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Generation III Glitch Discussion

Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches. - Page 7

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2014-04-21 06:52:21

I've already corrupted my Emerald. I'd only need to send over the Smeargle with the funky move once I clone it.

Google also tells me that there are some other shinies (Meowth and Seaking) to be picked up there too.  8)

Can this glitchiness write to SRAM, or will I be safe to test it so long as I don't save?

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2014-04-21 07:04:34
I have a flashcart and with it the ability to back up save files and mess around with transferring emulated things into real life things, so I will endeavour to test this soon as I unpack whichever box said flashcart happens to be in. So if you don't see a post from me in at most 2 days finding out exactly what happens when you transfer glitched moves to Gen 4/5 (and Colosseum/XD/PBR as well, because why not), please feel free to organize one of them angry-type mobs to come to my apartment and demand that I do so (failing unforseen personal emergency).

Re: Emerald possible new cloning glitch with pomeg?

Posted by: pigdevil2010
Date: 2014-04-21 08:20:58

Decided to check out this glitch, and it worked perfectly.

Besides that…

Arbitrary Code anyone?

We are closer to executing arbitrary code in Emerald than we might think. After opening the stat screen of one of the glitch Pokemon beyond the sixth slot my game obviously crashed. I opened the disassembly option in VBA out of curiosity, to discover that the game jumped into RAM address $D1042900.

Learning ARM assembly right now :P

Good luck on learning :P Viewing the status of decamark 0 will result like that, unfortunately, all addresses beyond 0x08000000 are where it stores the ROM it's running though :/

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: VaeporSage
Date: 2014-04-21 08:34:11
Catching Pokemon in battle turns them into Bad Eggs. The one time I then went on to battle with these caught Bad Eggs, it froze the game on opening the attack menu.

Double battling with the move that changes battle interfaces can be quite entertaining in the Battle Dome. Also, you can catch the Pokemon that attack you in the Battle Pike, but they disappear after the challenge.

Unfortunately, you can't use this glitch to complete all the Battle Frontier challenges, because catching their Pokemon and escaping via Fluffy Tail both make you forfeit/lose.

I'll be testing this effect later and tomorrow on Ruby, FireRed and XD: Gale of Darkness.

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-04-21 08:56:17
Pawny said that attempting to look at its type crashes the game, so you'd have to use Assist.
The reason some glitch moves can't be sketched is because they have negative priority, so you'd have to use a move that induces paralysis/confusion/sleep to sketch that move.

Well, VaeporSage, looks like you got your dream of Glitch Pokémon in Emerald  :).

EDIT: It's going to be soo bad if this gets to Gen 5, because random battles will be so dumb with glitch moves.  :P

EDIT2: Don't know why this glitch isn't stickyed yet, considering how much potential this has for future gens.

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: VaeporSage
Date: 2014-04-21 09:52:58
Well, VaeporSage, looks like you got your dream of Glitch Pokémon in Emerald  :).

I never could have dreamed of anything like this, frankly.

I tried to trade my Smeargle equipped with the glitch move that changes battle style, but it turned out that when I went to trade it with another Pokémon, the game freezes at the point at which the two Pokémon are placed beside each other ("Is this trade OK?"). At that point, all the Pokémon's moves are shown, and the game couldn't load this one, of course.

So this glitch is totally dead for Ruby and Sapphire. The Smeargle can't be traded, and the Bad Egg gets blocked by the trade centre. It could still work in FR/LG if you have the right Bad Egg with the move.

I have one last option here: I can try to transfer Smeargle onto Pokémon Box: Ruby and Sapphire and see if it will accept it, then hopefully I can bring it from there onto R/S.

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: Kelvinv
Date: 2014-04-21 10:03:19
What does the glitch move do on Colosseum?

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-04-21 11:39:40

Catching Pokemon in battle turns them into Bad Eggs. The one time I then went on to battle with these caught Bad Eggs, it froze the game on opening the attack menu.

Double battling with the move that changes battle interfaces can be quite entertaining in the Battle Dome. Also, you can catch the Pokemon that attack you in the Battle Pike, but they disappear after the challenge.

Unfortunately, you can't use this glitch to complete all the Battle Frontier challenges, because catching their Pokemon and escaping via Fluffy Tail both make you forfeit/lose.

I'll be testing this effect later and tomorrow on Ruby, FireRed and XD: Gale of Darkness.

Just want to confirm. This is for a Smeargle that Sketched the glitch move, right? For me, taking Pokémon into the battle facilities heals them and my Bad EGG isn't allowed to enter, either because Bad EGGs aren't permitted to enter at all, or it may have 'mutated' into a banned Pokémon (it was a Wynaut before).

