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The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon - Page 138

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-06-01 00:10:28
Kage: *Snorts and jumps over him and goes to the Pokemon Center*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-06-01 00:12:31
ICE: Kira! For to be getting up! ICE has something to tell Kira!!!

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-06-01 00:13:53
Kira: Go away. You suck, at English.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-06-01 00:23:47
ICE: *Ignores* What's Vaccination? Type of sweet?

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-06-01 00:26:59
Kira: No, it's an injection.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-06-01 00:29:20
ICE: But.. what injection is? ICE has no clue.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-06-01 00:30:46
Kira: It's a needle. Where it goes into your arm or leg, and you get injected.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-06-01 00:35:57
ICE: Zoltan said it stops badness from hurting your insides. But needle thing sounds hurting in its own way.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-06-01 00:37:58
Kira: Zoltan, is right, and it does only for a few seconds, but it's better than dying, of an illness. Kage, has gone to get hers, so she'll be back soon.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Absol lover
Date: 2008-06-01 00:44:01
Deathfire: *Walks in* And I managed to escape when no-one was looking.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-06-01 00:45:28
Kira: Idiot. Kage, has gone to get hers. Zoltan, as well.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-06-01 00:55:41
ICE: Even Moon Angel and Espeon went. And Brandon's Zangoose. Today seems the perfect day to do this thing.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-06-01 00:56:42
Kira: I dunno if Decmarks, can get sick.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Absol lover
Date: 2008-06-01 01:05:31
Lucrio: *Walks in holding his arm* They can't. Oh, and Deathfire, Kage said you won't get a kiss if you keep hiding here any longer. *Whispers to Kira* [size=1]I'm just getting him to co-operate. Kage would never say that.[/size]

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-06-01 01:06:55
Kira: Hmm, I always said Decmarks, are weird.