Re: Thread of Topic-lessness
Posted by: hoggins
Date: 2007-12-12 14:23:55
Could you put your lyrics in spoilers next time? It would make scrolling up & down the page a lot easier.
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5.: Don't be annoying.
Ah, so you don't EVER have to look at them.
You can continue that one OK?
8) : Meanwhile, I, the John Lennon smiley, shall continue doing stuff that only Guy knows.
Bet you never read the Latin XD.
I want you to try to do it since I'm out of ideas.
I bet you never read my big post either, but, ah, who cares.
Continuing now.
In response to me changin my title, I shall continu my glitch smiley story.
8) <–me
8) Hey what happened?! What have they done to my ager bonus?
(}O Glitch Trainer, it seems the farmer that worked on ager bonus, or ager malus as it is now, is there,
:-X One thing to do I guess. Gonna hafta ZZAZZ him.
(}O This could be tough. Frankly, ager bonus (er…malus) doesn't exist in the games with us. There in GCL world you never know what's gonna happen.
:-X And if worst comes to worst…
(}O (gravely) Yes…
Glitchus gangus agrum bonum occupabant. Agrum bonum superant. Hodie et diu ager bonus est ager malus. Sed glitchus gangus Guyum agricolam non spectant. Iam Aenean convocat pugnare.
…Not really.
Well look out for the next episode!
I've seen cookie cake before.