have used the last PP Up in the game without cloning it first)

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-06-09 07:05:21
You're welcome. :)

There are some hidden PP Ups, like these:


Are you sure you've found them all?

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: camper
Date: 2013-06-09 11:20:12
I've found all 4 in the game. In fact, I've collected all items in the game, when I shouldn't have done that.

There's one more in the Cerulean Cave.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: konali
Date: 2013-06-23 11:35:18
bulbapedia says "The leveling up learnset, base stats and types of the Kabutops Fossil, Aerodactyl Fossil and Ghost forms are the same as the Pokémon whose data was accessed last."
What happens if you didnt acessed pokemon data yet, or if you acessed ghost data?

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Thanathan
Date: 2013-06-24 02:29:01

I've found all 4 in the game. In fact, I've collected all items in the game, when I shouldn't have done that.

There's one more in the Cerulean Cave.

nice, think I thought I was the only one xD

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: holdjack421
Date: 2013-11-25 10:08:19
THERE IS AN OTHER AMAZING MAN IN CERULEAN!!!!! If you surf up to the Unknown Dungeon in Cerulean while the man guarding it is still there, and go to the left side of the dungeon and walk left so he is one block offscreen, take on step towards him and hit the menu while taking that step, he will be like the amazing man on Nugget Bridge!!!

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: MrGlitch
Date: 2013-12-05 13:11:42
I've mentioned this before, but no one seems to have tried it for themselves.

In R/B, changing the first byte of address 3906 to 0F has some very interesting effects.  If you interrupt a text box while the text is loading, the music locks up and you are entered into a loop of some odd trade screen.  Seemingly random Pokemon lists (including 'M and PokeWTrainer) appear, and the "Too bad! The trade was cancelled!" text box appears at the end of each loop.

I was surprised to see that the glitch effects were compounded by the "wild Pokemon are trainers" GS code.  Interrupting the "(name) wants to fight!" text results in some interesting textual effects.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Bent`
Date: 2013-12-05 18:31:12

; This function is used to wait a short period after printing a letter to the
; screen unless the player presses the A/B button or the delay is turned off
; through the [$d730] or [$d358] flags.
PrintLetterDelay: ; 38d3 (0:38d3)
        ld a,[$d730]
        bit 6,a
        ret nz
        ld a,[$d358]
        bit 1,a
        ret z
        push hl
        push de
        push bc
        ld a,[$d358]
        bit 0,a
        jr z,.waitOneFrame
        ld a,[$d355]
        and a,$0f
        ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER],a
        jr .checkButtons
        ld a,1
        ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER],a
        call GetJoypadState
        bit 0,a ; is the A button pressed?
        jr z,.checkBButton
        jr .endWait
        bit 1,a ; is the B button pressed?
        jr z,.buttonsNotPressed
        call DelayFrame
        jr .done
.buttonsNotPressed ; if neither A nor B is pressed
        ld a,[H_FRAMECOUNTER]
        and a
        jr nz,.checkButtons
        pop bc
        pop de
        pop hl