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: VaeporSage
Date: 2014-04-21 11:52:49
Just want to confirm. This is for a Smeargle that Sketched the glitch move, right? For me, taking Pokémon into the battle facilities heals them and my Bad EGG isn't allowed to enter, either because Bad EGGs aren't permitted to enter at all, or it may have been an 'uber' before.

Yes, of course. I should have mentioned that. And pretty much the reason why you can't enter Bad Eggs is that they really are just Eggs.  :P

Well, XD: Gale of Darkness has given very disappointing results. On a positive note, the game didn't freeze when I traded Smeargle over; but XD: GoD basically ignored the glitch move altogether…

When Smeargle was sent out, all I got for my efforts was "Smeargle has no moves left."

I've transferred another one of these Smeargles with the glitch move onto Pokémon Box: Ruby and Sapphire successfully. I'm not able to move it onto Ruby just yet because that doesn't have 100 Pokémon in the Pokédex yet, but I could bring it onto Sapphire, as much as I'd prefer to avoid risking that cartridge.

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-04-21 12:16:47

Out of curiosity, I battled with one of the Bad EGGs you get from stealing a Trainer's Pokémon, specifically Aroma Lady Rose. I got a Bad EGG in a Luxury Ball with glitch moves in all four positions! But again, the properties of the Bad EGG are random.

To do this, I had to set up the glitch up again but with five Pokémon and the Pokémon you switched to in the fifth position, because the game won't let you swap the Bad EGG with one in the box for it being your 'last Pokémon'. I was unlucky and didn't get a similar glitch move, but to make things quicker I forced 0400 in battle with codes, then captured Rose's Shroomish.

To battle with it, I had it above my other Bad EGG, but not with any fainted Pokémon below it. So it's theoretically possible for stolen other Trainer's Pokémon not to freeze the game (it wouldn't be a theory if I didn't hack back 0400). Maybe the one that froze yours was a really unstable Decamark.


Edit: It doesn't let me exit the fight menu/select a move to check out the glitch moves.

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2014-04-21 12:20:55
I could play around with cheats and trade from Ruby to Colosseum, but I have a decent save file there and I really don't wish to risk it. Of course I could use Wii homebrew to backup the gamecube memory card contents, if such homebrew exists.

edit: Such homebrew definitely exists. I wonder what the Colosseum/XD savefile format is. There hasn't been that much research into those games at all, maybe I should grab the isos or dump my discs and look into them. It'd give me another excuse to look into PowerPC asm, and wiibrew has a nice article on it detailing some PPC instructions and the x86 equivilants.

edit 2: Pokemon Colosseum/XD both use 'protected savegames', meaning you can't copy them in the Wii/GC's interface, however GCMM (the homebrew I linked to above) supposedly can dump and restore them just fine.

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-04-21 13:02:20

Also, you can catch the Pokemon that attack you in the Battle Pike, but they disappear after the challenge.

If you catch more than three you'll keep the number you caught minus 3. When you go into the Battle Pike, you must use 3 Pokémon, so you have to catch 3 wild Pokémon to fill the party. Then if the next Pokémon you catch is sent to the box, you'll keep it there and it won't become a Bad EGG!

The validity of my experience is questionable as I haven't had Smeargle Sketch a battle changing move yet (I cheated to get the move on Swampert). Vae, do you have 4 Master Balls? Could you have a go at catching 4 wild Pike Pokémon for me and see if you keep a Level 95 Dusclops, etc, please? One factor that might influence things is that I used a Master Ball to catch a Trainer's Pokémon and then lost, instead of just forfeiting. I used the effect of viewing hex 0400 ("| { V []")'s name.

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: VaeporSage
Date: 2014-04-21 13:35:21
Good point. I actually only caught 3, then decided against catching more based on previous experiences with catching stuff that way whereby they merely disappeared. I'll give that a try and post back.

I've cloned over 500 Master Balls just to have them.  :P

Edit: Yep, worked just like you said.  ;)

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-04-21 14:22:34
Does anyone have a Black/White copy they can test the glitch move on? Also, what happens when you use the glitch move in a link/wifi battle (via Assist)?

Re: Pokemon FRLG/E: Clone Pokémon and get Bad EGGs/Glitch Moves using Pomeg Berry!

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-04-21 14:37:39

Does anyone have a Black/White copy they can test the glitch move on? Also, what happens when you use the glitch move in a link/wifi battle (via Assist)?

If you're using an emulator you could probably use ArtMoney to search for the (decimal) index number of the first move of the Fight menu, then change it and use 'filter' to search for the index number of the new move, and repeat until you get an address that manages the first move. I'm not sure if any of the newer Pokémon SAV editors support you giving Pokémon glitch moves?

Edit: But wait… I forgot for a second about the moves freezing the game when you view them. I'm not sure if you could easily use ArtMoney to get glitch moves with Assist. The moves might no longer exist when you run, and it's not easy changing the 'overworld' moves because of the data being even more encrypted than Generation III.