Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.
Posted by: ImAFurry
Date: 2018-06-22 16:23:53
The "!" thing makes me almost sure your glitch move is the right one. You description of the DMA check process fits as well; my guess is that you got something wrong with either your bootstrap pokemon or your items. If you still have clones of the pokemon before you corrupt them to get the items, maybe you could use some stats calculators online to get their EV's ? You can get their IV's by leveling up a clone with 0 EV and calcing them (then reset if you don't want to lose rare candies). I used these sites when i did this:
Also if it can help, my boostrap pokemon isn't an egg and works just fine.
I've checked all my Smeargles' EVs and they are fine, so I guess the issue is in the bootstrap poke so I'll get it from the start. What characters does it have in its name after both corruptions? (I don't know if it changes between different languages).