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The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon - Page 258

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-07-30 05:29:59
Kira: *Throws a cushion at Espeon*

Yami: Don't get her upset Espeon. She's had magor surgery.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-07-30 05:31:27
Espeon: Well, Moon Angel WANTED to know.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-07-30 05:40:38
Yami: Could of asked, without reading what we're trying to say.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-07-30 06:31:45
Espeon: My methods are more fun.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-07-30 06:57:37
Yami: Not if you want me to come over there, and stangle you.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-07-30 06:59:28
Espeon: I can wipe your memory with my powers, you know.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-07-30 07:08:11
Yami:I can eaisly restore them.


Yami: Alright calm down, calm down.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-07-30 07:24:13
*Espeon walks off, after wiping everbody's memory of Espeon being there at that moment*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-07-30 07:29:40
Yami: I'll murder him. *It seems due to Yami's magic his memory cmes back*

Kira: ….

Yami: Kira?

Kira: …T-think I'm bleeding…

Yami: Oh, shit.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-07-30 07:45:56
Moon Angel: What were we doing in this past half hour?

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-07-30 07:48:50
Yami: Espeon, being a shit again. *Carefully helps Kira to stand up and they leave the house*

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-07-30 07:51:29
Moon Angel: I don't remember anything like that happening.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-07-30 08:00:00
Moonlight: He erased your memory, but due to Yami's magic, he can't lose his.

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2008-07-30 08:21:17
Moon Angel: Oh, he's dead when I find him. SO DEAD!

Re: The Ultimate Showdown: Team Pokemon vs Team Shadow Pokemon

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-07-30 08:33:38
Moonlight: Go right a head.