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The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon - Page 1

The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-02-10 12:13:02
It's been five years, since the outbrake of Shadow Pokemon. For long painful five years, many Pokemon, had suffered the wrath of the Shadow Pokemon, where some Pokemon, were taken against their will, and turned into dangerous fighting machines, Shadow Pokemon. So, now the Pokemon have had enough, of the Shadow Pokemon, and are willing to work with the humans, to fight against, the other's, to protect the Pokemon World. Some Pokemon were, murdered, during the progress, of becoming Shadow Pokemon. They tried to resist, the torcher, and strain, to stay pure, but they died, from the strain. Humans and Pokemon, work along side each other, to stop the creators, of the Shadow Pokemon, yet they plan on, turning the Legendary Pokemon, into Shadows. It's up to the Humans, and Pokemon, to protect the Legends, before it's too late.

Character Form(I've not RPed since TRsRockin' on my forums. So, I might be out of practice.)
(Note: You may have Glitches, but no Legends. You're Trainer can also be a Gym Leader, or an Elite Four Members, but we have to meet sooner or later, and you can't always not get hit. Your Pokemon will have to take damage, sooner or later.)
Location: (Means, what town are you from.)
Gym Leader: Yes/No
Elite Four: Yes/No.
History: (Don't have to fill this out.)

Here's mine:
Name: Mutou Yami (In English: Yami Mutou)
Age:19 (My character, is really 5000 years old, but he looks as if he's 19. Ages, between lower like 8/9 to higher, but not past 20.)
Gender: Male
Looks: [IMG][/img] (Yami, has red eyes, and red in his hair, and has 2 large golden inked tattoos, on his back, and has a sword scar above his heart.)
Pokemon: Mismagius (F), Houndoom (M, Zoltan), Houndoom, (F, Kage, Japanese for Shadow), Raiami (F, Raichu), Swellow (F, Ruby), Shiny Charizard (Kage Storm, lvl 100 M).
Glitches: None.
Location: Cerulean City.
Gym Leader: Yes.
Elite Four Member: No.
History: Yami, is the Gym Leader of Cerulean City. Yami, doesn't remember much about his past, nor much about what has happened, over the years. Yami's first Pokemon was an Houndour, but he had two, a male called Zoltan, and a female call Kage. Both are related, as they are brother and sister, while Zoltan is the smart one, where Kage, is just the normal, one, where she doesn't get into trouble. Yami has been living in Cerulean, for a long time, and has been the leader of the gym, for 14 years. Lately, there's been reports, about Shadow Pokemon attacks, in his hometown of Cerulean, and is willing to put an end, to the madness, and set the Shadow Pokemon, free, from their prisons, of darkness.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: CowgirlXena
Date: 2008-03-08 19:38:53
Name: Harley Alphin
Age: 20
Gender: female
Looks: [img][/img]
Pokemon: Espeon, Umbreon, Ryperior, Mismagius, Weavile and Flareon
Glitches: Missingno
Location: Eterna City
Gym Leader: No
Elite Four: Yes

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-03-08 19:48:42
Accepted. Trouble is, need 2 more so we can start, but who'd join?

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Bassmasta
Date: 2008-03-09 00:19:30
I'll join! ;D

Name: (Unknown, might be revealed at end.)
Nickname: Bassmasta J
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Looks: Shoulder length black hair, bass necklace, extremely torn jeans, tight leather jacket, sunglasses.
Pokemon: Wartortle, Shiny Nidorino, Dragonite, Tyrannitar, Metagross, Salamence, Garchomp, all Level 100.
Glitches: None
Hometown:Cinnabar Island
Current Location: Flying to Orre
Gym Leader: No
Elite Four: No
Champion: Yes
History: He used to be one of the legends of rock and was put into the rock n roll hall of fame. However, a giant group of Shadow Pokemon attacked him and his band shortly after they entered the hall of fame. They were controlled by a gang of people in silver-grey armor. Bassmasta was the only survivor. He was traumatized by that moment for almost a year and kept very mysterious, not trusting anyone until he really knew them. He stayed inside his home at Cinnabar Island, refusing to do anything related to music or Pokemon. He then got a call from the hospital explaining that his family got severly injured by Shadow Pokemon and that they might not make it. Because of this, he knew what he must do; become one of the legends of trainers, just like how he became a legend of rock. He started his journey in Pallet Town, with Squirtle as his starter. Once Squirtle evolved into its Wartortle stage, he grew a huge bond with the Wartortle stage and refused to evolve it when it was time. He went and caught all the pseudo-legendaries, along with a shiny Nidorino he found in the wild. After intense training, he finally achieved his goal to become a legend of trainer hall of famer. But he wasn't done yet. He wanted to find and stop the organizaton who killed his band members and who severly injured his family. The only region he hadn't visited was Orre, and he knew that the organization was there because there was no other organization in the other regions training Shadow Pokemon. He was last seen leaving Kanto's Cinnabar Island on his Dragonite for Orre.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-03-09 10:39:22
Accepted. Either one more, or we can kick start the Rp?

