Re: The Member's Guide to Topiclessness
Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2009-09-13 00:27:59
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"Optimus Maximus" more like "Optimus Big Waste of Money-us" amirite
lies! You lied! it's awesome!
The best keyboard is the wii keyboard!
I disagree. The Wii keyboard consumes much more time and energy than a regular keyboard. It also removes the ability to Copy and Paste, as well as run other programs simultaneously. The only useful feature is the availability of accented letters and symbols.
lies! You lied! it's awesome!
The best keyboard is the wii keyboard!
I disagree. The Wii keyboard consumes much more time and energy than a regular keyboard. It also removes the ability to Copy and Paste, as well as run other programs simultaneously. The only useful feature is the availability of accented letters and symbols.
"Optimus Maximus" more like "Optimus Big Waste of Money-us" amirite
"Optimus Maximus" more like "Optimus Big Waste of Money-us" amirite
Does it battle evil robot keyboards?
lies! You lied! it's awesome!
The best keyboard is the wii keyboard!
I disagree. The Wii keyboard consumes much more time and energy than a regular keyboard. It also removes the ability to Copy and Paste, as well as run other programs simultaneously. The only useful feature is the availability of accented letters and symbols.
It's only usefulness is it being a keyboard for the Wii.
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on lately. No I'm not working yet but I have a whole bunch of other great s**t going on such as school work and the fact I'm growing bored of the internet for reasons I don't even know!
At the same time, I'm kind of depressed with living in the real world….
There isn't a single day I don't go through where at least once, I think of how much of a loser I am…..
f**k Nicole Parker! She made me this way!
Bleh, school sucks for me this year.