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The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon - Page 455

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-06-17 14:18:56
Yami: Settle down, for once!

Kage: This rate Yami, the pure jet-black in your hair will be grey this rate.

Yami: Your fur is turning white.

Kage: I wonder why.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-06-17 14:37:35
Brandon: You keep worrying Diane, and you'll be grey by your 20s.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-06-17 14:41:57
Yami: I've had one heart attack, before I don't want another one, thank you.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-06-17 15:24:35
*Brandon sighs*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-06-18 00:13:30
Kage: *Also sighs*

Yami: *Goes over to the window*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-06-18 13:22:02
Espeon: There isn't anything there. Yet…

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-06-18 13:31:35
Kage: *Looks at Yami* What's up?

Yami: Nothing. *Closes the curtians*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-06-18 14:21:28
Espeon: *sighs*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-06-18 14:27:02
Yami: *Sits down beside her* I just hope, that Pidgeot, thinks this is just an empty house…

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-06-18 14:53:35
*Espeon's tail moves*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-06-18 15:00:13
Zoltan: *Walks over to them and sighs* I think it's gone.

Yami: Good.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-06-18 15:34:50
Espeon: Yeah, I told it we were elsewhere. It believed me when I telepathically said I was a spy for its side and that we were hiding in the Team Rocket Hideout's lowest basement floor.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-06-18 15:38:58
Yami: *Sighs* At the moment, we really need to come up with a plan.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-06-19 11:11:39
Espeon: Ideas, anyone?

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-06-19 11:16:45
Yami: Nope. Kage?

Kage: I can't think of anything. Zoltan?

Zoltan: Me either.