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Generation I Glitch Discussion

Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion - Page 32

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-11-23 15:17:53
The sprite dimension and what you call the "thickness" are basically completely unrelated. the dimension controls how many tiles the game is supposed to write to (it determines how the data gets written to the destination buffere ow h, and how much data gets read). The thickness depends on *what* data is decompressed.

Both control the time it takes: the former is obvious, the latter is because decompression processes the same amount of data differently (think RLE: two bytes can encode between one and 256 bytes of data!). And, since a lot of sprites source their data off of RAM, that's subject to change.

As for them, sprites with a size of zero will iterate over the ENTIRE address space. I guess statistical effects make the time taken seem roughly consistent.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Parzival
Date: 2018-11-24 02:14:57
How does the sprite compression/decompression even work? Is it just Huffman (more likely to be Deflate but even then probably some house cook-up formula BS)

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-11-24 06:14:43
I don't know how the compression works, but it's home-grown. Gen 2 uses a standard LZ algorithm instead, which is less efficient, but faster and produced better art (Gen 1's sprite work is quite tainted by the compressor)

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Gloxie
Date: 2019-02-14 22:37:00
Hope someone can help me.

I've used this video to get 20-25 max'd out Pokemon:

I tried this three times. First time I fucked up and fucked my game up. Second time, I got further; but, did the same.

This is my third trial and I've been the most successful: Dragonite/Exeggutor/Mew/Mewtwo/Raichu/Articunos/Zapdos/Mr. Mime/Jynx/Snorlax/Persian/Gengar and a few others are at 100/max'd stats. I'm trying to get almost all fully evolved or non-evolved (ever) Pokemon to this status.

For some reason, this method is not working anymore. It doens't freeze my game or anything (yet); but, when I do it and deposit the Pokemon into the box, it does not change its stats.

I caught Moltres/Staryu/Lapras (via given by Saffron employee) today. I tried it first with Moltres and it looked as though it boosted its stats. It went into the box with a special of about 138-140-ish…then after the glitch it had 168 or so etc. and the HP was boosted (via having a break in max HP). I used Rare Candies the same way as the previous Pokemon to boost it to level 100. I looked at the stats and noticed they were off. They weren't max'd out. The Special got to around 330 or 328 (ish). So, I tried to do the glitch again with Lapras and Staryu. Their stats didn't change at all. I tried it again with Moltres, no movement in stats.

I did feel I might've hit the MS item once without meaning it (don't know the order of my items at the time, it wasn't to duplicate or anything).

My game never froze, never crashed. I have ALL of the items ordered as they should, along with the AMOUNT being as they should.


Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2019-02-15 12:49:45
Screenshots of all the required thingies, maybe?

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Gloxie
Date: 2019-02-15 16:30:58
It's in the video.

I could screen shot everything…you mean in my game?

Or in the video that instructs how to operate the glitch?

I don't get why it isn't working anymore!!

I don't want to risk deleting the required items, the other times I did that my item list became fucked up and I couldn't even use it or move through the list (though, I heard after the anecdote is to buy three items from the market again).


Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2019-02-15 18:16:20
Well, the video is working, your setup isn't. So I'm asking for screens of your setup.
Make sure to take the pictures while in a Pokémon Center, it'll simplify item counting.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Gloxie
Date: 2019-02-15 21:35:22

Well, the video is working, your setup isn't. So I'm asking for screens of your setup.
Make sure to take the pictures while in a Pokémon Center, it'll simplify item counting.

Will do boss.

I'll have the report on your desk by Sunday!

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Gloxie
Date: 2019-02-16 11:59:43





P.S. Just tried the glitch again on Moltres to no avail. Also, under "Coin Case" is the "Cancel."

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2019-02-17 19:12:20
Alright, here's the code your bag contents map to:

ld a, $FF ; 255
ld l, $86 ; 134
ld h, $D1 ; 209
inc a
inc b
ld [hl], a
inc c
dec hl
inc [hl]
ld bc, $FF28
ld c, c
ld bc, $994F
dec e
ld b, $35 (53)
add hl, sp
ld c, a
ld b, l
ld bc, $??FF

Definitely not right, as this essentially does nothing. What part of the setup did you modify last?

