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Generation III Glitch Discussion

Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches. - Page 16

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-05-14 16:17:34

- Item mutation/item duplication.

The last one sounds very interesting. Let's try it!

[size=12pt]Pokemon Emerald: Item duplication glitch:[/size]

1. Do the standard setup to access the Pokemon beyond the sixth slot. It was described a thousand times already.
2. Once you get to the part with the half-lit cancel button, get yourself a stopwatch.
3. Start holding up and start the stopwatch at the same time.
4. Once the stopwatch gets to 17 seconds, press the B button.
5. Check your bag and hope something valuable got duplicated.

A small problem with this glitch is that in some cases it will delete everything in TM or Berries pockets. However, it does not occur every time, so at this point it's just trial and error.
One iteration of this method usually duplicates about 5 items, both in bag and in the PC.

The only problem with that method is, on a real GBA/DS, you have to mash the "up" button for the game to scroll the cursor, unlike VBA, where it allows you to simply hold the up key.

Congrats on finding arbitrary code though :)!

Huh, is that really true? I haven't performed the Pokémon beyond the sixth slot glitch on a real GBA, but when I do scrolling from a normal party screen in battle with my GBA SP running a UK Emerald the game won't scroll up anymore for a bit (for like a fraction of a second) but the scrolling through holding up will happen. This same thing seems to happen on VBA.

The initial scrolling delay depends on the number of Pokémon there are on the list, with less than 6 being shorter.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2014-05-14 16:41:43

Huh, is that really true? I haven't performed the Pokémon beyond the sixth slot glitch on a real GBA, but when I do scrolling from a normal party screen in battle with my GBA SP running a UK Emerald the game won't scroll up anymore for a bit (for like a fraction of a second) but the scrolling through holding up will happen. This same thing seems to happen on VBA.

The initial scrolling delay depends on the number of Pokémon there are on the list, with less than 6 being shorter.

Can confirm this also happens with my real GBA SP on my glitched Ruby save…

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: werster
Date: 2014-05-14 18:34:29
Someone posted a really good idea in relation to getting a consistent PID of Pokemon. Use one of the ones from the in game trades, because they are consistent.

Seedot - PID of 0x00000084 (132) - Trade for Ralts at Rustboro
Plusle - PID of 0x0000006F (111) - Trade for Volbeat at Fortree
Horsea - PID of 0x0000007F (127) - Trade for Bagon on Pacifidlog
Meowth - PID of 0x0000008B (139) - Trade for Skitty at Battle Frontier

They are all exceptionally low. It also occurs to me that Emerald has very abused RNG mechanics, as it always starts from the same point after a hard reset. Because of this, you could with some accuracy be able to get the Personality value you wanted just by waiting the right amount of time before it's generated (this would be easiest with a gift Pokemon, like say Beldum)

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-05-14 19:06:05

Someone posted a really good idea in relation to getting a consistent PID of Pokemon. Use one of the ones from the in game trades, because they are consistent.

Seedot - PID of 0x00000084 (132) - Trade for Ralts at Rustboro
Plusle - PID of 0x0000006F (111) - Trade for Volbeat at Fortree
Horsea - PID of 0x0000007F (127) - Trade for Bagon on Pacifidlog
Meowth - PID of 0x0000008B (139) - Trade for Skitty at Battle Frontier

They are all exceptionally low. It also occurs to me that Emerald has very abused RNG mechanics, as it always starts from the same point after a hard reset. Because of this, you could with some accuracy be able to get the Personality value you wanted just by waiting the right amount of time before it's generated (this would be easiest with a gift Pokemon, like say Beldum)

That's amazing. Lets list their substructure orders and apply what TheZZAZZGlitch/Sanqui found, because this may provide the final answer, ignoring randomness like what corruptions happen and whether the Pokémon becomes an Egg. (WIP - done-ish.)

Initial substructure orders:

Seedot: 12 (EGAM)
Plusle: 15 (EAMG)
Horsea: 7 (AGME)
Meowth: 19 (MGEA)

All possible changes for Seedot:

Bit 0 and 2 -> ON:

[tt]0x05000084 (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 4) - New mod = 20 (MAGE)
0x00050084  (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 3) - New mod = 20 (MAGE)
0x00000584  (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 2) - New mod = 20 (MAGE)
0x00000085 (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 1) - New mod = 13 (EGMA)[/tt]

Bit 6 -> ON:

[tt]0x40000084 (set bit 6 of byte 4) - New mod = 4 (GMAE)
0x00400084  (set bit 6 of byte 3) - New mod = 4 (GMAE)
0x00004084  (set bit 6 of byte 2) - New mod = 4 (GMAE)
0x00000084 (set bit 6 of byte 1) - No change[/tt]

All possible changes for Plusle:

Bit 0 and 2 -> ON:

[tt]0x0500006F (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 4) - New mod = 23 (MEAG)
0x0005006F  (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 3) - New mod = 23 (MEAG)
0x0000056F  (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 2) - New mod = 23 (MEAG)
0x0000006F (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 1) - No change[/tt]

Bit 6 -> ON:

[tt]0x4000006F (set bit 6 of byte 4) - New mod = 7 (AGME)
0x0040006F  (set bit 6 of byte 3) - New mod = 7 (AGME)
0x0000406F  (set bit 6 of byte 2) - New mod = 7 (AGME)
0x0000006F (set bit 6 of byte 1) - No change[/tt]

All possible changes for Horsea:

Bit 0 and 2 -> ON:

[tt]0x0500007F (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 4) - New mod = 15 (EAMG)
0x0005007F  (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 3) - New mod = 15 (EAMG)
0x0000057F  (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 2) - New mod = 15 (EAMG)
0x0000007F (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 1) - No change[/tt]

Bit 6 -> ON:

[tt]0x4000007F (set bit 6 of byte 4) - New mod = 23 (MEAG)
0x0040007F  (set bit 6 of byte 3) - New mod = 23 (MEAG)
0x0000407F  (set bit 6 of byte 2) - New mod = 23 (MEAG)
0x0000007F (set bit 6 of byte 1) - No change[/tt]

All possible changes for Meowth:

Bit 0 and 2 -> ON:

[tt]0x0500008B (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 4) - New mod = 3 (GEMA)
0x0005008B  (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 3) - New mod = 3 (GEMA)
0x0000058B  (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 2) - New mod = 3 (GEMA)
0x0000008F (set bit 0 and 2 of byte 1) - New mod = 23 (MEAG)[/tt]

Bit 6 -> ON:

[tt]0x4000008B (set bit 6 of byte 4) - New mod = 11 (AMEG)
0x0040008B  (set bit 6 of byte 3) - New mod = 11 (AMEG)
0x0000408B  (set bit 6 of byte 2) - New mod = 11 (AMEG)
0x0000008B (set bit 6 of byte 1) - No change[/tt]

Note: I only listed things I thought were particularly useful.


*Seedot can work for EV & Condition data being read as growth data. (any Pokémon trick)
*Seedot can work for EV & Condition data being read as move data. (any move trick)
*Seedot can work for attack data being read as growth data. (any Pokémon before Minun trick provided you have the right moves)


*Plusle can work for EV & Condition data being read as attack data. (any move trick)
*Seedot can work for attack data being read as growth data. (any Pokémon before Minun trick provided you have the right moves)
*For the Plusle, any Pokémon trick via EVs is not possible.


*Horsea can work for EV & Condition data being read as growth data. (any Pokémon trick)
*Horsea can work for growth data being read as attack data. (get every non-glitch move and glitch moves up to hex:0411 trick)


*Meowth can work for EV & Condition data being read as attack data (any move trick)
*Meowth can work for attack data being read as growth data (any Pokémon up to Minun provided you have the right moves trick)
*For the Meowth, any Pokémon trick via EVs is not possible.

So in conclusion, we should use the Seedot or Horsea you get in a trade if we want any Pokémon. Let me know if I'm missing something important regarding how the glitch works.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: pokechu22
Date: 2014-05-14 20:03:22
Pardon me if I am wrong, as EVs and IVs confuse me, but aren't EVs for traded Pokémon constant? 

Also, I think you made a minor mistake here:


*Meowth can work for EV & Condition data being read as attack data (any move trick)
*Meowth can work for attack data being read as growth data (any Pokémon up to Minun provided you have the right moves trick)
*For the Meowth, any Pokémon trick via EVs is not possible.

So in conclusion, we should use the Seedot or Horsea you get in a trade if we want any Pokémon. Let me know if I'm missing something important regarding how the glitch works.

Shouldn't it be "For the Meowth, and Pokémon trick via moves is not possible"?

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2014-05-14 21:16:16

Pardon me if I am wrong, as EVs and IVs confuse me, but aren't EVs for traded Pokémon constant? 

No, unless the previous trainer fully EV trained their Pokemon, but that also can be changed by giving it something such as a Pomeg Berry, which would lower EVs.
IVs are constant though, and cannot be altered under any means, whether or not that Pokemon was received in a trade.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Sanqui
Date: 2014-05-15 03:25:50
This is amazing progress and you're all great.  Thank you for the detailed explanation, ZZAZZ!

Just want to put a reminder here that the low 16 bits of the PID can't change, as that'll definitely mess up the checksum.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-05-15 07:39:00

Pardon me if I am wrong, as EVs and IVs confuse me, but aren't EVs for traded Pokémon constant? 

Also, I think you made a minor mistake here:


*Meowth can work for EV & Condition data being read as attack data (any move trick)
*Meowth can work for attack data being read as growth data (any Pokémon up to Minun provided you have the right moves trick)
*For the Meowth, any Pokémon trick via EVs is not possible.

