Re: Emerald possible new cloning glitch with pomeg?
Posted by: VaeporSage
Date: 2014-04-17 15:33:46
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I'm afraid I can't really help you there, as over time I've renamed all of my boxes and none of them have their original names. However, in response to your question, only one of them doesn't have a Pokémon in the 21st slot, so I'd have to say yes.
Just something minor, you don't have to have the Pokémon at negative HP for the glitch to work; all you need is to make all your Party Pokémon fainted without whiting out.
What I mean is you can make the Pokémon have 1 HP and use a pomeg berry instead of using a healing item at negative hp, which would save using HP UPs/getting HP EVs.
1. Is it possible keep the "Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot glitch" outside of battle, or to activate it in the overworld?
2. What would happen, if (hypothetically) some of the data in your glitched party translated into actual Pokémon data?
Could this work in FRLG?
I'll try it later, no problem, but the glitch Pokémon found in FR/LG through this glitch are very unexciting, producing no ill effects whatsoever.
Well first off, thanks Torchickens for the videos. Since you were wondering, I discovered the summary overload trick. ;)
Voltage: after research last night, I can confirm that the cloning trick does indeed work on FR/LG! :D The only difference is that your Pokémon will be healed in the center afterwards. Looking for the correct switch option is very difficult and probably brings you to about the 90th up-press or so.
I must admit I was previously mistaken about the seemingly benign nature of FR/LG's data beyond the sixth slot. While perhaps those Pokémon up until the 40th slot or so give no damaging effects, there are numerous instances of more interesting specimens. :D
It's nice to know the cloning glitch is slightly more consistent (knowing about box Pokémon).
Even though the glitch is inefficient, it can be used before the Battle Frontier, so you could duplicate TMs and Master Balls. The money loss is an annoyance though :(.
About the box Pokémon, does the box need to be full, or can it just have a Pokémon in a specific position to work?