Re: Official 1st Gen (Red/Blue and Yellow) Glitch Discussion
Posted by: The G-Meister
Date: 2015-09-23 11:47:17
Sadly, in terms of a speedrun technique, the problem isn't the long Pokédex entry because, as camper pointed out, they're normally empty. The problem is more the massive wait time you have to, well, wait for, as the cry finishes. I'm not sure where they take their cry data from, but wherever it is, each one usually lasts a good couple minutes, and even it's not a speedrun technique… it still sounds hilarious xD One of them seems to have a completely different cry every time you look at its stats, and some are so freaky I might start to take some belief in that so called "Lavender Town Syndrome". If I had a capture card I'd gladly show you.
And yeah, as you said, it seems a little unethical catching glitch Pokémon to register as a normal Pokémon just because it's quicker (when in most cases it's won't be, anyway).