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Generation III Glitch Discussion

Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches. - Page 49

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Misdreavus
Date: 2018-07-25 02:38:54
I'm at the part where I'm double-corrupting the Smeargle clones.  Your guide says I need 5 eggs from the clones.  I assume this means 1 from each set of clones, right?  Do I have to repeat the first leg of the double corruption until I get 5 eggs (without saving in between attempts)?  It sounds like I would have to get quite lucky for that to happen.  It seems necessary though, because I would think if I don't get all 5 off of a single attempt (let's say I get 2 eggs on my first try), if I were to do another attempt AFTER saving, those 2 eggs would be at risk to become bad eggs, right?

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-07-25 17:23:26

Got one question unrelated to ACE.

Is it possible to manipulate the IVs, Nature and shinyness of a Poke obtained by double corrupting another one?

I have seen that by getting a corruption type 7 shiny one you can get (by giving the right EVs) a shiny, but what about IVs and nature? What is the best corruption type to manipulate it easily?

Nature and shinyness aren't part of the data substructures (émon_data_substructures_in_Generation_III ), so you can't manipulate them via corruption, however IV's can be manipulated.

If misc is read on growth, IV's are read on experience.
If misc is read on attacks, IV's are read on moves 3 and 4.
If misc is read on EV's, IV's are read on SpAtk and SpDef EV's, as well as Coolness and Beauty.

I'm at the part where I'm double-corrupting the Smeargle clones.  Your guide says I need 5 eggs from the clones.  I assume this means 1 from each set of clones, right?  Do I have to repeat the first leg of the double corruption until I get 5 eggs (without saving in between attempts)?  It sounds like I would have to get quite lucky for that to happen.  It seems necessary though, because I would think if I don't get all 5 off of a single attempt (let's say I get 2 eggs on my first try), if I were to do another attempt AFTER saving, those 2 eggs would be at risk to become bad eggs, right?

If the corruption is set up correctly, you shouldn't be able to get an egg without getting all 5, because all sets of clones get corrupted the same way. If you get less than 5 eggs, there must be something wrong with at least one of your Smeargles.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: ImAFurry
Date: 2018-07-26 15:47:09
If misc is read on growth, IV's are read on experience.
If misc is read on attacks, IV's are read on moves 3 and 4.
If misc is read on EV's, IV's are read on SpAtk and SpDef EV's, as well as Coolness and Beauty.

Can I get an example of how the conversion is? I. E.: In the first example, I have 626657 experience. How would it be translated into IVs for Attack, Defense, etc?

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-07-27 15:16:09

If misc is read on growth, IV's are read on experience.
If misc is read on attacks, IV's are read on moves 3 and 4.
If misc is read on EV's, IV's are read on SpAtk and SpDef EV's, as well as Coolness and Beauty.

Can I get an example of how the conversion is? I. E.: In the first example, I have 626657 experience. How would it be translated into IVs for Attack, Defense, etc?

The value is HP IV + (ATK IV)*32 + (DEF IV)*1.024 + (SPD IV)*32.768 + (SPATK IV)*1.048.576 + (SPDEF IV)*33.554.432 + (Is the pokemon still an egg ? (0 or 1)) * 1.073.741.824 + (Ability (0 or 1))*2.147.483.648

The maximum you can obtain is 4294967295, or 0xFFFFFFFF.
The value you gave would translate to 0x00098FE1, so you can be sure at least SpAtk and SpDef IV's will be 0. Computing the specific value is quite time consuming though. If what you want is perfect IV's you can aim for a value of 0xBFFFFFFF (3221225471) or 0x3FFFFFFF (1073741823). Sadly getting these via experience is pretty much impossible. The best way is still to manipulate moves 3 and 4, however moves 0xBFFF, 0x3FFF and 0xFFFF seem impossible to Sketch, so that's an issue.

EDIT: Actually pretty easy to compute the result, i was tired when i wrote the first part, sorry.

What you have to do is go here

- Divide your number by 2147483648. The quotient will determine your pokemon's ability. Take the remainder.
- Divide the remainder by 1073741824. The quotient will determine weither it's still an egg or not (i have no idea how this works in game though. It's generally ignored while making a setup so maybe in this context it's irrelevant). Take the remainder.
- Divide the remainder by 33554432. The quotient will determine the SpDef IV's. Take the remainder.
- Divide the remainder by 1048576. The quotient will determine the SpAtk IV's. Take the remainder.
- Divide the remainder by 32768. The quotient will determine the Spd IV's. Take the remainder.
- Divide the remainder by 1024. The quotient will determine the Def IV's. Take the remainder.
- Divide the remainder by 32. The quotient will determine the Atk IV's. The remainder will determine the HP IV's.

So in your case it's going to be:
Talent 0
Not an egg
0 SpDef
0 SpAtk
19 Spd
3 Def
31 Atk
1 HP

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Misdreavus
Date: 2018-07-28 05:29:57
Following this, if Heart Caterpie is what was able to corrupt my Smeargle's TID and turn it into an egg, does that mean that the Unmarked Caterpie is what will corrupt my Smeargle's PID and finish off the double corruption?  Or does it mean that the Heart Caterpie is for both?

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-07-28 05:31:39
You shouldn't have to change corruption initiators in the middle of a double corruption.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Misdreavus
Date: 2018-07-28 08:48:21

You shouldn't have to change corruption initiators in the middle of a double corruption.
Thanks.  I just wasn't sure based on the wording.

