Re: The Member's Guide to Topiclessness
Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-10-22 21:08:59
Thank God nobody has continiued the quote pyramid. (Wait, now that I said that, someone will revive it. Oh s**t.)
I don't believe in quote pyramids.
Quote pyramid, you say?And some nailswin
Now to show you a picture of me in the shower.And adding some fixingThat's news to me.I was thinking the exact same thing, but what if the horse is feminine? Would a female slave be a "servus"?
*facepalms at everyone facepalming*
On another note, I will probably start learning japanese this year.
I don't learn a second language until high school.
Japanese? Good choice. Spanish is the only decent choice for me, but I picked Latin, quod est optimus.
Equa est magna et bonum.
You have a mega boner? *Shot repeatedly then thrown into volcano*
Its Latin for "the horse is big and good." wrong isn't it? That's the only Latin phrase I remember, most likely because the phrase was in a Latin textbook.
Should be "Equa est magna et bona" IIRC.
No, it's "Equus est magnus et bonus" because "equus" is masculine, not feminine.
…I've been called a "Latin extinguisher" for a reason.
Even if it's a female horse, the word is masculine. It all has to do with declensions, which are groups of nouns that dictate endings. Oh yes, and there's an entirely different word for a female slave: ancilla. Similarly, "miles" is a soldier, but "bellatrix" is a female warrior. We were just discussing this in Latin class.
estne Aegyptius? quod res Aegyptias amo.
Translation for non-Latin speaking folks: Is it Egyptian? Because I love Egyptian things.
Its been over two years since I had a Latin class so most of the stuff is hazy. (Plus the fact that I failed it doesn't help the situation either.)
Fixed. :P
And a little more fixing with some duck tape.
No nuts and bolts? *shot*
No, but plenty of rivets and welding.
Don't we have a game for this?
Yes, but it failed.