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-20 07:35:42
Name: Diane
Age: 10
Gender: female
Appearence: Short blond hair, pink skirt, red jumper, hairband(to keep hair in place)
Glitches: ????? 000 lv. 10
hometown: Mossdeep city
current location: heading to the mainland in a boat.
Other Pokemon: Nidoking lv. 18
Leader: no
E4/Champion: no
History:Diane is the cousin of Tate and Liza, the leaders of Mossdeep gym. She is a newbie trainer who Doesn't like fighting. She longs for a gym badge, so is travelling to Lilycove city to get to slateport city and find a gym. . also, her ????? doesn't like to be in a Pokeball.little does Diane know is that she'll meet some new friends and have her boat trip diverted along the way.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-20 07:47:18
Accepted. Right, Now we have enough we can kick start this, so I'll start this thing off.

It's a fine sunny morning in Cerulean City, where the townspeople, are always cheerful and friendly, as they walk around the City, talking with others, and doing their normal daily stuff. By the Pokemon Gym, appears to be a house, with a sign, by it, and inside the house, are Pokemon, as two large Houndooms, rest on the couch, but one of them gets up, then he walks out of the lounge, and goes upstairs to a bedroom, and shakes his head. So, the Houndoom walks in and jumped on the sleeping figure who nearly jumps out of his skin but fell from his bed and caught his temple on his table. "Ouch!" The other looks at the Houndoom who isn't laughing, but was a blushing from embarrassment.
"Never do that!" The male with the red eyes, glares at him and holds his bleeding temple and stood up. "Sorry, Yami I didn't meant to frighten you. You've overslept again." "I know, Zoltan. I can't help it." Zoltan looks up at Yami, at the large Egyptian tattoos on his back, and he walks out of the room.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-20 07:56:43

It's a snowy day in Mossdeep city, but the peacefulness is soon broken when an ear- splitting screech is heard.

*????? 000 comes in with two tickets.*
Diane: thank you, glitchey, at least someone is helpful.
now come on! we have to get to the boat before it leaves!

later,  on the boat… 

Diane: Hey, captain! Where's this boat going? I thought we were headed to Lilycove.
Mr. Briney: I can't control the boat! The water currents too fast!
*A dark shadow is cast over the boat*
Diane:Woah! is that a Pokemon? It looks different somehow…
*????? 000 disappears into Dianes bag*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-20 08:03:59
Meanwhile, back at Cerulean.

Yami, walks down stairs mumbling something in Egyptian, and Kage looks up hearing it, and she smiles.
"I see my brother- what happened?" "Your pesky brother, that's what." "So I see. Maybe you should get that but seen to." "I plan to." Kage watches Yami, while the blood runs down his right arm, and down onto his black leather clothing who again appears to swearing very colorfully in Egyptian and Kage shakes her head, able to understand what he's saying and sighs and she looks to the stairs when her brother comes down. "Ohayo Zoltan." "Ohayo Kage, Yami." "Morning Zoltan." Yami, sighed and he walks to the hall, and puts his boots on and walks out of the house, and goes to the Pokemon Center, to see how his Swellow, was doing after the violent attack in Cerulean City, a few days ago.

(Sorry for the Japanese, and Ohayo is Good Morning in Japanese.)

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-20 08:09:12
*The boat crashes into Vermillion city*

Diane: is everybody OK?
Mr.Briney: I'm fine. I think I'll stay here and repair my boat.
Diane: come on, glitchey!

*Through Saffron and into Cerulean city*
Diane: Hey! who's that? Hello, stranger!

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-20 08:13:11
A tall female with red hair turns to the girl. "Oh? Welcome to Cerulean City, and what brings you here?" She asked the young girl, and then the Pokemon Center doors, slide open and Yami walks out with stitches on his temple and he sighed and walks over to his Gym.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-20 08:16:30
Diane: Hi! I'm Diane! I was just wondering where I was, where the nearest gym was, and what this Pokemon is.
*Shows Dark looking Articuno on Pokedex screen*
*????? 000 turns white and disappears into Gym*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-20 08:18:46
Yami narrows his eyes, and shook his head and walks over to them.
"That would be a Shadow Pokemon. The closest Gym, is the one behind me." Yami, folds his arms across his light muscler chest who hasn't got his coat on, but appears to be quite tall.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-20 08:20:01
Diane: Shadow Pokemon? Hey! where'd my glitchey friend go?

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-20 08:22:59
Yami, thought for a second and he walks over to his Gym, and he unlocks the door and opens it, and walks in. A few seconds later, Yami walks out carrying the glitch in his arms who seems to struggle a lot. "Stop that. There's no S-Shadow Pokemon here. It's safe here." 'For now.' Yami put the glitch back down by Diane and sighed.

Also the '…' is when my character is thinking.