Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion
Posted by: Robjoe1107
Date: 2006-07-03 23:29:17
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AHA! So glitches can erase your game! *shot* But anyway, that is interesting indeed. I wonder why the game would use 153? And moreover, why does this happen in the first place? I know these probably can't be answered, but that doesn't stop me from thinking…
I didn't intend for Rose to use this–at least, I don't think I did. I posted this on TRS forums, and Rose put it under "Truly Bizarre Glitches" after I posted it. I honestly don't remember whether I said that she could or not.
Actually, it turns out TRS (WTF?) has this buried in its "Truly Bizarre Glitches" page (one of about three pages there not devoted to Missingno):ACE91 writes:
"The first glitch trainer that you battled can be encountered without Gameshark… sort of. You encountered one of the glitch trainers that causes what I call the "ZZAZZ Glitch". I first posted this glitch on Glitch City's forums, but then the database was deleted and the forums were lost so I can't link you to that post…
Basically, the ZZAZZ glitch is what occurs when you encounter a glitch Trainer by using HEX 251, 252, 254, or 255 in theMewDitto Glitch. You encounter a glitch trainer that turns all of your Pok?mon into Level 153 Bulbasaurs with Explosion, and some of the letters in your name are replaced with Z's, hence the "ZZAZZ" that I got. You can't fight this Trainer, because the game freezes if you attack. However, there is a way to escape the battle with your Pok?mon turned into Bulbasaurs. Use an item (Any item will do) and the battle will mysteriously end. You'll be left with a team of exploding Bulbasaurs. Of course, if you save after performing this glitch, your game is erased. Therefore, it's kind of pointless.
BTW, there's a pattern to this glitch: Bulbasaur is HEX 153, Explosion is HEX 153, the letter Z is HEX 153, and the Bulbasaurs are Level 153. The glitch just sets all of the game's variables to HEX 153."
So why the hell does TRS have it and not us? Especially when it comes from Ace himself?
That link does not work
Pics of the "ZZAZZ" Effect are below ("ZuZZeZZaZZ")
Oh Okay..
He probably moved it. That's Izzy's site there.