Re: The Member's Guide to Topiclessness
Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2010-03-18 23:10:35
I think I'm addicted to my multivitamins.
For some reason this reminded me of this:
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I think I'm addicted to my multivitamins.
I've never really paid attention to these sorts of things. It always seems just as active to me, except the occasional day of very little activity.
For a long time? I think three months ago it was somewhat more active.
Appears to be useless
\why is it there…
[font=segoe script]Good for you
Dunsparce > you.
[font=segoe script]Good for you
Dunsparce > you.
[font=segoe script]Yes I did…[font=segoe script]Good for you
Dunsparce > you.
You didn't use your main font.
[font=wingdings]Segeo script remains my favorite font[/font]
[font=segoe ui]I am experimenting with fontfaces.[/font]
[font=segoe script]Toasy cats are not against the rules in any shape or form
I has new avatar.
Is it against the rules?