Re: Thread of Topic-lessness 2
Posted by: PichuUmbreon
Date: 2008-02-18 12:01:51
Corny joke, yes.[/spoiler3]
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So, uhh…
Corny joke, yes.[/spoiler3]
What is that supposed to be anyway?
So, uhh…
Corny joke, yes.[/spoiler3]
What is that supposed to be anyway?
You shall never eat at McDonald's again. This is really real.
[spoiler3=McDonald's Chicken Head Nugget] [img]**http%3A//[/img] [/spoiler3]
This occured in Virginia, fortuantely, it was a prank.
Bizarre, ain't it.
Then rdae the lsesons!
Nda lpignls ghrit!
oly hit! )lts gt bk n tpklssnss!(
Hey everyone, this is a reminder to not spam here.