So in conclusion, we should use the Seedot or Horsea you get in a trade if we want any Pokémon. Let me know if I'm missing something important regarding how the glitch works.

Shouldn't it be "For the Meowth, and Pokémon trick via moves is not possible"?

It was right the way it was, because if you take a look at Meowth's substructure order MGEA, and look at the following changes; GEMA, MEAG; AMEG, none of the changes have E changing into G. EVs are literally 'effort values'; they are values you can change by defeating enemy Pokémon, that affect your stats (on level up in Emerald). The EV points you get depends on the Pokémon you beat (e.g. Whismur gives 1 HP EV).

Just want to put a reminder here that the low 16 bits of the PID can't change, as that'll definitely mess up the checksum.

What do you mean by low 16 bits? There are 16 bits in the whole PID because it is four bytes. Do you mean the first 8 bits?

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Sanqui
Date: 2014-05-15 07:44:26

Just want to put a reminder here that the low 16 bits of the PID can't change, as that'll definitely mess up the checksum.

What do you mean by low 16 bits? There are 16 bits in the whole PID because it is four bytes. Do you mean the first 8 bits?

A byte is 8 bits.  The PID is 32 bits long (4 bytes).  While the checksum is 16 bits (2 bytes).  So if any the least significant 16 bits (two bytes) of the PID change, the checksum will come out differently.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-05-15 08:09:50
Ah, my mistake. Thanks for the clarification.

I knew that there were 8 bits in a byte, so it was just a 'silly mistake' on my side.

Now we have a good understanding of how this glitch works, methinks.

Edit: I got my own Jirachi with Seasor the Horsea, success! :D You can nickname the Egg to JIRACHI. A video should be coming soon.

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: VaeporSage
Date: 2014-05-15 11:27:22
Is the process any different when already-corrupted Pokémon are corrupted again? Could that lead to further branches of outcomes, or would it revert to another of the original outcomes?

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-05-15 13:18:21

Is the process any different when already-corrupted Pokémon are corrupted again? Could that lead to further branches of outcomes, or would it revert to another of the original outcomes?

It wouldn't revert to another of the original outcomes because the game won't unset the bit you affected and set the other case (i.e. bit 0, 2 or bit 6).

To directly answer your question, you may get another substructure order change, but nothing may happen. Since Bad EGGs/EGGs in this glitch are Pokémon with bit 0 and 2/bit 6 set, your chances of corrupting them again may be reduced, plus once bits 0, 2, and 6 have all been set, you can't corrupt the Pokémon's personality value anymore to my knowledge. But I don't know whether things like nickname changes, marking changes, etc will still happen if you have a bit there that hasn't been set.

Gosh… I just spent nearly 29 minutes setting up everything and getting Jirachi, and this counts skipping the particularly long parts; EV training, repeating cloning, hatching Jirachi, getting Jirachi to level 25. But I do show the first bits of those. I'll have to speed up the video. I was playing on turbo mode and played really slow if it was on normal speed, making some blunders, so speeding it up may effectively put my actions back into good speed.

Now. I heard you can try the cloning glitch in a different way to remove Pokémon, including Bad EGGs. Can anyone write the step by step instructions here, or upload a video if this is true, please?

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: VaeporSage
Date: 2014-05-15 14:04:26
I suppose it would make sense that Bad Eggs couldn't get messed with much further… :P

Now. I heard you can try the cloning glitch in a different way to remove Pokémon, including Bad EGGs. Can anyone write the step by step instructions here, or upload a video if this is true, please?

Withdrawing a Pokémon from the PC clones it; depositing it into the PC deletes it.

So in other words, have the Pokémon you wish to delete in your party at your last save point, and in the PC when you talk to the Multi Battle woman.

I remember hearing long ago of a guy I knew deleting his Rayquaza this way by mistake in an attempt to clone it.  :XD:

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2014-05-15 15:45:07

Withdrawing a Pokémon from the PC clones it; depositing it into the PC deletes it.

So in other words, have the Pokémon you wish to delete in your party at your last save point, and in the PC when you talk to the Multi Battle woman.

I remember hearing long ago of a guy I knew deleting his Rayquaza this way by mistake in an attempt to clone it.  :XD:

I deleted my legit Mew this way trying to clone it :(

Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-05-15 15:55:28

I suppose it would make sense that Bad Eggs couldn't get messed with much further… :P

Now. I heard you can try the cloning glitch in a different way to remove Pokémon, including Bad EGGs. Can anyone write the step by step instructions here, or upload a video if this is true, please?

Withdrawing a Pokémon from the PC clones it; depositing it into the PC deletes it.

So in other words, have the Pokémon you wish to delete in your party at your last save point, and in the PC when you talk to the Multi Battle woman.

I remember hearing long ago of a guy I knew deleting his Rayquaza this way by mistake in an attempt to clone it.  :XD:

Thanks Vae, I'll go try it and make a video about it!