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The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon - Page 83

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-05-18 13:44:39
(I always have a trouble spelling the bloody English version…)

Yami: I'm guessing she, must of been happy at night. When an Eevee is happy during the morning/day time, it'll become an Esepon, but at night, they become an Umbreon if still an Eevee. I'm guessing she felt bad for what happened to me when I tried to protect you both, and I end up like this, so I'm guessing she wanted to be stronger and to help stop anymore Shadow Pokemon.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-05-18 13:58:58
Moon Angel: You are right Yami. I wanted to become stronger, but remain cute. I just wanted to be able to protect Diane and you because… You're my best friends…

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-05-18 14:12:35
Yami: *Strokes Moon Angel* I know you did. Even your wounds are gone.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-05-18 14:26:53
Moon Angel: Oh, I didn't realize that. *Purrs as Yami strokes her*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-05-18 14:29:15
Yami: *Smiles and still strokes her fur* It should be easy to tell you and Moonlight apart, as your eyes are differnet color and your fur is also a lighter shade of black.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-05-18 14:33:50
Moon Angel: What do you mean? I thought all Umbreon had Green eyes.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-05-18 14:37:51
Yami: *Laughs* No, you all have red eyes, but your are like my eye color but a pinker, and your fur again is jet-black but more lighter.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-05-18 15:06:57
*Moon Angel starts purring again*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-05-18 15:08:00
Yami: *Looks out the window still carefully stroking Moon Angel's fur*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-05-18 15:08:46
Diane: Hey Yami, have you seen Brandon?

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-05-18 15:10:13
Yami: *Looks at her* No, why? I'm sure he isn't far.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-05-18 15:20:40
Diane: It's just… What if… You know… IT comes back and attacks him? He'll stand less of a chance than me.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-05-18 15:23:06
Yami: It's day-light, Shadow Pokemon dislike day-light.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-05-18 16:20:40
Diane: Not exactly. They just are at full power late at night.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-05-18 17:15:15
Yami: It's gonna get late, and it's dangerous wondering around at night, so why don't you lot head back. I'll be back hopefully before it's fully dark.