At 7:42, the video mentions you're supposed to have the Poké Ball before the Fresh Water, which sounds right - whereas your second screenshot shows the Fresh Water first.
That said, the setup could be improved to only require using it 6x per Pokémon, maybe four.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Gloxie
Date: 2019-02-17 19:29:37
I don't remember dude.

Are you saying my Fresh Water and Pokeball are in reverse order? Maybe that is the problem.

Thanks if it is. Thanks if it isn't, looks like your technical superiority shown me the light.


Edit: Damn, you're right! I had the Water and Pokeball in reverse order. Usually I'm more alert than that. WTF. Thanks :D You glitch-masters are geniuses!

It's working again!

Just went psycho and did like 10-12 Pokemon.

I have damn near everyone max'd now…


Khangaskhan / Nidoking /Nidoqueen / Pinsir / Scyther / Wigglytuff / Primeape / Arbok / Weezing / Aerodactyl / Charizard / Venusaur / Blastoise / Seaking / Arcanine / Rapidash / Sandslash / Fearow / Pidgeot and Raticate…

'Cause I DGAF about 'em!

Yo, what does it say about me that I like certain Pokemon in RED/BLUE more than YELLOW and vice-versa depending on their sprites?

For instance, I love Raichu in YELLOW 'cause of his sprite (and he's the STAR of the game, f**k Pikachu!) and he can learn Surf which is odd for an Electric (at the time of the game). ETC.

Nidoking and Arcanine were cool when Gary raped Giovanni with them (until Mewtwo came). But, in the game they're kind of lame. Nidoking's YELLOW sprite is cool, but he just sucks :D If he had Lovely Kiss like in GSC, it'd be different, but he doesn't!

Thanks for the clarity!!

EDIT #2: I just did Seadra / Aerodactyl and a few others.

I forgot I was in box 3. My glitch box is #1. I used the MS shit to duplicate X Accuracy and it fucked up my game and then it said it was saving. I shut that shit off quick. Came back and my Clefable had the TM's I taught it AFTER I max'd its stats out, but its stats weren't max'd (lol). I saved my game though. It still works!! :D I shouldn't do this shit when it's late and I lack attention.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Gloxie
Date: 2019-02-18 12:20:59
I got everyone (fully evolved or never evolved) except:

Pinsir / Scyther / Kabutops / Omastar / Arcanine / Victreebel / Venusaur / Blastoise / Vileplume / Ninetails / Primeape / Beedrill / Butterfree / Venomoth / Pidgeot / Weezing / Wigglytuff / Raticate / Dewgong / Seaking / Rapidash / Electabuzz / Magmar.

Don't really give a shit about these in GEN. 1.

Thanks for the detective work.

You're a genius with this glitch s**t.

I'm just trying to follow directions.

I'm grateful my f**k-up last night didn't drown my game. It's still intact!

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2019-02-18 14:25:41
Remember to double-check harder next time!
Also it's why I hate video tutorials: you can't search them, unlike a textual post.

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: Gloxie
Date: 2019-02-18 15:01:28
True. Thanks for the help!

Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion

Posted by: BluPika
Date: 2019-03-10 13:50:41
I'm new here. I just used the handy-dandy reusable RAM writer, and everything was going great. Then I tried to write FF to D185 in WRAM to make sure my edits were actually affecting my Pokemon's DVs, and my save file just went up in smoke. I honestly have no idea why, but from now on I only stick to expert advice. I'm on Yellow VC. How can I get into the glitchy underbelly of Pokemon in the shortest time possible? All I need is a Pokemon with a special of 182-4 Cinnabar and Celadon access, then I can just duplicate rare candies and calciums to get ws**m*. Do you know of any skips or tricks I could use to speed this process up? I've been mass farming shiny Pokebank Mews, but I hadn't transferred any so they all died with my save. I'm looking at like a 5 hour grind, and that's if I go the extra mile to dupe rare candies with the ultra-glitchy yellow standard missingno. I'll have to weather maybe 15-30 crashes, unless I actually train a Pokemon to special stat 182. So, any help or advice would be great. I understand many of you are experienced Pokemon glitchers. Thanks a bunch.

Oh yeah, and while I'm here, how do you figure out the item codes to manipulate RAM with ws**m*? It all seems random, but with occasional repeat numbers or items. I don't know much about computer storage, but a redirect to a post explaining it would be amazing.