Re: The Member's Guide to Topiclessness
Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2009-09-22 21:41:33
(Holy crap!)
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I was wondering why the hell you were staring at 'flygonlover's' profile for 10 minutes.
I only have made 807 posts in all. I'd imagine that a few of the extra ones not listed were deleted twice by me from the trash. (Yeah, you can delete your own posts from the trash if you didn't know that. They disappear FOREVER!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA!!! XD)
I was wondering why the hell you were staring at 'flygonlover's' profile for 10 minutes.
Wow, stalker alert.
I was wondering why the hell you were staring at 'flygonlover's' profile for 10 minutes.
Wow, stalker alert.
No, not a stalker- I frequently check Who's Online when GCL is active while I'm logged on, and I couldn't help but notice you looking at your old profile.
If I was a stalker, than I'm….
I was wondering why the hell you were staring at 'flygonlover's' profile for 10 minutes.
Wow, stalker alert.
No, not a stalker- I frequently check Who's Online when GCL is active while I'm logged on, and I couldn't help but notice you looking at your old profile.
If I was a stalker, than I'm….
EDIT: I thought I did spoiler it. Oh well… *curses shitty internet*