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General Discussion

The Member's Guide to Topiclessness - Page 252

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2018-12-02 12:15:42
I didn't know rot-13 was involved in the game; I was just referring back to what I did in my previous post to avoid spoilers.

Thanks for all the info. fqsyvyij is tough so far, probably just because I still need to get more used to the battle system (I'm dreading the last cujqjjed fight…). I had no idea wudesytu was considered easy! I might be one of the few to end up disagreeing at this rate. :P It really is an amazing game, though, giving me more than enough reason to push through the difficult parts. The storytelling, the hilarity, the style emphasizing what makes people still prefer 16-bit, the sheer weirdness on top of it all (well, I suppose I should say underneath :P )…I didn't think I'd find a game that would make this kind of impression on me after Zero Escape.

I'll keep all those reminders in mind before delving into Deltarune. I will probably check out the OST pretty soon, though.

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-12-02 15:00:14
wudesytu overall isn't easy at all, it's just that it's easy most of the time, but these two difficulty spikes are… WHEW
It's also designed so you can't do it accidentally (just the Ruins requirement requires hours unless you do the speedrun strat, which is to press U+D near a wall to wall hump, and step into a loading zone as soon as possible after exiting the fight). It's also designed under the assumption that you do it last.

Overall I was saying that wudesytu is not very rewarding, which makes it awesomely designed. If you haven't understood why yet, you soon will. :3

Honestly, the game is intended for you to do fqsyvyij – it's balanced for that, and often if you die during a boss fight, it'll speed up your next attempts, so it's much less frustrating. (On the other hand, wudesytu's marathon bosses WON'T be cut down, should you die. Again, this is part of its design and it's frckin awesome.)

As far as I'm aware, there's not rot-13 anywhere in the game, I think it was just Parzi being confused about the cipher you used.

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2018-12-04 15:47:30
Regarding the "attack of the guests" (Chinese bots):

[img width=734 height=422][/img]

There are [size=20pt]15,005[/size] consecutive entries of this. :XD: (They stop shortly after midnight on November 30.)

You're making me more and more excited for that ending, Isso.

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Yenatech
Date: 2018-12-04 16:22:17
How you know they chinese bots?

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2018-12-04 16:28:50
This says that IPs between and are from a Chinese location.

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-12-05 00:31:44

You're making me more and more excited for that ending, Isso.

I'm confident that you won't be disappointed. :D

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Couldntthinkofaname
Date: 2018-12-05 06:45:42
Are you running Deltarune or Undertale, Sherk?

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-12-05 08:01:00
Undertale, for now

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2018-12-05 08:53:59
"Running" is a bit of a strong word, as it's my first time playing, but yes, as Isso said. :)

And to anyone who missed it, this is pretty great:

After Mighteyena takes down Wally's Gardevoir, it seems Wally confronts the Mighteyena himself

Apparently Zap Cannon has a 1/256 chance not to paralyze in Stadium 2!

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-12-06 04:04:17
Someone on GBDev came, and made a GB Hello World…
…by binary editing their ROM.


They're super nice, they're curious and open-minded, which is great (esp. after all the joshua stuff here, and the npzman case there)

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Couldntthinkofaname
Date: 2018-12-06 07:03:24

Someone on GBDev came, and made a GB Hello World…
…by binary editing their ROM.

Haha, I tried that once, but I quickly got bored and my head started hurting.

They're super nice, they're curious and open-minded, which is great (esp. after all the joshua stuff here, and the npzman case there)

I came in GBDev shortly after that case, but I heard mentions of npz's antics… he's quite the catch, it seems! :P


Wondering if anyone with experience in the WinApi can help me out here.

My code goes as follows:

.386 ; Assemble for Intel 8036

.model flat,stdcall ; memory model is flat, callee cleans up stack

include \masm32\include\ ; Defines symbol used for calling kernel32's functions

includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib ; Tells the linker to link kernel32


entryPt proc
local inHandle:DWORD
local outHandle:DWORD
; I'm very hungry!
push -11 ; Give me the Standard output handle!
call GetStdHandle ; Nom nom!
mov outHandle,eax

push -10 ; Give me the Input Handle!
call GetStdHandle ; Nom Nom!
mov inHandle,eax

.while (eax == eax) ; WHILE TRUE
  push inhandle
  call FlushConsoleInputBuffer ; Now, this is SUPPOSED to clean the input buffer, but i'll explain why i don't think it's working

  push 0 ; This parameter is required to be null
  push 0 ; Pointer to a buffer which will receive the number of bytes actually written. For some reason, this can be null for WriteConsole, but not ReadConsole
  push sizeof txt
  push offset txt
  push outHandle
  call WriteConsole

  call pollByte

  .if (al == "a")
push 0 ; Exit Code 0
call ExitProcess ; Bye!

entryPt endp

pollByte proc
local garbo:DWORD
local res:BYTE
local handle:DWORD

push -10
call GetStdHandle
mov handle,eax

push 0 ; don't care for pInputControl
lea eax,garbo ; where the "how much chars were actually written" goes
push eax
push 1 ; I only want one byte
lea eax,res ; the buffer
push eax
push handle
call ReadConsole
movzx eax,res
pollByte endp


txt db "Type a: "

end entryPt ; End file and define entry point for the linker

OOPS! Posted early. I'll edit when i'm done. Done.

The problem is, the program prints out "Type a:" as it should and when I type "a", the program returns, also what it should.

