Re: The Member's Guide to Topiclessness
Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2010-02-01 14:43:21
Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.
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The rules were last updated June 4, 2009.
July 15, 2009
We only have a few rules here:
[li]Don't be stupid.[/li]
[li]Keep it work safe.[/li]
[li]Don't exploit loopholes. You should know what this means.[/li]
[li]We expect proper English from all members, with the exception of people who show an obvious difficulty in typing the English language. Do not use shortcuts or pointless abbreviations. "Pok?mon" is always "Pok?mon" ("Pokemon" is acceptable too) - never "pokes", "pkmn", or "pkm", for example. "to" is always "to", "too" is "too", never "2". "You" is "you", never "u". "People" is "people", never "ppl". Capitalize words that are supposed to be capitalized (anything in the beginning of a sentence and the pronoun "I"). "It takes too long to type" is NOT a valid excuse. If you don't want to spend time writing proper posts, do not post at all. Lazy people are always the first to go when the banhammer drops. In addition, please refrain from "net speak"/"AOL speak"/"txt speak". Also, posts consisting entirely of emoticons are not allowed.[/li]
[li]Moderators are authorized to remind members to use proper English and may edit posts in order to prod users who do not.[/li]
[li]For those new to English or those who are working to improve their grammar, an informative grammer guide is located here[/li]
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[li]Do not act rude towards users who make mistakes, particularly new users. See this for an explanation.[/li]
That's really it. Use common sense, and you won't get banned. There are some other things you should know:
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- Swearing is allowed. Don't like it? Go somewhere else then.
We hope you enjoy your stay at Glitch City Laboratories Forums.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 10:57:55 pm by Zach the Glitch Buster »
Ah, I see.
Zach may not have made a major update to the rules. I can't tell what he edited, but an edit isn't necessarily an update. He may have simply corrected spelling or adjusted wordage.
I'll fix it.Ah, I see.
Zach may not have made a major update to the rules. I can't tell what he edited, but an edit isn't necessarily an update. He may have simply corrected spelling or adjusted wordage.
Oh, and you(or some other admin) needs to change Pok?mon to Pokémon.
can we get the Youtube embedder thing back up and running anytime soon?
Also, I wonder what happened to Tachi. I haven't saw him in months. His affect on the boards kind of sticks to with you. Since he hasn't been on in a while it feels kind of odd IMO. Not saying I wish for him to come back or anything just saying it feels different.
One more thing. I laughed at this topic:,5708.msg115069/boardseen.html#new
Its so much fun when people troll spammers.
Also, I wonder what happened to Tachi. I haven't saw him in months. His affect on the boards kind of sticks to with you. Since he hasn't been on in a while it feels kind of odd IMO. Not saying I wish for him to come back or anything just saying it feels different.
Also, I wonder what happened to Tachi. I haven't saw him in months. His affect on the boards kind of sticks to with you. Since he hasn't been on in a while it feels kind of odd IMO. Not saying I wish for him to come back or anything just saying it feels different.
Remember that thread he had where he said his girlfriend ditched him?
Also, I wonder what happened to Tachi. I haven't saw him in months. His affect on the boards kind of sticks to with you. Since he hasn't been on in a while it feels kind of odd IMO. Not saying I wish for him to come back or anything just saying it feels different.
Remember that thread he had where he said his girlfriend ditched him?
Also, I wonder what happened to Tachi. I haven't saw him in months. His affect on the boards kind of sticks to with you. Since he hasn't been on in a while it feels kind of odd IMO. Not saying I wish for him to come back or anything just saying it feels different.
Remember that thread he had where he said his girlfriend ditched him?
Vaguely. I honestly don't give a damn about what happened to him.
In other news:
It's fairly obvious who and what at around 1:30. How AWESOME
I don't get it. Should I have sound on?
Also, I wonder what happened to Tachi. I haven't saw him in months. His affect on the boards kind of sticks to with you. Since he hasn't been on in a while it feels kind of odd IMO. Not saying I wish for him to come back or anything just saying it feels different.
Remember that thread he had where he said his girlfriend ditched him?
Vaguely. I honestly don't give a damn about what happened to him.
In other news:
It's fairly obvious who and what at around 1:30. How AWESOME
I don't get it. Should I have sound on?
Also, I wonder what happened to Tachi. I haven't saw him in months. His affect on the boards kind of sticks to with you. Since he hasn't been on in a while it feels kind of odd IMO. Not saying I wish for him to come back or anything just saying it feels different.
Remember that thread he had where he said his girlfriend ditched him?
Vaguely. I honestly don't give a damn about what happened to him.
In other news:
It's fairly obvious who and what at around 1:30. How AWESOME