Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!
Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-04-21 19:39:19
EDIT: Changed.
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Another weird one I got: What seemed to be an invisible Poke There was no indication there was a Pokemon there, I was trying to hit B but accidently got A and the message showed up to withdraw it. It says it's a bad egg but has no sprite in the menu . In battle it sparkled (think it was just an added effect with a ball, but not one I could identify) But it had no moves so didn't really help much. Looking at it's summary screen for long enough reset the game
What would happen if you try to beat a Trainer Battle mutated into a Wild battle? Would the battle end as a wild battle, or would the trainer send out another Pokémon. Same with the Battle Frontier. (To avoid whiting out, get a wild smeargle to sketch the glitch move)
Just a theory (don't criticize me if I'm wrong, I don't know programming), but I was thinking when you have the cursor over a Glitch/Box Pokemon in the glitched Party, you would be changing the value if the Pokémon was highlighted or not, which would correspond to a Pokemon Box Value, but the value wouldn't be changed back. When the value is changed, it makes a Pokémon invalid, so it becomes a Bad EGG. It also could be overwriting different values (moves, markings, OT etc.).
Just a thought though, so don't take it too seriously.
Seems like performing this glitch will randomly write a value into a Pokemon in PC. I discovered that performing this glitch will write a glitch move into the 20th Pokemon of Box 1. In this case, it changed my Mightyena's Take down to i ÏQ AAI. (0x4024). However, this move just simply freeze the game with "Bad EGG used a DRAGON move!"
I can't figure out where it determines which Pokemon in the boxes get corrupted, nor their moves either. It's somewhere before you start the battle where you do the corruption, because if you reload a savestate in front of a Wild Pokemon and then scroll up, you get the same results (but how far you scroll up determines how many Pokemon get corrupted, to a certain point) I also did the same thing with the same Wild Pokemon, and got different results (scrolling up 50 times against a Level 3 Female Wurmple corrupted half my box, but scroll up 50 times against a different Level 3 Female Wurmple corrupted the other half of my box) vs (And as you can see from the second pic, I also had the slight name change)
So it could be the stats of that Pokemon? The tile on the map you encounter the battle? Quite possibly something else entirely I'm not thinking of, just trying to think of a way to control the outcomes