But should I type any letter other than "a", the next line the program will print out is "Type a:  Type a:  Type a: ", and if I type more letters than one, the program will printout more "Type a"s

I suspect the reason behind this is because ReadConsole is reading the previous input and therefore ending the function before polling for more bytes. But isn't FlushConsoleInputBuffer supposed to clean previous inputs?

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-12-07 00:46:29
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Parzival
Date: 2018-12-07 11:17:55

As far as I'm aware, there's not rot-13 anywhere in the game, I think it was just Parzi being confused about the cipher you used.

He said rot-16 before and then used rot-13 in his messages, which caused me confusion.

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2018-12-08 22:58:54

xebo iqdi, jxqj jhku fqsyvyij udtydw…je jxyda jxuhu mqi ijybb qbb jxyi qvjuh jxu vyhij hkd…mxuhu te y ulud ruwyd?! jxu bqr, jxu qcqbwqci, jxu udjhyui, qdt jxud vydqbbo qihyub!! y jxekwxj dejxydw mekbt jef jxu fxejeixef vbemuo vywxj (mubb, jxuhu yi ijybb iqdi…), rkj jxqj edu luho mubb cywxj xqlu myjx yji ikttud judiyed, jxu lyikqbi, jxu todqcysi…rkj mqyj, xu mqi vbemuo jee, ie jxqj cqaui iudiu! eh…?

je ru xeduij, y ijybb xqlu jedi ev gkuijyedi, rejx qrekj jxydwi kdqdimuhut qvjuh jxu dukjhqb udtydw qdt qrekj dum ubucudji vhec jhku fqsyvyij. cqoru y ijybb duut je qdimuh uluho gkuijyed yd-wqcu qbb jxu feiiyrbu mqoi je kdtuhijqdt (eh jxuo'bb ru qdimuhut yd wudesytu). byau, mxo yi vbemuo/qihyub jxuhu qj jxu ijqhj? xem tyt jxu fbqouh wuj temd jxuhu? mxe yi vhyia? y jxekwxj yj sxqdwut co dqcu rusqkiu qihyub tuijheout jxu iqlu vybu, rkj mxud y sxusaut jxu cudk y mqi ijybb sqbbut mxqj y iqyt qj jxu ijqhj. ie mxe yi jxu fbqouh sxqhqsjuh jxud? yi jxu iqlu vybu cuqdj je hufhuiudj iecujxydw, sediytuhydw xem evjud qihyub/vbemuo huvuhi je yj? ifuqaydw ev mxysx, mxuhu tyt qbb jxu iqlu feydji yd jxu whqo luhiyed ev jxu xekiu we? mxqj ulud yi jxu whqo luhiyed ev jxu xekiu? mxuhu yi qihyub qvjuh jxu cqzeh sxqhqsjuhi we je jxu ikhvqsu? xem tyt xu jkhd ydje vbemuo? yj mqi fherqrbo jxu webt vbemuh vhec qrelu jxu ikhvqsu, rkj jxud xem tyt qiwehu qdt jehyub dej dejysu? mxe mqi jxu vyhij xkcqd jxqj vubb temd? mqyj, mqi jxqj vhyia? rkj jxud, mxe mqi y fbqoydw qi? teui jxqj xqlu je te myjx mxo vbemuo/qihyub yi jxuhu qj jxu ijqhj? ie mxe yi jxu fbqouh sxqhqsjuh jxud? yi jxu iqlu vybu cuqdj je hufhuiudj iecujxydw, sediytuhydw xem evjud qihyub/vbemuo huvuhi je yj? ifuqaydw ev mxysx, mxuhu tyt qbb jxu iqlu feydji yd jxu whqo luhiyed ev jxu xekiu we?

…mqyj, y qiaut jxeiu qbhuqto! rkj iuhyekibo, xem tyt qbfxoi wuj jxeiu jqfui ev qihyub qdt jxu vyhij xkcqd? mxo muhu jxuo qbb rbqsa ulud jxekwx jxuo'hu unfbysyjbo huvuhhut je qi lytue jqfui? qbie, mqi jxu vyhij xkcqd vhyia? rkj jxu jqfu husehtydwi kiut jxu dqcu y jofut yd…ie mxe mqi y fbqoydw qi? yv jxuo'hu jxu iqcu, teui jxqj xqlu je te myjx mxo vbemuo/qihyub yi jxuhu qj jxu ijqhj? qbfxoi'i udjhyui ikwwuijut jxqj ixu ydzusjut vbemuo myjx tujuhcydqjyed, ie yj mqi fherqrbo jxu webt vbemuh vhec qrelu jxu ikhvqsu, rkj jxud xem tyt qiwehu qdt jehyub dej dejysu? ifuqaydw ev jxeiu jxhuu, mxe mqi jxu vyhij xkcqd jxqj vubb temd? mqyj, mqi jxqj vhyia?

…ixeej, dej qwqyd! mubb, wkuii yj'i jycu veh wudesytu. jxqj eh y huqbbo mqid'j fqoydw qjjudjyed…

All that out of the way, I very much approve of that first screenshot of 14S. ;)

If you haven't played Undertale, just pretend I'm the Safari Warden until you do.

Re: The Glitchy Thread of Topiclessness (#3)

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-12-08 23:19:07
Glad you liked the picture! :) I want to play it, just have been too busy doing other things ha ha. :(