I'm having no luck with the second end of the 5 Smeargle double corruption so I'm just trying to see if I'm doing anything wrong.  I'm using IPG and I got all 5 to turn into eggs.  Do I need to "reset" IPG before the second corruption (withdraw a Pokemon to clear it, prep my party, and talk to the Fan Club reporter again)?  What I did after activating IPG was:

1. save in front of the PC
2. soft reset
3. open menu and scroll up
4. check PC to see if proper corruption occurred; if not, repeat from step 2
5. remove everything but the 5 eggs from boxes 1-2 without selecting those eggs
6. clone Heart Caterpie (my TID corruption initiator) 5 times using cloning glitch Pokemon and place 1 before each egg
7. save and repeat steps 2-4.

I'll also note that when I talk to the Fan Club reporter, the IPG Pokemon's name isn't "rerererere…" like I see in videos.  It's just a long amount of nothing.  It worked for the first end of the corruption, though, so I doubt this is a problem.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-07-28 16:01:46
The problem certainly isn't due to your IPG setup or the reporter. The only point of that part is to get an empty slot as your first party slot. If you have one, you can perform the corruption regardless of how you got it, it's just the easiest way to get one.

The thing is, since you're not cloning the eggs, your chances of getting the right corruption are significantly lower in the second part of the corruption than in the former. You may have to reset and try again a few dozens of times. If you gave a specific 4th move to the pokemon you're corrupting, you should be able to move its egg, allowing you to clone it and place them how you did for the first part of the corruption, which would increase your success rate.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Misdreavus
Date: 2018-07-28 23:24:07

The problem certainly isn't due to your IPG setup or the reporter. The only point of that part is to get an empty slot as your first party slot. If you have one, you can perform the corruption regardless of how you got it, it's just the easiest way to get one.

The thing is, since you're not cloning the eggs, your chances of getting the right corruption are significantly lower in the second part of the corruption than in the former. You may have to reset and try again a few dozens of times. If you gave a specific 4th move to the pokemon you're corrupting, you should be able to move its egg, allowing you to clone it and place them how you did for the first part of the corruption, which would increase your success rate.
I do have an empty slot as my first party slot.  According to line 280 here, I can't clone the Smeargle eggs, so I haven't tried to do that.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-07-29 01:55:52
Oh, my bad then. I didn't do this step when i did the setup myself (i used the old Seedot way to get the items). Then you'll have to go with the 1/32 success rate, which will take quite some time but will work eventually.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Misdreavus
Date: 2018-07-30 06:55:55

Oh, my bad then. I didn't do this step when i did the setup myself (i used the old Seedot way to get the items). Then you'll have to go with the 1/32 success rate, which will take quite some time but will work eventually.
Could there be something wrong with my Smeargle then?  Could they possibly be the wrong corruption type or something?  I've SR'd countless times and have had no luck.  I know the odds are low, but with the number of times I've done it, I'd expect to have hit it by now.

EDIT: Judging by the 4th table here, my Smeargle have a corruption value of 7, which IIRC is what I want for this process of obtaining the glitch items.  However, their PID is 8B6EF033, and according to the description in this video, I need an unmarked Caterpie to corrupt Smeargle's PID since it begins with an "8."  In testing for TID corruption, it was a heart Caterpie that I needed in order to turn a Smeargle into an egg.  Does this mean I should switch to unmarked Caterpie for the second end of the double corruption?  Sorry, but I'm a bit confused by the difference between PID and TID corruptions, despite knowing what PIDs and TIDs are.

EDIT2: I'm trying the unmarked Caterpie now, and on one attempt, the eggs turned back into Smeargle for some reason.  I'm still trying though.

EDIT3: Looks like that means I didn't give the 1 HP EV to all of my Smeargle.  Oops!  At least I think I figured it out now, and I have backup clones of everything.

EDIT4: While I finally got Bulbasaur holding a glitch item, I only got one from the 5 eggs.  Aren't all 5 eggs supposed to become Bulbasaur at the same time?  The other 4 were still [regular] eggs.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-08-01 09:45:45
That's no good. There's something wrong with your setup if you're not getting the same corruption pattern for all 5 sets

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Misdreavus
Date: 2018-08-03 06:30:40

That's no good. There's something wrong with your setup if you're not getting the same corruption pattern for all 5 sets
Any idea what it could be?  I thought that there may be something wrong with the 4 unmarked Caterpie that didn't cause my egg to become a Bulbasaur (since only one worked), so I cloned that one working Caterpie, replaced the other 4 with the new clones, and redid the second end of the double corruption.  That time, I got all 5 clones to become 5 Smeargle again.  I'm pretty stumped at this point…

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Tabbender
Date: 2018-08-03 06:53:08
If they're turned back into Smeargles that must mean the second part of the corruption essentially did the opposite of the first part instead of completing it. This is most likely due to you changing the corruption initiators in the middle of the double corruption. You should never do that.

I don't know what is causing 4 of your clones to stay as eggs when one of them got corrupted. I would understand if they became Bad Eggs or empty slots, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Are you sure you scrolled beyond the 6th slot for long enough ? If not, it's possible the corruption didn't even "reach" them.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Misdreavus
Date: 2018-08-03 08:07:23

If they're turned back into Smeargles that must mean the second part of the corruption essentially did the opposite of the first part instead of completing it. This is most likely due to you changing the corruption initiators in the middle of the double corruption. You should never do that.

I don't know what is causing 4 of your clones to stay as eggs when one of them got corrupted. I would understand if they became Bad Eggs or empty slots, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Are you sure you scrolled beyond the 6th slot for long enough ? If not, it's possible the corruption didn't even "reach" them.
Thanks for the info.  In testing for my TID corruption, the heart Caterpie is what got my Smeargle to become eggs.  However, it says in the description of Metarkrai's video that since my Smeargle's PID begins with an 8, I need unmarked Caterpie to corrupt its PID.  So, if I'm supposed to use the same one for both pieces of the double corruption, which one should I use?