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The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon - Page 18

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-26 16:07:37
Yami, shook his head. "Raiami Thunder Wave." Raiami used Thunder Wave, on MissingNo. then Yami used a Pokeball,a nd MissingNo. was caught, so Raiami picked up the ball and gave it to Yami, who gave it to Diane, and went back inside, his house.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2008-04-26 17:29:25
No, Diane, I was saying subliminally.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-26 17:31:28
Yami, places his right hand on the back of the couc ad he leaps over it and lands on the sofa, and looks up at the ceiling but his Houndoom's grin. "Dog pile!!" "! Uh oh…" Both Zoltan and Kage, jumped on Yami.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2008-04-26 17:33:58
I'm not a dog…"

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-26 17:36:02
"Get off me!" They just laughed. "…It doesn't mean you have to be one…"

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-27 04:12:56
Diane: Yami, thank you for the Missingno.! but… how did you do it? My attempts failed. And, Zoltan, Kage, get off of him please!
????? 000: Right. Next step, get a computer with internet. (then porn will be an option, hehe..)

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2008-04-27 09:20:52
Diamond's eyes dart over to ????? 000. "Gosh, what is wrong with you?"

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-27 12:02:38
Yami, pushed his Pokemon off him, and sat up. "I think ????? 000, has a "problem". I won't go into much detail, as Diane, is abit too young to understand, what I'm on about. And no I won't just for your, twisted, reason Glitchey." Yami, suddenly started coughing, but ended up bringing up blood. "Okay, that wasn't meant to happen…" Kage and Zoltan looked on with worry. "It's okay. Think one of my heavily cracked ribs, have broken…"

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2008-04-27 12:15:27
Ok. If it's heavily cracked, then you need a doctor. I'll call right away.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-27 13:33:14
Kage sat with Yami, who surprisingly stays calm.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-27 14:47:22
Diane: Yami, what's porn?
*????? 000 strts explaining, but Yami stops him(?) quickly*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-27 15:49:56
Yami, glares at Glitchey, then looks at Diane. "I'll tell you when your older" Kage jumped down carefully, and goes over to Zoltan.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2008-04-27 16:08:44
"I don't think she should know PERIOD."
Flaaffy! says Flaaffy in agreement.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-04-27 16:10:33
Yami, looks at Diamoind. "I think she should, but minus the perverted, Glitch.  And I think the broken rib, has launched it's self into my right lung… It'll explain why it hurts to much to breathe…" Yami appears to be talking about ????? 000.

(Okay, guys, we're gonna need the rest of you, who have joined. It can't just be us three.)

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-04-27 17:15:39
(Actually, it could, but it would be boring)
*Diane runs off to find every available doctor in Cerulean City to help, and comes back with 3 police officers, Nurse Joy and 7 Chansey*
Diane: This is all I could find to help you, Yami!
????? 000: (I'm not perverted, just curious) I found someone who could help too! *Makes a Jigglypuff appear*