Re: Gen III: Access Pokémon beyond the sixth slot sub-glitches.
Posted by: Metarkrai
Date: 2016-04-12 05:02:14
First question, is the Perfect Initiator a better replacement for the initiator listed in the pastebin or is the one in the pastebin specialized for that type of corruption?
The initiator given in the pastebin (in-game traded Plusle with Growl only) works perfectly with the in-game traded Pokémon.
Thus, you don't need to make Caterpies corruption initiators if you only want to corrupt the in-game traded Pokémon. (it easens the procedure)
More generally, that Plusle will be a corruption initiator for all PID / TID whose leftmost hexadecimal character is 0,1,2,3,8,9,A,B.
But for PID/TID whose leftmost hexadecimal character is 4,5,6,7,C,D,E,F, you need a second corruption initiator.
And the fastest (and only) method I have to make one in Emerald is with the in-game traded Horsea.
With this Horsea, you can obtain corruption initiators for both cases (so 2 different corruption initiators).
I only discovered more recently that the in-game traded Plusle would fit as one corruption initiator, so I left the indications to obtain both corruption initiators from Horsea because I was used to it (to having two similar corruption initiators, one marked and one unmarked, instead of two different Pokémon acting as corruption initiators).
But if you wanted to corrupt a Pokémon of yours (like a Smeargle), that Pokémon would have your TID, and you would need one of the corruption initiators to corrupt that PID (but you won't know which one before testing it, or before knowing your Secret ID), same thing for the PID of the Pokémon (for the PID, you can still reset and catch other Pokémon with different PID).
By "perfect" corruption initiators, I meant corruption initiators that work (if you have both of them) for all PID and TID.
So don't worry, if you only want to obtain a Glitch Pokémon/Move/Item, you'll be fine with only Seedot and Plusle.
There are no "better" corruption initiators, the explanations about them aren't that clear nor that organized.